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Shark Tank is a wildly popular reality TV show on ABC. If you have a great product or business and can envision yourself among the other entrepreneurs on the show, consider auditioning. Apply by visiting the show’s website or by attending an open casting call. You will need a good pitch and a bold personality to get in. If you hear back after your audition, you may get an opportunity to strike a deal with the “sharks,” or the investors, on national TV.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Meeting Application Requirements

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  1. Even if your business has yet to take off, look into applying for a patent. Submitting a patent application requires a fee ranging from $200 to $500 USD on average. To complete the patent, you need to describe your invention’s purpose and function in clear, definite terms. [1]
    • Access the U.S. Patent Office's application at https://www.uspto.gov/patents-application-process/file-online .
    • Patenting your idea prevents other people from stealing it. You can patent any new, useful idea, process, or product. Your claim is protected even while the patent is pending. [2]
    • Consider contacting a patent attorney to help you complete the application. Hiring an attorney costs about $5,000 to $10,000 on average.
  2. As with any reality show, Shark Tank has certain eligibility requirements you must meet before you apply. You do not have to live in the U.S. to be eligible for the show, but you do need to be a citizen or granted permanent residency. That means being born in the U.S., being born to American citizens in other countries, or applying for permanent residency.
    • If you live in another country, you will need to travel in order to attend casting calls or the show. Keep this in mind when deciding if you’re ready to apply.
  3. The standard age of consent in the U.S. is 18. That is the rule limiting who the producers can legally allow on Shark Tank . Children can appear on the show, however. If you’re not of age yet, you will need an adult to sign all of the participation documents the show producers give you.
    • The average age of consent is 18, but this varies slightly from state to state. The age of majority may be a little different where you live.
  4. The show has a few extra requirements that may affect your eligibility in some cases. For a full list of requirements, visit the show’s website when you download or submit your application.
    • Convicted felons are not allowed on the show. If you have felony or misdemeanor charges pending, you can’t apply.
    • You and your immediate family members cannot be employed by Finmax LLC, Sony Pictures Television Inc, or other companies involved in the show’s production. You can’t be employed by these companies 1 year before you apply.
    • You are ineligible if you are a candidate for public office. You must also agree not to run for public office until 1 year after the initial broadcast of the last episode of the season you appear in.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Submitting an Electronic Application

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  1. Technically, the show accepts applications any time of the year. If the show’s producers aren’t holding open casting calls, your application may get buried during the filming process, though. Casting calls happen throughout the year, so keep a close eye on the Shark Tank website. [3]
    • Look for casting call dates at https://abc.go.com/shows/shark-tank/open-call .
    • Waiting to apply is no guarantee you will get an audition. Your application may get lost in the shuffle. Lots of people want to get on the show!
  2. The application is separate from the television network’s website, although you can access it through there. The application consists of a series of questions on a single page, so it doesn’t take too long to complete. Make sure you have plenty of time to think through your responses.
  3. The top part of the application is about your biographical information. Questions ask for your name, age, contact information, and occupation. The producers use this information to get an idea of who you are and how to keep in touch with you. Double-check the information to ensure it is all correct, particularly your contact information.
    • Some examples of occupations to list include nurse or firefighter. Like other demographic information, your occupation may be a part of your pitch to the show. The producers often take advantage of these details to pick applicants with compelling stories.
    • You do not need to provide biographical information about your business partners. All you have to do is list their names where the application instructs you to.
  4. The second half of the application is about your reason for applying. List the name of your product or business and include a link to your website if you have one. Then, click on the categories that best describe your business or product. Finish by typing in a basic, non-confidential description of what you’re pitching.
    • Examples of the categories describing your business or product include technology, sports, entertainment, and pets.
    • The form will ask what phase your business or product is in. Phases include the idea stage, research and development, beta testing, and operating and shipping.
    • Focus on pitching your dream rather than the figures. Facts and figures are important, but drive, determination, and passion really sell ideas to casting directors.
  5. Capture your work in a positive light in order to impress the producers. Put your product in a room with good lighting and take a quick photo that highlights its appearance. If you have a business, try getting a picture of your storefront with your logo and your product. When you’re done, hit the submit button to send the application on its way. [4]
    • Submitting a photo is optional. If your product or business is in the idea stage, you won’t have anything to submit. If you can submit an image, do it to boost your application.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Attending a Live Casting Call

