You likely can’t escape news about coronavirus (COVID-19), and it may be making you worried. As the virus is confirmed in more places across the globe, you might be wondering what will happen when it comes to your community. Although a pandemic is scary, try to remember that you likely don’t need to worry about coronavirus if your area doesn’t have any confirmed cases. However, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) do recommend that everyone take basic steps to prepare for coronavirus so fewer people get sick. [1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Preventing the Virus from Spreading

  1. 1
    Get vaccinated. If a vaccine is available to you, get vaccinated. Several different vaccines have been approved for emergency use in the US and around the world. Whether you are eligible to receive the vaccine depends on the specific regulations in your area and if there are local supplies available, but generally healthcare workers, residents of long term care facilities, essential workers and people with medical conditions that put them at higher risk will receive the vaccine first. [2]
    • Three vaccines have been approved for emergency use in the US which are made by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. [3]
    • Each vaccine has shown excellent protection against COVID-19 in trials and greatly reduces your chances of severe disease and hospitalization. [4]
  2. It’s so simple, but washing your hands is the best way to protect yourself from getting sick. Wet your hands under warm running water, then apply a mild soap to your palm. Rub your hands together for 20 seconds, then rinse the soap away under warm running water. [5]
    • Alcohol-based sanitizers may help prevent the virus, as well. Use them in addition to handwashing but not as a replacement. Sanitizers that have 60% to 95% alcohol are good to use. [6]
  3. 3
    Practice physical distancing by staying home as much as possible. The virus spreads more easily in groups, especially crowds. Fortunately, you can help protect yourself and others by just staying home. Only go out when it's necessary, like when you need to go grocery shopping. Otherwise, enjoy your time at home.
    • If you are at high risk and have an essential worker family member, you have to be more careful and try to limit contact with the person to keep yourself safe.
    • If you do decide to socialize, the recommendation in the US is to keep gatherings to 10 people or less. Remember even young or healthy people can contract the virus and spread it to others. In other regions check with local government or health authorities for what types of gatherings are allowed.
    • There are tons of ways to have fun at home! You might play games, make something, read a book, get some exercise outside or watch a movie.
  4. 4
    Stay at least 6 ft (1.8 m) away from other people when in public. You may need to go out in public for things like grocery shopping. Try to maintain space between yourself and other community members just in case any of you are sick. It's possible to spread COVID-19 before symptoms start, so play it safe by staying away.
  5. Typically, the coronavirus infects you when you either inhale droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough or touch your face with droplets on your hands. Don’t touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands. Otherwise, you may accidentally introduce germs into your body. [7]
    • Use tissues to wipe your nose or cover a cough if possible, as your hands could be dirty.
  6. Unfortunately, people who are infected with coronavirus can spread the illness even if they aren’t showing symptoms. To be safe, don’t shake hands with anyone until the coronavirus threat is over. Instead, politely decline a handshake and explain that you’re trying to prevent coronavirus. [8]
    • You might say, “It’s nice to meet you, too. Normally I’d shake your hand, but the CDC recommends avoiding handshakes until the coronavirus threat is over.”
  7. While they probably don’t have coronavirus, it’s best to play it safe if you notice someone showing symptoms of a respiratory infection. Quietly and respectfully move away from anyone who appears to be coughing and sneezing. [9]
    • If you’re talking to the person, be kind as you excuse yourself. You might say, “I just realized that you’re coughing. I hope you feel better soon, but I’m going to move further away so I don’t accidentally inhale your germs.”

    Tip: While coronavirus originated in China, it’s not connected to Asian people. Unfortunately, people who are of Asian descent are reportedly facing harmful racial profiling and aggressive behavior from others. The virus has spread around the world, and anyone can catch or transmit it, so treat everyone with kindness and fairness.

  8. The CDC recommends keeping your home, workspace, and public areas as clean as possible. Spray a disinfectant over hard surfaces or wipe them down with a sanitary wipe. Whenever possible, spray soft surfaces with an appropriate disinfectant spray.
    • For instance, spray Lysol over counters, railings, and doorknobs. Alternatively, use Clorox bleach wipes to clean these hard surfaces. [10]
    • Lysol also works on soft surfaces.
    • Do not use vinegar or other "natural" cleaners, there is no good evidence that vinegar is effective against coronavirus [11] . "Natural" cleaning products can have a variety of different ingredients and are not designed to be effective against viruses.
  9. They filter out the particles you breathe out and reduce the chances of spreading the virus to others. Covering your nose and mouth is especially important when physical distancing of 6 ft (1.8 m) is difficult or impossible to maintain. Be sure to wash cloth face-coverings before using them again. [12]

Tip: Never buy face coverings or masks that look way more expensive than normal. This is an act of price-gouging, which is illegal, so buy these items in a store rather than off the Internet.

Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Stocking Your Home for an Emergency

  1. You’ll need to stay home if you get sick or your community has a coronavirus outbreak. Get prepared now by buying extra non-perishable foods and storing them in your pantry. Additionally, stock your freezer with perishables that you can thaw out as needed.
    • Buy extra canned food, like tuna, and packaged goods that have a long shelf life. [13]
    • Collect frozen foods, but also freeze meat, bread, and other perishables that can be thawed out.
    • If you drink milk, get powdered milk to keep in the pantry since you may not be able to go to the store for a while.
    • You don't have to give up on making healthy food during the outbreak! Fresh produce can be frozen and added to cooked meals later, or you can choose canned or frozen vegetables with minimal additives. It's also helpful to stock your pantry with healthy grains and make other smart food choices.

    Did You Know? If there’s a coronavirus outbreak in your community, the CDC will recommend that everyone stay home and avoid being around other people. This is called physical distancing, which helps prevent the spread of illness. [14]

  2. It’s possible that you’ll need to stay home for several weeks if someone in your household is sick or your community has an outbreak. In case this happens, buy household items that you use on a regular basis so you won’t run out. Buy a month’s worth of supplies if possible so you're prepared. Here are some items you might purchase:
    • Tissues—enough to cover your coughs and sneezes and handle blowing your nose
    • Dish soap
    • Hand soap
    • Paper towels
    • Toilet paper
    • Laundry detergent
    • Cleaning supplies
    • Sanitary pads or tampons
    • Toiletries
    • Diapers
    • Pet supplies

    Tip: Avoid overstocking on supplies. You only need about 2-4 weeks' worth. Remember, you want other people in your community to also have enough supplies to stay clean and isolate themselves if needed.

  3. While there’s no treatment for the virus itself, you can treat the typical symptoms of a respiratory infection. Buy a package each of decongestants, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) for in case you get sick. You might also buy cough drops or cough medicine to help control coughing.
    • If you have a large household, you may want to buy extra packages of medication in case more than one person gets sick. Ask your doctor how many packages they recommend you buy.
  4. If you take medication daily, talk to your doctor and pharmacy about keeping extra medication in your home until the coronavirus threat passes. You may not be able to get a refill if your community has an outbreak or if you get sick. To be on the safe side, try to keep a 30-day supply on hand.
    • You may need to stop at the pharmacy every week or two to get a partial refill of your prescription. This way you’ll have a 30-day supply at all times.
    • Discuss your options with your doctor and pharmacy to find out what they recommend for your needs.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Planning for School and Work Closures

  1. Many schools and daycares are already closed. Additionally, it’s likely more schools and daycares will close or start early dismissals to help limit the spread of the virus. This can be really stressful if you’re a working parent, as you’ll need to find childcare. Find out about your childcare options, and try to make arrangements in advance so you’re prepared.
    • For instance, you might ask a relative if they can care for your children if the schools and daycares close. Alternatively, you might talk to your boss about working from home or taking leave if this happens.
    • Your children may watch more TV and use the computer more than usual. You can set up a new routine and help them find appropriate shows and movies to watch.
  2. While you don’t need to worry, you may not be able to go to work if there’s a coronavirus outbreak in your community. Businesses and other organizations will likely shut down so the virus stops spreading. To help you prepare for this, ask your boss if you could work remotely in the event of an outbreak. Discuss tasks you might perform, how you’ll be accountable, and hours you can work.
    • You might say, “I saw that the CDC might recommend workers stay home if there’s a coronavirus outbreak here. If that happens, I’m hoping I can work remotely. Can we discuss this?”
    • Working from home won't be an option for everyone. However, it’s good to be prepared for this alternative if you can do some or all of your job tasks at home.
  3. You might be really worried about how you’ll support your family if you can’t work from home. Fortunately, there are organizations that can help. Local food banks may be able to help you stock your kitchen, while nonprofits like the Red Cross or Salvation Army might help with other financial needs. Make a list of places you can get help in your community.
    • Local faith organizations may also offer aid to people in need.
    • Try not to worry. Everyone is going through this experience together, and the community will likely come together to help those in need.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Staying Informed While Remaining Calm

  1. The CDC and WHO are releasing updates every day, and it’s important to stay informed so you can protect yourself and avoid scams. However, don’t let fears about coronavirus occupy your mind. Read the news just once or twice a day instead of constantly looking for updates.
    • You can check the WHO's live updates here:
    • Remember, you probably don’t need to worry about the virus, so try your best to stay calm.

