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Plus, how to use “sleepy eyes” to look handsome and start flirting
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Do you want dreamy eyes that people get lost in? You don't need makeup to have flirty, beautiful eyes as a guy. We've pulled together the top tips for getting gorgeous eyes as a guy without makeup, including helpful advice from beauty and social media expert Joseph Harwood. Keep reading to make your eyes really pop and learn how to stop people in their tracks with a single glance.

How to Have Stunning Eyes as a Guy

  • Curl or brush your eyelashes to make them look fuller and longer.
  • Keep your eyebrows trimmed for a clean shape and groomed appearance.
  • Use under eye creams to reduce puffiness or dark circles, and eye drops to get rid of redness.
  • Smile and make friendly eye contact with relaxed eyes for the handsome bedroom eyes look.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Making Your Eyes Pop without Makeup

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  1. Curling your eyelashes will make your eyes look bigger and your lashes look longer and thicker without leaving any signs that you’ve done anything to your eyes. [1] The easiest way to curl your lashes is to purchase or borrow an eyelash curler :
    • Pick up the curler as you would a pair of scissors. Open up the curler and bring it to the base of your eyelashes with the curve of the curler facing up and away from your face.
    • Once the curler is around the base of your eye lash, close it lightly and pulse the grip in and out. Gently twist the curler upward to create the curl in your eyelashes. Hold it there for several seconds, then slowly pull the curler up the length of your lash, gently squeezing in a pulsing action. [2]
    • Alternatively, you can curl your lashes with a spoon . Face the hollow of the spoon outward with the edge of the spoon against the root of your lashes. Press the lashes against the edge for a second with one finger and slide the spoon from the roots to the tips. [3]
    • You might also consider getting a lash lift (like a perm but for your eyelashes) at a salon. It takes about 45 minutes and lasts until your new lashes grow in. [4]
  2. Take an eyebrow brush and brush your lashes upward and outward toward your temples. [5] Without using makeup, brushing can still make your lashes look fuller and give them a streamlined appearance. [6]
  3. Shape your eyebrows if they’re extra thick or unruly. Although many men are shy about doing anything to their eyebrows, it’s important to be proactive about them, especially if they’re large and wild. If you don’t want to touch them yourself, try to find a groomer who has experience working with men.
    • Generally, you should groom your lashes with tweezers instead of waxing. Wax will make the lines look too abrupt, sharp, and artificial.
    • For a basic brow trim, brush your eyebrow hair straight up with a tiny mustache comb , then use small grooming scissors to snip any lights that stick up above your brow line. This way, you can tame your brows without looking overly manicured (or accidentally changing their shape too much). [7]
  4. Reduce puffiness or dark circles with natural home remedies. There are a number of popular treatments that require you to place slices of fruits or vegetables on top of your eyes for about 10 minutes. Thinly sliced cucumbers or Granny Smith apples will help reduce puffiness around your eyes. Similarly, slices of potato can be used to eliminate dark circles around your eyes. [8]
    • To ensure that your skin tone around your eyes remains even, do the potato treatment twice a week. [9]
    • Harwood adds that “a lot of people use tea bags” to combat eye puffiness. [10] Just place a chilled bag of caffeinated tea (like black tea) under your eye for up to 10 minutes, 1 or 2 times a day. [11]
  5. Use eye drops to clear up redness . Use eye drops , which are available at most convenient stores, to eliminate redness in the whites of your eyes from fatigue, allergies, or drug use. Harwood explains, “[Eyedrops] stop the blood from dilating slightly and they work very well to just brighten the eyes up.” [12]
  6. Eye creams are applied to the skin around the eye. They have many of the same anti-aging qualities that other moisturizers have, but also contain ingredients that rectify conditions specific to the skin around your eyes. They will, for example, help prevent puffiness, while keeping the skin smooth and bright. Like other moisturizers, they will also help suppress the appearance of wrinkles. [14]
    • Look for eye cream ingredients that help specific problems you have with the skin near your eyes:
      • Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and ferulic acid can help with puffiness and can brighten your skin.
      • Retinol helps reduce wrinkles and signs of aging.
      • Peptides produce collagen and can firm up sagging or loose skin under your eyes.
      • Hyaluronic acid and ceramides are ulta-moisturizers that may also reduce wrinkles.
      • Niacinamide and kojic acid can brighten skin and help with under-eye discoloration, like dark circles.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Flirting With Your Eyes

