Q&A for How to Answer Where Do Babies Come From

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    At what age does a boy hit puberty?
    Community Answer
    There is no "normal age" for puberty, but the range is between 10-16 years old. If you are 16 and still haven't experienced any symptoms of puberty, you should consult a doctor.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am 13 and haven't started my period yet?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to worry about it yet. If you're 16 and you still haven't gotten a period, you should see a gynecologist.
  • Question
    How do I know if I'm going to get my first period?
    Community Answer
    You might see extra vaginal discharge in the months or weeks before it happens. (This is usually whitish or yellowish.) About a week before, you might get small stomach pains. But there's no way to know until you look down at your underwear or toilet paper and see that it is red. If there's a small mess, you can ask a parent or adult for help cleaning up.
  • Question
    My son had sex at only 14 years old. I also found condoms under his mattress. How do I talk to him about this situation?
    Community Answer
    Well, at least he's using condoms, but I can understand why you're concerned. Sit him down and have a calm talk about the possible ramifications of sex. Make sure he doesn't feel attacked, but tell him your fears and feelings on the subject. He may not want to talk, but he needs to sit and listen.
  • Question
    Why is there not acne on my face, while other girls in my grade have a lot of it on their foreheads?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your genetics. Every person is different, you should not worry about it. Consider it as a bonus to not have acne!
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    How should I explain sex to my child if I am uncomfortable saying the terms?
    Community Answer
    You have to learn to become comfortable with the terms. They are medical terms, and it's imperative that your child know and understand their own body so they can talk to you about it. Just tell yourself that the words are academic; they're nothing to be embarrassed about.
  • Question
    What is a good way to tell my teenage daughter that she needs to stop trying to do what adults do?
    Community Answer
    Tell her why people do the things you'd like her to stop trying, based on your opinion on it. You might say, "Honey, grown ups have sex so they can have a child. It's hard work raising a child and you are not ready to be a mother yet. Plus, it might hurt the first time". Or: "Some adults smoke because they didn't think about it and just followed the crowd, then they get addicted and find it hard to stop what is not only a bad habit but an unhealthy one too. These days we know the bad effects smoking has and so being wiser, most of us avoid doing it." Use a discussion mode, not a lecturing mode and avoid using scare tactics, as these usually backfire or cause other problems.
  • Question
    What is the normal age for a girl to get her period?
    Community Answer
    There is no "normal age" for getting your period, but the range is between 8-14 years old. If you are 16 and still haven't gotten your period, you should consult a doctor.
  • Question
    Why do women carry the child during pregnancy? I understand that the women carries the "egg", but why can't the man carry the egg, and the women have the sperm?
    Community Answer
    The woman's ovaries produce eggs that ovulate (collide) with the man's sperm that come from his testes, and once the egg and sperm collide, it moves into the women's uterus and attaches onto the lining of her uterus. Men do not have a uterus, so they cannot have the ability to carry the baby. It is how nature designed the two sexes in terms of reproduction and most mammals (which human beings are) have the same arrangement, unless you're a platypus.
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    How do I use a condom that's for girls?
    Community Answer
    A female (or internal) condom is a pouch that's inserted in the vagina or anus before sex for birth control and protection against sexually transmitted infection. It works like other condoms, except that it's worn on the inside.
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    What is a hand and blow job?
    Community Answer
    A hand job is when a penis is stimulated using a hand. A blow job is when the penis is stimulated using the mouth.
  • Question
    I know all about having babies and that kind of stuff. I am eleven and I don't know how to just tell my parents I know. I am a girl and my mom keeps putting it off and I don't want to talk with my dad. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Next time you see a woman who is pregnant or a family with a small baby, bring up the subject with your mom and just calmly explain what you know. If she tries to put off the conversation, be persistent and explain that you want to be able to have open conversations with her about things.
  • Question
    What if they ask about breastfeeding?
    Community Answer
    Just tell them the truth - that every living thing needs food and it comes from different places. Nature has provided mothers with the means to feed their babies because they cannot feed themselves.
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    Why do girls experience a worse puberty than boys?