    Tip: Because people are afraid, misinformation is spreading all over the Internet. To avoid unnecessary panic, get your news from trusted sources. Additionally, verify anything that you read by checking the CDC website or the WHO website.

  2. You might be worrying that your family will get sick. Plus, you might have kids who have questions about the virus. To help you all feel prepared and in control, have a family meeting to discuss your plans in case the virus spreads. Here are some things you might discuss:
    • Assure each family member that there will be enough food and supplies.
    • Tell your kids that they'll be well-cared-for.
    • Discuss your ideas for spending time at home during an outbreak.
    • Share an emergency contact list with each family member.
    • Designate a sick room in your home in case someone is ill.
  3. Coronavirus isn’t treated with medication, so a strong immune system is your best defense. Fortunately, you can strengthen your immune system by living a healthy lifestyle. Talk to your doctor to find out what they recommend for your unique needs. You might try the following: [15]
    • Eat fresh vegetables or fruit at each meal.
    • Exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week.
    • Take a multivitamin if your doctor says it’s okay.
    • Sleep 7-9 hours each night.
    • Relieve stress.
    • Don’t smoke.
    • Get your flu shot if you haven’t already.
  4. Although you probably won’t get coronavirus, it’s important to take your symptoms seriously. If you have symptoms like fever, cough, and breathing issues, contact your doctor to find out if you may have coronavirus. In the meantime, stay home to limit the spread of your germs. Your doctor might test you for coronavirus to confirm a possible diagnosis. [16]
    • Don't go to the clinic without first notifying the staff that you think you may have coronavirus. They will likely keep you isolated from other patients in a room by yourself. Alternatively, they may recommend you stay home or stay in your vehicle.
    • If you have coronavirus, you may be able to treat yourself at home. If your doctor thinks you’re at risk for complications, they may want to oversee your care.
  5. Experts are asking people to avoid unnecessary travel to help limit the spread of the virus. [17] If you must travel, check the travel warnings from the CDC [18] or NHS [19] for the specific countries or states you are traveling to and assess the risk.
    • It’s especially important for people in high-risk groups to avoid traveling. The elderly, those with existing health conditions or immunodeficiency should avoid all non-essential travel to reduce the risk of infection.
    • If you’re worried, you may be able to cancel your trip and get some or all of your money back. Check with the company where you booked your travel plans to see if you have options.

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      • Try not to panic. Facing a pandemic is scary, but you likely don’t need to worry.
      • If you have overstocked essentials during the pandemic, you can always donate the extra supplies to others who don't have enough.
      • Remember to treat everyone with kindness. Don’t assume that someone has coronavirus because they are Asian. Keep in mind that the virus has spread to more than 200 countries, so it affects a diverse population. Additionally, don’t assume everyone who’s coughing has coronavirus.
      Show More Tips


      • If you think you might be sick, don’t leave your house except to go to the doctor. You may be contagious, and it’s important to protect others. [20]
      • Never deliberately cough on others or flout infection control protocols. Not only can this behavior help spread COVID-19, it can also land you a fine or even jail time.
      • If you're 65+ or have any underlying medical condition, shelter in place as much as possible.

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      Article Summary X

      The best way to prepare for coronavirus is to take daily preventative measures to stop it from spreading. Wash your hands regularly using soap and running water to kill any germs on your hands. If you do not have access to soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer instead. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands so you don’t infect yourself with the virus. Try to avoid shaking hands with people, and if someone is coughing or sneezing, leave at least 3 feet (1 meter) of distance between the two of you to reduce your chances of getting sick. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends cleaning frequently touched surfaces, like tables, countertops, doorknobs, and light switches, with a household disinfectant and water every day. In addition to preventing the spread of the virus, it’s a good idea to stock up on at least a 30-day supply of household essentials, like food, detergent, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. You should also purchase over-the-counter medicines to treat your symptoms in case you get sick, like cough medicine and pain relievers. If you take prescription medication, make sure you get at least a 30-day supply now in case you’re unable to get it later. Don’t forget to talk to your family and come up with a plan for how you’ll take care of anyone who gets sick, especially if you have elderly relatives or family members with special health needs. Finally if your work allows, you may also want to talk to your employer about working from home to limit your potential exposure to the virus. Hearing about coronavirus on the news can be scary and stressful, but don’t panic. The majority of coronavirus cases aren’t serious, and taking simple preventative measures can help keep you and your family safe.

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