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Posting a GIF on X (formerly Twitter) is accomplished through similar steps used to post a photo on X. Remember you can only post one GIF with your tweet and it may not accompany another photo or graphic, but posting a GIF can make your Tweet much more engaging. Following are the methods for posting your gif to X from your iPhone, your Android Device or from your X Web Account.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Posting from your iPhone

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  1. The app has probably saved your login credentials, but if not you will need to Log In.
    • If you do not have the X for iOS App on your iPhone, you will have to download it from the App Store.
    • If you do not have an account you will need to Sign up.
  2. Tweets that include photos have been reported to receive 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets, so a tweet containing a GIF can help spread your message.
    • Tap the Tweet icon and enter your tweet in the text box.
  3. A GIF is a digital image, static or animated in a standard format that your followers will be able to view from whatever device they access X.
    • To attach a GIF that you have saved on your phone, tap the camera button and select the GIF to attach.
    • To attach a GIF from a library of available GIFs, tap the GIF Icon to search for and select your GIF. [1]
  4. A world of followers is waiting to click, favorite and retweet.
    • Tap Tweet to post.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Posting from your Android Device

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  1. The app has likely saved your login credentials but if you will need to Log In.
    • If you do not have the X for Android app on your Android, you will need to download it from Google Play.
    • If you do not have an account you will have to Sign up.
  2. You have 140 characters to let the world know what’s happening and the GIF you are about to post will make your tweet that much more engaging.
    • Tap on the feather pen icon to open the text box.
    • Tap on What’s happening? and enter your tweet in the text box.
  3. A GIF is a digital image, static or animated in a standard format that your followers will be able to view from whatever device they access X.
    • To attach a GIF that you have saved on your phone, tap the camera button and select the GIF to attach.
    • To attach a GIF from a library of available GIFs, tap the GIF Icon to search for and select your GIF. [2]
  4. A world of followers is waiting to click, favorite and retweet.
    • Tap Tweet to post.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

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  1. If you have saved your login information on your computer, you will be able to start your tweet immediately.
    • Go to https://twitter.com/ from your computer and log in as usual using the Log In button in the top right corner of the screen.
    • If you do not have an existing account, you'll need to go to Sign up.
  2. A picture is worth a thousand words, your GIF may add to that, but you also have 140 characters.
    • Type your Tweet into the box at the top of your Home timeline, or click Tweet button.
  3. If your GIF is not set to automatically loop, it will play and then display as a static image.
    • To attach a GIF that you have saved on your computer, tap the camera button and select the GIF to attach.
    • To attach a GIF from a library of available GIFs, tap the GIF Icon to search for and select your GIF. [3]
  4. A world of followers is waiting to click, favorite and retweet.
    • Tap Tweet to post.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I tried to post a gif I made but it said the media I tried to upload was invalid. What is wrong?
    Community Answer
    There are some size limits. That may be the problem.
  • Question
    How do I forward or post a GIF from a DM?
    Top Answerer
    You can't directly forward a GIF from a DM. Instead, download it to your computer and upload it as a Tweet.
  • Question
    How can I post a gif in Twitter via chrome app?
    Top Answerer
    Select Upload and Click on the Camera Button and select your gif file. Upload.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open Twitter on your iPhone.
      2. Compose a new tweet.
      3. Tap the camera icon to select a GIF from your phone.
      4. Tap the GIF icon to select a GIF to search for online GIFs.
      5. Post your tweet.

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