Q&A for How to Attract Crows

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    What foods attract crows?
    Roger J. Lederer, PhD
    Dr. Roger Lederer is an Ornithologist and the founder of Ornithology.com, an informative website about wild birds. Dr. Lederer has spent over 40 years teaching, studying, and writing about birds. He has traveled to over 100 countries to study birds. Dr. Lederer is an Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences at California State University, Chico, and has been a Department Chair of Biological Sciences and Dean of the College of Natural Sciences. He has written more than 30 research papers and 10 books on birds and a textbook entitled “Ecology and Field Biology.” Dr. Lederer has consulted the BBC, National Geographic, National Public Radio, ABC News, the Guinness Book of World Records, and numerous other organizations and publications.
    Expert Answer
    Leave out some larger food, like peanuts in the shell or sunflower seeds, for crows to find.
  • Question
    Will a crow be good substitute for a friend?
    Community Answer
    Depends on the friend. Any crow is probably better than an awful human friend.
  • Question
    Do crows like corn on the cob?
    Community Answer
    Yes. They like pretty much any food, as they are non-dieted animals and they are scavengers.
  • Question
    Will the presence of crows be a deterrent to other smaller birds?
    Community Answer
    Only while the crows are around. Smaller birds will return to the area when the crows are elsewhere.
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    Is it normal for crows to chase eagles away from prey, like my chickens?
    Community Answer
    Yes, so crows can be very helpful when trying to protect your chickens.
  • Question
    My family has outdoor cats that are good hunters, but I want to be able to attract crows. How can I ensure I'm not luring them into a death trap?
    Community Answer
    Put bells on your cats, and keep the grass and hedges short to minimize cat stealth. It's possible the crows may befriend the cats or come to a mutual understanding. Corvids usually post a lookout.
  • Question
    Can they be tamed? And if so, would it be possible to have an army of them?
    Community Answer
    Technically, yes, they can be tamed. However, most "tamed" (they will always be wild animals) crows are friendly towards a human that rescued them when they were injured, etc. Taming wild animals is also not legal in all areas. Please check your local laws and regulations.
  • Question
    Do crows migrate in the winter, and what is the best time of day to feed them? What is the best type of food to attract them, and will the food attract rats?
    Community Answer
    I like to feed my crows cat food (the dry kibble), cashews, and whole peanuts. Most American crows do not migrate. Some food may attract rats so if you are worried about that clean up the food before night-time. Any time of day is good but I've found that early morning works the best (7:00 to 9:00 am).
  • Question
    How do I summon crows and control them like in a video game or movie?
    Arra Sails
    Community Answer
    It is not possible to control a crow. Most video games, while fun, are not very realistic. I suggest finding a crow video game.
  • Question
    Can I get a crow to take food out of my hand?
    Community Answer
    It's possible, but it would take a lot of patience.
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    What color should a crow feeder be?
    Community Answer
    Red is a good visible color for a crow feeder.
  • Question
    I feed wild birds daily. We have lots of blue jays. Fish crows have perched in our trees, but don't stay and I've never seen them eat. We have a large yard with a pond. What am I doing wrong?
    Community Answer
    Crows are very intelligent and are very timid of humans. if you put food outfor them, they may come around.
  • Question
    Is it possible to attract crows to an apartment balcony?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. You should be able to use many of these steps in an apartment as well.
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    I live in a flat and have my own section of garden, but it's pretty small. What can I do to stop the crows from going into the neighbor's garden, but stay in my bit?
    Community Answer
    I would try by simply making your yard more appealing. Maybe if you have "regular" crows, ask your neighbors to put out wind chimes or some tinfoil so that their yard is unappealing. You could also leave out some food for them.
  • Question
    Why are there so many crows in my yard?
    Community Answer
    They may be eating insects and such. Crows are social creatures so it's normal for them to go around in small groups.
  • Question
    What might cause crows to stop coming around after they have been eating the bread you set out before?
    Community Answer
    There could be natural predators around such as a cat, keeping the crows away. A sudden increase in noise level, such as nearby construction work, also might drive them away.
  • Question
    What will happen to the local Sparrowhawks if crows come?
    Community Answer
    They'll probably get scared off, at least to a degree. At the very least, they'll be more cautious and harder to see.
  • Question
    Is it legal to put rings on crows' legs?
    Community Answer
    No, it's not. A ring or tag on a crow's leg indicates a number of things to wildlife workers. Crows and other birdlife are tagged for a variety of things; it could be a head count or just to mark that they are a protected group. If the crow is your own pet, however, then you can put rings on its legs.
  • Question
    Does a crow look at someone sideways or straight on?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the crow, but most would probably just look at someone straight on.
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    Is it possible to attract crows in a city?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is.
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    Can I attract crows in a 19th floor of a high rise building?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is possible, but they may not typically fly that high.
  • Question
    Can a taxidermy crow attract other crows?
    Community Answer
    I would suggest not using a real crow. They might see it as a threat.
  • Question
    I heard crows like shiny objects. I put a silver necklace out; do you think this might help?
    Community Answer
    Of course it will.
  • Question
    Where can I get a crow whistle?
    Community Answer
    You can get one at many local pet stores.
  • Question
    How do I get the crows to come back?
    Christoph Vezina
    Community Answer
    Routine placement of food on a solid schedule will make them come back. They are intelligent birds, and learn quickly.
  • Question
    Will the crows intimidate and scare off my hummingbirds if they decide to roost in the same tree?
    Community Answer
    Not at all, we have tons of both in our trees.
  • Question
    Will crows keep turkeys away?
    Community Answer
    We have both crows and turkeys as fairly regular visitors, though I'm not sure we've had them at the same time. Both species are very intelligent, and are probably aware that neither poses a real threat, though I have no research to back that up.
  • Question
    I like to keep my windows open in the spring, which is right by where I plan to feed my crows. Will the birds fly into my house, and if so is it a problem?
    Community Answer
    It may be a problem if you commonly keep food on the counter. They will fly in, and they will make a huge mess. They will poop everywhere, and knock things of the walls and tables when they can't figure out how to get out. Make sure to leave your windows closed, use a screen or stop feeding the crows.
  • Question
    I feed a crow on regular basis during summer as I work a campground. When I came back this summer she was there within days asking for food and I am feeding her again. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, crows are able to recognize individual human faces and she recognizes you as someone who will feed her. Just be sure you're feeding her food that is appropriate for birds, like seed and fruit pieces. Although she may assume other humans might feed her too, she will remember if any human is mean to her or fails to feed her, so this is very much about her remembering you.
  • Question
    I have a crow tattoo. If they see it will they be more apt to stop by?
    Community Answer
    No, they won't even notice it. Maybe you should get a pet crow, that would be more likely to attract wild crows.
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