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  1. Try making bedroom eyes for a subtly seductive look. Bedroom eyes (also called sleepy eyes) is a heavy-lidded, relaxed, eyes-partially-closed look that appears sultry and handsome (especially when paired with a small, coy smile). Test out the look in a mirror before trying it on someone—just make eye contact, then slightly close your eyes and relax your facial muscles. Add a small smirk with one side of your mouth, or a subtle smile with both sides. [15]
    • Use this look sparingly; it has a strong sexual association and some studies show that guys who overdo it look like they’re intentionally trying to secure a hookup or fling. [16]
  2. Quick-moving eyes can make you seem like you're trying to steal furtive glances. You’ll appear more confident if you slowly move your head and eyes in the other person's direction. They’re likely to notice your eyes moving in that direction, increasing the likelihood that they will return your glance. [17]
    • It’s best if they have time to respond and look at you before you look at them. The other person's investment in you will be greater if they believe they have initiated contact.
  3. Looking people directly in their eyes is one of the most intimate things you can do. Studies have shown that direct eye contact can make people feel more attracted to each other (even if they’re total strangers!). However, you should start off slow with someone you don’t know. Look at them for 3 or 4 seconds before breaking eye contact. [18]
    • Avoid glancing furtively from one eye to the other. Instead look directly center, maybe along the bridge of their nose. [19]
    • Focus on people's faces and not their other features.
  4. This is an almost universal sign of flirting and it conveys positive intentions. Try to mean it; a genuine smile activates different muscles in your face than a fake smile (especially in the corners of your eyes), and a genuine smile is generally considered more attractive. [20]
    • Think positive and pleasant thoughts . Your eyes and smile reflect the way you feel.
    • To convey more emotion with your eyes, try a slight eyebrow raise while you smile. [21]
    • Or, try smiling with your eyes (or “smizing”). Relax your face and inhale; at the top of your breath, squint your eyes slightly and make eye contact. [22]
  5. If they don't look back at you or smile, there is a good likelihood that they're not interested in you. If they do, they probably are. [23] After looking away for a bit, return eye contact again and see how they respond. Go up and kindly say “hello” if you’d like to start flirting verbally.
    • Don’t be offended or discouraged if the person doesn’t return your interest. Flirting with eye contact takes time to master (plus, not everyone is interested in being flirted with—it’s nothing personal!).
  6. Once you’re chatting, maintain eye contact about 50% of the time as you talk and 70% of the time while listening. [24] Be sure to look at the other person when they talk so that you seem legitimately interested. Glance away when you make a joke or say something that could be perceived as bragging. Holding contact too closely during this point in the conversation could make it seem as if you are desperate for a reaction and thus not confident.
    • To keep things interesting while maintaining eye contact, move your head slightly from time to time. Move your chin up and down. Turn your head to the side and glance at them out of the corner of your eyes. [25]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Keeping Your Eyes Looking Healthy

