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Ever wanted to start your own wiki? This page guides you through the process of installing the latest stable version of MediaWiki software, the powerful, widely used wiki platform that powers Wikipedia, wikiHow, and many other wiki projects.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Local Server

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  1. Install web server software , if you haven't already. [1]
  2. Download MediaWiki to your local computer.
  3. 4
    Rename the unzipped directory to the name you want to appear in the URL (for example, name it "wiki" if you want the URL http://example.com/wiki/).
  4. 6
    Go to the directory in your web browser (e.g. http://localhost/wiki/).
    • Enter a name for the database, database user, and password.
    • Select "use superuser account" if the database and database user do not already exist (no need to change superuser name or password).
  5. wiki).
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Hosted Server

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  1. If you know the root password for your MySQL server, the MediaWiki setup script can automatically create a database and an account to access it. Skip to the "Run the installation script" section below.
  2. If you don't know the root password for your MySQL server, you need to create a MySQL database and a user before installing MediaWiki. You can do this using various control panels such as phpMyAdmin . See the corresponding documentation. Most web hosting services provide a MySQL database along with your hosting account. If that is the case, use the MySQL credentials provided by your host along with the database name, and then specify something like "mw_" as table prefix. This will allow MediaWiki to tell what tables belong to it. Alternatively, ask your hosting service to create an account for, then proceed as above.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Localhost doesn't work for me, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Try using your localhost IP address instead, If that doesn't work, make sure the password is the same as the password you set in your phpMyAdmin database.
  • Question
    How can I install VisualEditor on my wiki?
    Top Answerer
    MediaWiki comes preinstalled with VisualEditor. Just add 'wfLoadExtension( 'VisualEditor' );' to your LocalSettings.php to enable it. Go to MediaWiki's VisualEditor page for detailed instructions.
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      • Don't want to spend the time configuring MediaWiki? There are many sites that are willing to host your wiki, subject to their terms of use.
      • Customise your wiki to your liking with skins. Read Change Your MediaWiki Skin for help using pre-existing skins, or read Create a MediaWiki Skin from Scratch to make your own.
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      • Trying to install some software may be in violation of your host's terms of service. Read your agreement with the hosting service, and ask your system administrator for permission before you install software on the server.


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