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Use Discord to the fullest without paying a monthly Nitro fee
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Are you trying to get Discord Nitro for free? Discord Nitro is Discord's premium subscription that gives you some pretty great perks, such as the ability to have a different profile for each server you're in and use emojis from all of your servers anywhere. There are a few ways to get free Nitro, but some have more eligibility restrictions than others. In this article, we'll go over how to get free Nitro from promotions, giveaways, server rewards, and gifts. Keep reading to learn more.

Ways to Get Discord Nitro for Free

  • Take advantage of special promotions for a free month of Discord Nitro if you meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Join servers that do Nitro giveaways or give out free Nitro for server rewards.
  • Ask your friends for a free two-week Nitro trial or for a Nitro sub as a gift.
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Special Promotions

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  1. These promotions usually involve downloading another program, but sometimes, they require you to have a specific subscription. Sometimes Discord itself will also offer various Nitro promotions.
  2. They come and go, so check Google or your favorite search engine often for more promotions. The only promotion we could find that is still available is this one from SteelSeries , which involves downloading the SteelSeries GG app. Some other recent promotions include:
  3. For most promotions, you can only redeem them if you have yet to subscribe to Discord Nitro for at least 12 months/1 year. However, read the fine print for each promotion, as each promo will have different terms and requirements.
    • For example, you could get Discord's summer 2024 Nitro BOGO promo if you hadn't subbed to Nitro within the last ten days, or you were upgrading from Nitro Basic or Classic to standard Nitro.
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  1. Some servers are created specifically for the purpose of giving away free Nitro, while other servers may do Nitro giveaways as a reward to active server members.
    • If a server has done Nitro giveaways for active members in the past, consider joining that server and becoming active in it. However, you should only join a server you actually want to join, because it will likely be more difficult to maintain high activity in a server that talks about things you don't care about.
    • Look for Nitro giveaway servers on sites like DisBoard . DisBoard allows server owners to advertise their servers, and others can even leave reviews. When looking for a Nitro giveaway server, look for servers with a lot of members, and preferably one with positive reviews.
      • Note that Nitro giveaway servers may also have certain requirements to be eligible for the giveaway.
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Server Rewards

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  1. Some servers offer rewards for "leveling up" on that server, which is usually done by chatting, and your level is calculated by a Discord bot.
    • You can also use DisBoard to find servers that offer Nitro as a server reward. Once again, look for servers with a lot of members and ones with good reviews.
      • Note that these servers may have certain requirements to be eligible for leveling up and server rewards.
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  1. Current Nitro members can give their friends a free two-week trial of Nitro. Each eligible Nitro member has three trials to give out. Discord says these trials may refresh over time, but it is not clear when or how this happens. [1]
    • To be eligible for the free Nitro trial, you must not have had a Nitro subscription in the last 30 days, and you must not have accepted another trial offer.
    • To send a Nitro trial, go to Settings > Nitro , then click Select Friends under the "Share Nitro with Friends" header.
  2. If your friends are asking what to buy you for your birthday or a holiday, consider asking them for a gift of Nitro . All Discord users can send a Nitro subscription as a gift, including monthly and yearly plans for either Nitro or Nitro Basic. [2]
    • Nitro plans are $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. Nitro Basic plans are $2.99 per month or $29.99 per year.
    • To send Nitro as a gift, go to Settings > Nitro , then click Gift Nitro under the "Give the gift of Nitro" heading.
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Avoiding Scams

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  1. If you didn't sign up for a Nitro giveaway and don't know the person attempting to gift you free Nitro, it's best to ignore the message. This is likely a scam trying to get your private information. [3]
  2. A Nitro gift or free trial will never be a separate link or QR code and is a built-in Discord button sent to you via a direct message. These are likely phishing links looking to steal or scrape your personal information.
  3. To do this, either right-click (desktop) or long-press (mobile) the scam message, then click Report message . Select Something else and then Hacks, cheats, phishing or malicious links . Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the report , then block the user so they can't keep sending you scammy links.
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