If you're ready to start earning your own money at 13, you've come to the right place! There are plenty of things you can do to earn a few bucks, even if you can't drive a car. A lot of these opportunities are online, but there are things you can do in your neighborhood as well. Read on to discover what's out there and find the best money-making opportunities for you.
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- Turn any service into your own business—if you gain enough clients, you can even hire other kids to work for you! [20] X Research sourceThanks
- For birthdays and holidays where you'd normally get gifts, ask for cash instead. Tell them you want to save or invest in your business ideas. [21] X Research sourceThanks
- Once you build up a little money, talk to your parents about opening a brokerage account. If you start investing, you can put your money to work for you! [22] X Research sourceThanks
- Be cautious when making deals with strangers. It's usually a good idea to run the details by your parents first.Thanks
- Run any money-making ideas by your parents and get their approval first. They'll be more likely to support and help you if you keep them in the loop about what you're doing.Thanks
- ↑ https://youtu.be/YtXJ9xpHxJY?t=212
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://www.tafecourses.com.au/resources/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/child-labor/agriculture
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://thesmallbusinessblog.net/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://jobsforteenshq.com/jobs-for-teens/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://www.tafecourses.com.au/resources/jobs-for-13-year-olds/
- ↑ https://www.npr.org/2021/07/27/1021262899/finance-money-tips-kids-families-conversations
- ↑ https://www.fool.com/investing/how-to-invest/investing-for-teens/
About This Article
Although it can seem hard to make money when you're 13, you may be able to make money online by taking paid surveys or, if you’re crafty, you can make accessories, art, or clothing, and sell them in an online shop. In addition, ask your parents if you can do odd jobs outside of your normal chores in order to earn a little extra cash, like cleaning the gutters or organizing the garage. If you need more ideas, you could also ask your friends and neighbors if they need help babysitting, dog-walking, or mowing their lawns. For tips on finding a part-time job, like agriculture work or delivering newspapers, read on!
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- "What helped me the most was the "easy" work like walking a dog, be a babysitter, or sell refreshments like juice or a cookie. I think you guys are doing a great job with this site, I think it especially helps teens like me. Thank you very much!" ..." more