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  1. Get adequate sleep each night. According to Harwood, “I think the best thing would be getting a lot of sleep. Sometimes when we're sleepy, our eyes are very puffy” or sore and dull. [26] Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night if you’re an adult, or 8–10 hours if you’re a teen. [27]
    • Get in a good bedtime routine: stay away from screens before bed, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, and keep your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark at night.
  2. Vitamins C, E, A, and zinc all contribute to eye health. For more of these vitamins, eat oranges, mangoes, strawberries, carrots, peaches, nuts, seeds, papaya, and spinach. For zinc, eat turkey, chicken, yogurt, and fortified cereals. [28]
    • Aim to get 2–4 servings of raw fruits and/or veggies a day. The brighter the color, the better!
    • Avoid excessive smoking, alcohol, caffeine, and salt as well. These can age your eyes and skin and contribute to puffiness, redness, and wrinkles.
  3. Drink eight glasses of water daily to stay hydrated . Water keeps your skin and eyes hydrated, healthy, and young looking. Conversely, refrain from drinking too much alcohol since it will dehydrate you. [29]
    • Harwood says, “I think that drinking a lot of water is really, really a key thing to having your eyes look great. If you're dehydrated, sometimes your skin looks sallow and your complexion doesn't glow as much.” [30]
    • A hydrating cream can also keep the skin around your eyes looking young, for much the same reason.
  4. The skin under your eye is more delicate than on the rest of your face, so don't use super drying soap or rub abrasively. Use clean cotton balls and a gentle facial cleanser , and apply an SPF 30 moisturizer to the area each morning. [31]
    • In general, aim to wash your face twice a day (morning and evening) and after sweating heavily to maintain a good skincare routine .
    • You may also want to get a mild or alcohol-free toner to apply between your face wash and moisturizer if your under-eye skin is dull or acne-prone.
  5. To maintain circulation, occasionally massage the skin around your eyes. [32] Do small circles around the inner edge of your eye. Work your way out toward your temples, then down the side of your face to your jaw. Repeat for full effect. [33]
    • Harwood explains, “Something that can help with [puffiness] is a lymphatic drainage massage, which involves just tapping around the shape of the eye. And everything to do with lymphatic drainage goes towards the ear and down to the heart.” [34]
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  • Question
    Does using mobile phones for a long time decrease the beauty of my eyes?
    Community Answer
    Yes, especially if you do it before going to sleep. Read a book 30 minutes before you go to sleep and you will see a huge difference the day after.
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      1. Joseph Harwood. Beauty, DEI & Social Media Expert. Expert Interview. 16 March 2022.
      2. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/how-to-get-rid-of-bags-under-your-eyes
      3. Joseph Harwood. Beauty, DEI & Social Media Expert. Expert Interview. 16 March 2022.
      4. Joseph Harwood. Beauty, DEI & Social Media Expert. Expert Interview. 16 March 2022.
      5. https://www.piedmont.org/living-real-change/do-eye-creams-really-work
      6. https://parade.com/living/bedroom-eyes-meaning
      7. https://www.livescience.com/20222-bedroom-eyes-guys-sketchy.html
      8. https://www.girlschase.com/content/eye-contact-flirting
      9. https://www.girlschase.com/content/eye-contact-flirting
      10. https://www.girlschase.com/content/eye-contact-flirting
      11. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201404/5-secret-powers-eye-contact
      12. https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/199901/the-new-flirting-game
      13. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/smizing-smiling-with-a-face-mask
      14. https://iso.mit.edu/americanisms/eye-contact-in-the-united-states/
      15. https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/eye_contact_dont_make_these_mistakes
      16. https://www.girlschase.com/content/eye-contact-flirting
      17. Joseph Harwood. Beauty, DEI & Social Media Expert. Expert Interview. 16 March 2022.
      18. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/how-many-hours-of-sleep-are-enough/faq-20057898
      19. https://health.mountsinai.org/blog/beautiful-eyes-through-your-diet/
      20. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/how-much-water-do-you-need-daily
      21. Joseph Harwood. Beauty, DEI & Social Media Expert. Expert Interview. 16 March 2022.
      22. https://forefrontdermatology.com/eye-skin-care-tips/
      23. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23128-dark-circles-under-eyes
      24. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/beauty/advice/a2898/you-look-tired-0509/
      25. Joseph Harwood. Beauty, DEI & Social Media Expert. Expert Interview. 16 March 2022.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you're a boy and want to make your eyes look beautiful and flirty without makeup, try curling your lashes. Place a curler around your eyelash and pull it up gently to make the curl, which will make your eyes appear larger. You can also brush your lashes with an eyelash brush up towards your temples for a similar effect. Taking care of your eyebrows is another way to make your eyes look nice. Trim them with a pair of tweezers so they stay neat and tidy. You can also try simple household treatments to make your eyes appear healthier. For example, place slices of cucumber or granny smith apples over your eyes for 10 minutes to add moisture and soothe them, then remove them. For tips on how to treat your eyes with eye creams and ointments, keep reading!

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