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  1. Open casting calls happen about 5 times a year at different locations throughout the U.S. Keep an eye on that schedule from the beginning of the year to find the best date and location for you. Each listing includes an address and an event schedule. [5]
    • The casting call schedule is posted at https://abc.go.com/shows/shark-tank/open-call .
    • In 2019, for instance, casting calls happened in Washington, California, Tennessee, Nebraska, Arkansas, and New York. These locations change from year to year.
  2. You need to bring a completed application with you to the open audition. The application is similar to the online application but longer. It asks various questions about you and your business or product. Hand the application to the casting team as soon as you arrive at the venue. [6]
    • Print out the application by visiting https://abc.go.com/shows/shark-tank/applications .
    • Some example questions include “What are the biggest hurdles you have had to face?” and “What will you do with the investment money?”
    • If you are applying with a team of collaborators, each person needs to fill out their own application.
  3. The casting crew hands out wristbands when the venue opens. Everyone who shows up in time gets a wristband, although this doesn’t necessarily guarantee you get an audition. The wristbands are all numbered. People with low-numbered wristbands get to audition first. [7]
    • The crew typically hands out wristbands from 9 to 11 AM, but check the schedule for any changes. [8]
    • The casting team generally attempts to get through all applicants that arrive at the venue, but keep in mind that this can change at any time. Your application only gets reviewed if you go through the audition process at the open interview unless you submit a separate application online.
  4. Be as bold and enthusiastic as you can be. Portray yourself as someone who works hard but knows they belong on TV. Carry yourself in a positive way, such as by standing up straight, looking the judges in the eye, and practicing good conversational skills. Try to stand out, but don’t go overboard with trying to outdo the other potential contestants. [9]
    • Being a confident entrepreneur means showing poise and answering questions about your business or product with ease while still smiling. Speak in a firm but consistent tone.
    • To stand out among everyone else, know your pitch idea well and show how much it means to you. Bring along a good prototype or other presentation material. You do not need to dress up or do something wild to succeed.
    • If your business is in the idea phase, a great pitch is your best resource. Bring in props like posters showing your idea and how it will function when you finish with it.
  5. When you get called, you have about 60 seconds to pitch your idea to a member of the casting team. Focus the pitch on selling your “dream” and showcasing your motivation. Remember, this is a TV show, so the producers look for both great products and great personalities. [10]
    • If you have a product prototype to show off, bring it with you. You can also bring in computers, props, and other equipment. Give the crew as much of a hands-on preview of your business as possible.
    • Facts and figures are okay to include if they are relevant. However, keep your pitch short and to the point. The boring financial stuff is better left to your paper application.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Completing Additional Application Rounds

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  1. No matter how you applied, you will end up waiting for a response from the casting crew. Expect the call within about 2 months. Usually, you get the call first and then receive confirmation through a letter in the mail. These notifications come through the phone number and address you listed on your application form. [11]
    • Watch your email as well. You usually won’t get a response through email, but you never know.
    • Getting a callback is no guarantee. If you get rejected, you may receive a letter in the mail or hear nothing at all.
  2. Listen or read your confirmation notice to find out when the phone interview will be. A member of the casting team calls you using the phone number you provided. They will talk to you in greater detail about yourself and your business, product, or idea.
    • Expect the phone call to happen several weeks or months after your confirmation letter. It depends on the casting team’s schedule. They have to get through a lot of applicants.
    • The interview covers questions about your business background, your noteworthy experiences, and your motivation. The casting crew member will also ask you about how you developed your idea and the steps you have taken to make it a success.
    • Treat the call like a second interview. Put your confident and vivacious personality on display to succeed.
  3. If you hear back from the casting team, you have a fair chance of getting on the show. Wait a few weeks or a month for the callback. The casting crew will instruct you on how to complete the next set of release and informational forms. Fill them out, then send them back in the mail or through email.
    • Keep in mind that you’re a semifinalist at this point. It doesn’t mean you’re on the show yet, but it does mean your chances are pretty good.
  4. Complete a 5 to 10-minute video pitching your product. Getting on the show all comes down to a final video. This video is basically your pitch to the sharks. Make a point of displaying your product’s greatness, along with your own entertaining personality. The more engaging your video is, the better your chances of getting booked for the show. [12]
    • Video submissions are usually done online after the second round of applications. The video producer you talk with instructs you on how to submit the video. Usually it is through email, but they may also let you submit it on a CD through the mail if needed.
    • Film as professionally as you can. Get a good video recorder, work in a well-lit room, and dress appropriately. Set up your product or business, if you have them, in a good light.
    • Explain why your project is worthy of funding. If you have a relevant personal story to tell, include it in the pitch. Also, cite any meaningful sales numbers indicating your project’s success.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Improving Your Application and Pitch