    Community Answer
    It is debatable as to whether or not your supposition is true. Boys experience get mood swings, bodily changes such a swollen chest, enlarging genitals, acne, unwilled erections, increased anxiety, feeling withdrawn and experiencing unfamiliar emotions. Sure, while a period is one of those annoying things in life to deal with, there is fairly much an equal set of changes occurring in both sexes, and it is really about how each individual perceives the changes that matters.
  • Question
    Do babies come from vaginas?
    Community Answer
    Babies are born through the vaginal canal, but they spend 9 months in the uterus first.
  • Question
    When can girls begin breast feeding?
    Community Answer
    Only women who are pregnant or have just recently given birth can breast feed. The milk ducts in a woman's breasts develop to produce milk when she is in the second trimester of her pregnancy.
  • Question
    What if the child happens to already know?
    Community Answer
    If they already know, just ask them if they have any questions or concerns, and tell them they can always come to you if there's something they need to know.
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    What do I do if my 9 year old doesn't know about sex? I want to talk to her about it, but she says she doesn't want to know.
    Community Answer
    Your child may be saying that because she's embarrassed by you bringing up the topic. The school typically talks about the biology of sex in school, but you should try to maintain an open dialogue with your child at home. You can find books about how to talk to preteens about sex that may help you.
  • Question
    How do I explain what masturbating is to my son?
    Community Answer
    If he is old enough for you to be explaining this to him, he likely already does it, even if he doesn't know the word or definition. Most boys will get embarrassed while you are explaining, so keep it short and to the point while still being informative so that he will be less likely to have questions. A possible explanation could be "Masturbation is touching yourself in a sexual way in order to achieve pleasure or orgasm."
  • Question
    At what age will my period stop?
    Community Answer
    A period occurs because the female body is removing the tissues in the Uterus. This occurs until menopause, when the ovaries stop producing hormones. Menopause occurs around the age of 40-50.
  • Question
    Are we exposed to have emotional changes as we hit puberty? I'm a boy.
    Community Answer
    Yes, boys experience increased anxiety, feeling withdrawn and experiencing unfamiliar emotions, as well as mood swings during puberty.
  • Question
    Is ten a good age for "the talk?"
    Community Answer
    Yes! Many kids get "the talk" around age 10. This is a good age for it, especially if your child is asking questions. It's helpful for them to know these things before puberty hits.
  • Question
    If my mom got her period when she was 16, will I get it then too?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You might get it at 16, but it does not depend on when your mom first got hers. Every person is different, and it comes when it does. Some girls get it as early as 12, or as late as 18, but there is no direct correlation between when your mom got it and when you will get it.
  • Question
    I am ten, is there any way to make my period start?
    Community Answer
    No. Your period will come when your body is ready, and there is no way to make this happen any sooner or later. It's an involuntary bodily function.
  • Question
    My daughter is only 11 and she has her period, is that normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, she is just a relatively early bloomer. A girl can get her period anywhere between ages 8-16.
  • Question
    I feel like all my friends look more mature then me. I want to look mature too, but I know I have to wait until my body is ready. How can I be confident about myself?
    Dolls and Toys anbd Megan!
    Community Answer
    I feel the same, just know you're not alone. Remind yourself that things take time and that you're beautiful just the way you are. Also, try not to pay attention to it and just have fun.
  • Question
    How would I know if a female has their period?
    Community Answer
    You can't know without asking them.
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    I'm nervous about starting my period. Should I be?
    Community Answer
    Everybody gets nervous about this, but it's really no big deal. Once it happens, the nerve-wracking part is over and you get used to it pretty fast. I'd suggest you just carry a little kit with pads/tampons in it wherever you go so you're not unprepared if it happens while you're away from home.
  • Question
    What are the red lines on my breasts?
    Community Answer
    They are stretch marks, which are common when your breasts are growing.
  • Question
    Why do people have sex?
    Community Answer
    Most people think that sex is fun, so they want to enjoy it with someone special. Or they do it because they want a baby. If you don't want to have sex, that's okay. You might not be ready yet. Some people never want to (due to asexuality or something else), and that's okay too. You get to choose what happens to your body, and if you don't want it, you don't have to have it.
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