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Everything you ever wanted to know about this Gen Z slang term
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Have you heard someone use the term “Pop off" and you're not sure what they're talking about? “Pop off” has been a slang term in the UK for a while, meaning to pass away suddenly or go on a quick errand. Recently, the phrase has entered the ranks of Gen Z slang, leaving older people confused about what the younger generation is talking about. Read on to learn more about what “pop off” means and what other slang terms have similar meanings.

Slang Meanings of “Pop Off”

People use “pop off” as a compliment when someone is doing great, looking good, or celebrating. It can also mean a person is loudly or angrily sharing their opinion. In the UK, “pop off” can mean to leave quickly and, in some cases, to die unexpectedly.

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Gen Z Meanings & Usage of “Pop Off”

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  1. When someone wants to say something complimentary in response to a social media post, they might say, “pop-off” instead of “looks great.” The term isn’t only limited to social media, though. You might hear someone saying “pop-off” to compliment food, clothing, hairstyles, or anything else in real life as well. [1]
    • For example, if your friend looks especially nice, you might greet her with, “You’re really popping off today, Emily!”
    • “You’re popping off with those space buns, GiGi.”
    • “He’s popping off with those Nike Dunks.”
    • “Did you see Jacob’s hair? That broccoli cut pops off.”
  2. In this context, someone might use the term “pop off” to describe another person excelling in a situation. The phrase can also be used to talk about a person celebrating a victory.
    • “Did you see the Lakers game last night? LeBron really popped off with all those 3-pointers.”
    • “Beyoncé’s concert was amazing. She popped off from the very first song.”
    • “He really popped off with his latest TikTok. It went viral in less than an hour.”
    • “She practiced every day this summer, and now she pops off whenever she plays the guitar.”
  3. In some situations, “pop off” can refer to a person losing their temper or getting into a fight with someone. [2] It also means someone shares their opinions loudly and may get confrontational.
    • “They seemed to be having a normal conversation, and then he just popped off.”
    • “She thinks she can just pop off on someone whenever they make a tiny mistake.”
    • “The waitress asked him how he wanted his steak cooked, and he started popping off about charcoal.”
    • “We were talking about music, and she just started popping off about the new Taylor Swift album.”
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British “Pop-Off” Slang Meaning

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  1. This phrase is often used casually when someone leaves a place but plans to be back shortly. It’s also used when someone leaves a gathering without warning. [3] For example, you might say, “I need to pop off to the shop to pick up some cheese before they close.”
    • In some situations, a person may use “pop off” to irreverently refer to an unexpected death, like, “Luckily, none of my family looks like they’re going to pop off anytime soon.”
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“Popping Off” in Gaming

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  1. The phrase is used interchangeably with “going crazy” in a positive way. For example, a person watching someone playing a video game very well, might say, “You’re going crazy on that boss.” or “You’re popping off on that boss.” They might also use the phrase to describe celebrating after a big win.
    • “Did you see Sam’s Twitch stream? He really was really popping off with that kill streak.”
    • “Jules is popping off on the speed run. I’ve never seen anyone go that fast.”
    • “Everyone was popping off after Olivia made that trick shot.”
    • “They were just popping off in the battle royale with back-to-back wins.”
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“Pop Off Queen” Meaning

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  1. It’s used to express admiration, encouragement, and enthusiastic support, usually on TikTok. Adding “queen” to the phrase “pop off” makes the term even more complimentary because a queen is seen as someone who is confident and successful.
    • “Taylor, that high kick was over your head. Pop off, queen!”
    • “That look is fire. Pop off, queen!”
    • “Pop off, queen! No cap, that dress is snatched.”
    • “Pop off, queen! The way you walked into that room gave main character vibes.”
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Similar Slang Phrases

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  1. If you don’t want to say “pop off,” there are many ways to tell someone you think they’re great or that they’re doing really well.
    • “Go off, girl.”
    • “You ate that. Every last crumb.”
    • “You serve in those jeans.”
    • “I stan that look.”
    • “That’s a drip look, man.”
    • “You’re such a snack.”
    • “You’re a main character.”
    • “You’re lookin’ snatched today.”
    • “That wolf cut slaps.”
    • “That look is all Gucci.”
    • “You’re a Heather in that picture.”
    • “You got steez, girl.”
    • “Okay, zaddy.”
    • “You’re the CEO of comebacks.”
    • “You’re the G.O.A.T.”
    • “That game was bussin’.”
    • “You are fire.”
    • “Your score is goals.”
    • “Watching you beat Smash Brothers just hits different.”
    • “The way you took out that boss was savage.”
    • “Your game is straight fire.”
    • “That was a big W.”
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