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  1. Basically, presentations that look professional are more likely to succeed. This includes filming your pitch with decent equipment, responding quickly to producer requests, and communicating appropriately with the show staff. Remember that the producers control the process, so getting on their good side is a plus. [13]
    • Professionalism includes any business website or pictures you take. The producers will look at these. Make sure they display your project well and show plenty of attention to detail.
  2. At the end of the day, Shark Tank is entertainment. Soft-spoken, agreeable entrepreneurs don’t often make for an interesting show. The show’s producers expect you to be outspoken, enthusiastic, and passionate. Be bold, be dramatic, but also be willing to hear what the sharks have to say. [14]
    • Think from a producer’s perspective. Ask yourself if you would want to cast yourself or watch yourself on TV. Producers generally like entrepreneurs that offer drama, surprises, or tension.
  3. Whether you’re applying or preparing for a show appearance, one of the best things you can do is watch past episodes. Take notes on some of your favorite entrepreneurs. Study how they deliver a pitch and present their projects. Then, use your notes to improve your own pitch. [15]
    • Also, study entrepreneurs who failed to get a deal. Try to figure out what went wrong during the pitch. Doing this is especially helpful for products that look interesting but don’t get funded.
    • Listen to the remarks from each shark. All of the judges respond differently to ideas and approaches. Figure out how to appeal to as many of them as possible.
  4. When you get on the show, you get to work with one of the show’s producers. That helps, but get feedback from outside sources throughout the entire application process. Ask for honest feedback on what you have to offer. Make sure your pitch is simple, clear, and easy for any potential customer to understand. [16]
    • For example, start giving your pitch to family and friends. Then, work with business associates and other people within your network. If you can, test it on strangers to get honest feedback.
    • When you get approved for the show, you get put through rehearsals. The producer will make sure you’re ready for the show and give you some practical advice to succeed.
  5. Take into account all of your feedback to judge how good your pitch is. Consider how you feel about it and how you think the judges will respond. Edit your pitch as needed to improve it. Make sure the pitch feels exciting and energetic before you need to use it for the show. [17]
    • If you get accepted on the show, you will likely have a few months to practice. Give your pitch in front of the mirror as well as people you know. Practice until you get comfortable saying what you need to say.
    • Edit your pitch selectively. If it doesn’t sound right to you, chances are you can improve it.
  6. Some entrepreneurs don’t succeed on the first try. That is true in business as well as Shark Tank . Go through the entire application process as needed until you get a yes from the producers. You may have better luck on the second try. [18]
    • You can apply again as long as you haven’t filmed a show episode for your idea. If you think the producers rejected your application at any point during the casting process, consider applying again.
    • If you were lucky enough to get to the filming stages, the producers may have chosen not to air your episode. Your best bet is to reapply with a new camera-ready idea.
    • Remember that many people apply for the show. Even if you have a good pitch, the show’s producers may not get back to you. Your second application may end up in the hands of a different producer.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Are candidates from outside of America accepted?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you don't have to live in America to become a contestant on Shark Tank. However, you do have to pay to go to America yourself.
  • Question
    Does the product I am pitching need to have substantial sales -- or any sales at all -- to be on Shark Tank?
    Community Answer
    No, but it may improve your chances if you already have proof of your product being able to sell.
  • Question
    Does Shark Tank provide props?
    Community Answer
    Probably not. Since you have to bring your own product, they trust you'd bring your own props too.
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      • Shark Tank is a great way to market your business. Treat the show like an advertisement, not just an investment pitch. [19]
      • The show does a background check on potential contestants. Your application will most likely be rejected if you have a felony conviction on record.
      • To hone a pitch, picture yourself as a random customer. If the pitch doesn’t appeal to you as a customer, it likely won’t impress the producers and sharks.
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      • The application process is fairly lengthy and competitive. Even hearing back from the casting crew isn’t a guarantee you will get on the show, let alone make a deal with the sharks.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To get on Shark Tank, start by making sure that you have a provisional patent for your business with the US Patent Office website. Next, check the casting website to see when there is an open casting call and apply during this time to increase your chances of getting chosen. Then, focus your application on your passion, how you came up with your product, and the reasons why you should be on the show. If you are chosen for an interview, have a 60 second pitch prepared that sells your “dream” and showcases your determination. For more tips, like how to prepare for the show, read on!

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