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A spiritual guide to help you better discern God and His messages for you
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When God first spoke to Moses in Exodus 3, it was through a burning bush; when he spoke to Balaam in Numbers 22, it was through the mouth of a donkey. In this day and age, though, it doesn’t seem like God uses such extreme measures to get in contact with people—but that doesn’t mean He isn’t still communicating with us. Truthfully, God uses a variety of means to talk with His believers, from prayer and circumstance to the Bible and fellow Christians. We’ll take a closer look at all the different ways God may be trying to speak with you, and what you can do to hear Him.

Things You Should Know

  • Read the Bible and pray regularly to hear God’s voice.
  • God speaks to you through the Holy Spirit, which is a divine aspect of God Himself.
  • God can communicate through fellow believers, like a spiritual leader or member of your congregation.
Section 1 of 3:

Different Ways That God Talks to Us

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  1. As God’s Holy Word, it’s logical to assume that God communicates with us every day through the Bible. [1] Taking intentional time to meditate on Scripture can be a great way to discern what He is trying to tell you, so try choosing a time to study Scripture when you won’t be distracted by your other responsibilities. Asking yourself thought-provoking questions like “What should I be getting out of this passage?” or “What can I learn about God from this passage?” is a helpful way to hear God’s messages to you. [2]
    • What to pray: Dear Heavenly Father, please guide me as I study your Word today. Show me what you’d like me to learn and help me to hear Your voice.
    • Inspiring verse: “Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 119:27 (NIV)
  2. Prayer is the ultimate way that all Christians commune with God, so it makes perfect sense that God communicates with us through this avenue. Try doing a listening prayer exercise to make sure you’re hearing God’s message—this involves petitioning God for His wisdom, and then silently waiting and meditating for 10 minutes or so to see what comes to mind. Take notes on whatever you feel God is bringing to your attention, whether it’s a verse, song, or mental image. [3]
    • What to pray: Dear Jesus, please guide me to understand what your purpose and will for me is today.
    • Inspiring scripture: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
  3. The Holy Spirit is the aspect of God that lives in all people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and is a prominent way for God to communicate with us. Think of the Holy Spirit as an internal compass that’s powered by God, giving you an internal sense of the direction that He wants you to go. [4]
    • What to pray: Dear God, please allow me to better discern your voice and be led by Your Holy Spirit .
    • Inspiring scripture: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26
  4. From spiritual leaders (like pastors and elders) to fellow believers, there’s no denying that God can make His voice known by speaking through His faithful community. [5] If you’re struggling to discern God’s voice and purpose in your life, talk to a trusted spiritual mentor or friend about it—through their guidance, you might end up hearing God’s voice in the process.
    • What to pray: Dear Heavenly Father, please allow me to hear Your voice through my fellow believers. Let them be a mouthpiece for You so I can better understand your purpose and will for my life.
    • Inspiring scripture: “For it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of the Father speaking through you.” Matthew 10:20
  5. While God never wishes tragedy or strife on His believers, He does work and speak through the challenges His believers face. The next time you experience a frustrating setback or loss, take a moment to remember that God has a plan for everything and everyone—including you! Trust that your struggles can and will pave the way for something greater. [6]
    • What to pray: Dear Jesus, please help me to understand your plan and will for my life. Please comfort me in the knowledge that You are in control, and that everything will work out to benefit You.
    • Inspiring scripture: “From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us.” Acts 17:26-27
  6. Each day, God reminds us of His power, majesty, and grand plan for humanity—all thanks to the beauty of nature around us. Truly meditating on the complexity of earth and all the creatures who live in it can be a powerful reassurance that God is in control and that He cares for us all. [7]
    • What to pray: Dear God, thank you for creating the world and everything in it. Thank you for caring for me and my needs.
    • Inspiring scripture: “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7
  7. While dreams are more commonly associated with Old Testament believers and followers of the early church, modern-day Christians still report instances where God has communicated with them through dreams. [8] This definitely isn’t the most common way that God speaks to us, but it isn’t out of the question, either—what’s important to remember is that God won’t be using dreams to unveil any new revelations and lessons that aren’t already established in the Bible. [9]
    • What to pray: Dear Heavenly Father: if it is Your will, please communicate with me in a unique way that I can easily discern.
    • Inspiring scripture: “He said, ‘Listen to my words: when there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions; I speak to them in dreams.” Numbers 12:6
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Section 3 of 3:

How to Hear God

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  1. It can be difficult to hear God speak to you when your mind and spirit are constantly juggling distractions, like school or work. Set aside a specific amount of time each day to spend with God and His word, focusing all your energy on the Bible and mindful prayer. With enough practice, it may get easier to embrace God’s word and hear what He’s trying to tell you. [11]
    • Try inhaling through your nose and counting up to 5 (if that’s comfortable for you). Then, exhale slowly, once again counting to 5 (or another comfortable number). [12] As you do this, imagine that you’re deeply breathing the Holy Spirit in and out. [13]
    • Find time during the day when you have a moment to breathe and relax. For some, that might be right when they wake up; for others, it might be before bed.
  2. As you take a breath of air in and exhale it out, envision the Holy Spirit flowing through your lungs and into the rest of your body. This visualization exercise can make it easier for you to understand how important God’s scripture is to your life and well-being. [14]
  3. Pause for a moment of self-reflection and think about what could be separating you from God’s wisdom and voice in your life. Do you approach spirituality with complacency, or are you embracing negative vibes like envy and pride? Once you’ve identified some things to work on, petition God for help to overcome them. Here are a few questions to ask yourself: [15]
    • Are my current thoughts and actions reflecting God’s will for my life?
    • Do I feel motivated to listen to God and do what He asks?
    • Am I being influenced by the media I consume?
    • Am I too busy to really focus on what God wants for me?
  4. Developing a relationship with different members of your faith community is an excellent form of spiritual nourishment. As you take steps to grow closer to God and hear His voice, your siblings in Christ can help you stay on the proper path and understand what God is trying to tell you. [16]
    • See if your church offers any small group or Bible study opportunities—these can be a great way to network with members of your congregation.
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