Q&A for How to Confront a Family Member Who Stole from You

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    How do you approach someone who is stealing?
    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA
    Marriage & Family Therapist
    Allen Wagner is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in Los Angeles, California. After working as a therapist at the Children’s Bureau and Penny Lane Centers, he opened his own practice in 2008. Allen works with both individuals and couples and has 20 years of experience as a therapist. Allen specializes in helping clients improve their relationships, assisting people in managing life transitions, improving communication in all environments, and identifying realistic and positive goals. Alongside his wife Talia Wagner, he authored the book "Married Roommates". He received an MA in Psychology from Pepperdine University and a BA in Film and Creative Writing from the University of Arizona.
    Marriage & Family Therapist
    Expert Answer
    Invite a professional counselor to help manage the conversation. Family theft situations can get really complicated, so it helps to have a professional involved.
  • Question
    My 20-year old niece, stole two old computers from me and some money. I love my niece, and this really makes me so worried. I also have information I need on those computers.
    Community Answer
    Confront her. Tell her you know she stole from you and you want the items back, or she needs to replace them for you. If she refuses, talk to her parents or legal guardians and ask them for help retrieving your items. If all else fails, call the police. I understand you don't want to, because you love her, but she needs to learn that stealing is wrong, and this sometimes requires a harsh lesson.
  • Question
    What if my husband lets his family members steal my stuff?
    Community Answer
    This is extremely manipulative and disrespectful behavior. Tell him it needs to stop right now. If it doesn't, file for divorce.
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    My daughter stole $3200 from me and she also took a key to the lock box. She said, "Phone the police, there are no prints." What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Go to the police. It doesn't matter if there are no prints. You can still file a complaint and they will look into the issue. Move your valuables out of that lock box.
  • Question
    I stole food and alcohol from my brother's house. Why would I do this?
    Community Answer
    You showing regret is the first step. Be open and honest with your brother. Tell him you took these things and don't know why. This will lessen your feeling of guilt, and now that you've experienced what it feels like to have stolen something, you can change your behavior in the future.
  • Question
    My mom stole $35 from me in front of family. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have witnesses who will back you up, I would suggest you confront your mother. Do not state or ask outright if she stole it. Start by asking if she happened to be in your wallet, and if so why. If she denies it, try telling her that you already know that she 'has' been in there, and again ask why she would do it. Be polite but firm. This is your mother, but stealing is always inexcusable.
  • Question
    My mom keeps taking my money and seems to not care at all. WHat can I do?
    Community Answer
    If confronting her doesn't work, try to hide it in a different spot. Get a new wallet and put your money in there and pretend it's in the other wallet. Be creative.
  • Question
    I allowed my cousin to move in with me and she stole several antique items but she continues to deny stealing them. How do I prove she stole my things?
    Community Answer
    Put a tiny camera in the room where the antique items were and surveil the room to apply some pressure to her not to steal with a camera in the room. You can also try to confront her, ask her if she has seen the missing items or tell her that you know it is her that took them but make sure to be 100% sure it was her and you didn't accidentally misplace them.
  • Question
    My sister stole a toy box my grandparents made me and most of the antique glassware and China collection I inherited from my mother. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask for it back and if she doesn't cooperate, involve others to help you get your items back.
  • Question
    My younger sister keeps stealing small possessions. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to her about it. Tell her you know what she's doing and that she needs to stop, because stealing is wrong and disrespectful. If it continues, tell a parent/guardian and have them talk to her.
  • Question
    My brother (71) is visiting my mother (96) and me for a while and is taking mom's family pictures and hiding them. I'm afraid he's taking other things we don't know about. He's unwell but refuses help, and flies into rages. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Explain to him that you are aware that he has hidden certain pictures that could be made available to him, without the need to "steal" them, if he would just ask. Pictures can be reproduced, and often repaired when doing so. Let him know that you understand his wanting to stay in the home, but taking things without consent, then flying into a rage is very disturbing to your mother, and you will be forced to get a restraining order against his being there if he continues. The family courts have the necessary forms to request such an order, which will remove him from the home the very day he is served.
  • Question
    My daughter-in-law stole a wallet from a guest at a birthday party. We know she did it, and when I took her to another room and asked her, she loudly denied it and ran out. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Let that be the last party or gathering that you invite her to, and make sure your friends and family know not to trust her at their parties either.
  • Question
    My sister-in-law has been stealing money from our wallets. What should we do, as we don't have any proof?
    Community Answer
    Mark your money in a non-obvious way so that you can sure it's yours when you confront her, or set up security cameras in the house around your wallets. A nanny-cam would be a good option.
  • Question
    My mother stole my game disc. How do I get it back?
    Community Answer
    Well, this is a tough case, as this is your mother. If I were you, I would confront her and ask for it back. if she denies ever stealing anything, try to talk her into it by saying things like, “What type of mother would you be if you taught me to steal?” or, “How would you like it if I stole your valuables?” If all fails, the best you can do is buy a new game disc.
  • Question
    How do I handle a few family members that stole my inheritance?
    Community Answer
    You can try talking to them about this and see if you can find a way to resolve the issue that works for everyone, or you can hire a lawyer and take them to court.
  • Question
    I think the maids of our house are stealing my money. How can I catch them when I'm not allowed to be in the room they are cleaning in?
    Community Answer
    Place a hidden camera in the room or rooms where they are cleaning and watch the footage when they leave. Or simply fire them and hire a new maid service.
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    My younger brother stole about two thousand dollars from my mom, and he keeps tricking or guilting her into giving him more. What steps should I take?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Honestly - none. It really ought to be between your mother and brother. But you can point this out to her. One way would be to say, "Well, it looks like you've given a total of $2,000 to my brother, that's not really fair now is it? If one of your children gets money, the others should get that amount, too". Or face it head-on: "Look, Mom, my brother is tricking and guilting you into giving you money, what's up with that?"
  • Question
    My mom has been taking some of my boyfriend's belongings. How do I confront my mom about this issue? Should I be the one who confronts her or should it be my boyfriend who does it?
    Community Answer
    It should probably be you. Make sure she did it. Ask her (subtly) why she would do it. It could be that she disapproves of him. If so, assure her that you like him and it ought to be your choice. Tell her there are better ways to say so. Tell her it was wrong and that you feel hurt and disrespected. Be confident. She is your mother and most likely thought it would only affect him. If she knows you are hurt, she will likely stop. If she doesn't, set a consequence.
  • Question
    My mom has been taking belongings from my boyfriend. I was just made aware of this issue today. How do I confront her about this problem? Or does my boyfriend confront her about it?
    Community Answer
    It depends on many things - your age, the level of commitment in your relationship, and your safety are just a few. If you’re older than a teenager, are committed like marriage, and your mom & him are close, your boyfriend can talk to your mom alone. If you’re older than a teenager, committed, but your mom & boyfriend aren’t close - consider doing it together or by yourself. If you’re a teenager, your not super committed even if they are close, have that conversation alone. If you aren’t safe, seek out help from an objective party. And stay calm! Set your emotions to the side. Ask questions. Seek to understand. Come prepared with evidence if possible.
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