Q&A for How to Deal With Transphobia

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    When is a right time to come out?
    Community Answer
    When you feel that you are in no danger of being thrown out and being on your own. If your family is not accepting, wait until you don't depend on them financially anymore.
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    What if my mum is blaming the internet and my transgender friend for me being trans, saying I'm just copying him? What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell her the internet and your friend only confirmed and gave a name to something you already knew about yourself. Keep in mind that it may just take some time for your mum to wrap her head around this. She probably thinks it's a phase, but eventually she'll realize your serious. If it feels like your arguments/conversations about this are going nowhere, just try to avoid talking about it for the time being.
  • Question
    What should I do if my family is un-supportive and would disown me if I was transgender or homosexual?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is wait until they become more supportive. It will be difficult, but it will be even more difficult if you do tell them and get disowned. Your safety comes first. What you can do in the meantime is find support among other people you trust. If things end badly with your family, you will still have these people's support.
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    How do you make it easy for people to remember to use your pronouns?
    Community Answer
    It's not going to be easy for them. From time to time you will still get called "he" or "she" when the opposite is appropriate. The best thing to do is be patient and correct them if they're wrong, everyone is learning together.
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    What if I'm transgender in an all boys school and nobody knows? My parents know, though.
    Community Answer
    If you mean that you've transitioned from female to male, and you're going to an all boys school, you don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to. That is your own personal business. If you mean that you are biologically male and want to transition to female, you should ask your parents to put you in a school that is suitable for your gender.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone at my school is mocking me by calling me by my birth name or if someone is talking about me being the opposite gender?
    Rosie R
    Community Answer
    You can start by talking to your school counselor if you do not want to tell the bully to stop or if the bully has not stopped after you have told him/her to. Set up an appointment with the counselor, and explain to them who is bullying you and what about. If you feel uncomfortable talking to the counselor, tell a trusted teacher/staff member that you know can help. Your parents may also be able to call the school and talk to an administrator about what's going on.
  • Question
    How do I come out to transphobic people?
    Community Answer
    Don't come out to anyone who might cause you harm. Before coming out to a transphobic person, make sure you already have people who will support you.
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    How do I pass as a male in public if I already have a boy's haircut, dress masculine, and bind but i still get called a female?
    Community Answer
    Try working on your behavior and mannerisms more.
  • Question
    How do I handle stares & remarks in the bathroom?
    Ashleigh Wampler
    Community Answer
    Try your best to ignore them. Most people don't understand what its like to be trans and don't realize what they're saying affects you.
  • Question
    There's a transphobic guy I know who has serious misconceptions about being trans. For example, he believes it's just waking up one morning and deciding you're a male. What can I do?
    S A T O B A B E
    Community Answer
    Perhaps opening up a dialogue with him about addressing the misconceptions about being trans would be a helpful conversation for him. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to change their stance on something even if you present solid arguments, so ignoring him might also be an option.
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    My best friend is homosexual, and we've discussed LGBTQ+ topics a lot, and my parents are blaming my being transgender on her. What should I do?
    Skylar van Voorst
    Community Answer
    Sit down with your parents, and explain that your friend has no influence on you being transgender, that this is your own personal decision, and that your friend might have helped you understand the confusing feelings. Tell them how long you've been feeling this way, exactly what it feels like, etc. Be as specific as you can.
  • Question
    My friend is transphobic, but he doesn’t mean to hurt me. He really cares about me, and I care about him, so I don’t want to cut him out. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If he cares about you, he must not be completely transphobic, so don't accuse him of anything. That could hurt. How he treats you is important. Keep treating him well.
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    I once told a group of people that I'm genderfluid, and they kept asking me stupid questions. They tried to tell me that I am a girl and identify as genderfluid, which is not true. How do I stop it?
    Community Answer
    You can't stop it. What you CAN stop is your own reaction to it. Like it or not, you are a girl. How you identify with that is up to you, but you have to accept that you are female.
  • Question
    How could I feel more confident around/accepted by other boys in my high school? Most of them judge/are criticizing, and like to make jokes out of anything. (I'm a trans boy who still looks feminine.)
    Community Answer
    Understand that you can live the way you want. You don't need to give into peer pressure or bullying. If boys at your high school are making light-hearted jokes since you're transgender, ignore them. However, if the insults get real (saying transphobic slurs, verbal abuse, or physical assault) immediately tell a teacher, counselor, or the principal at your school.
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    I'm non-binary & most of my friends are LGBTQ+ or supportive allies, but I just discovered a mutual friend (whom they adore) is transphobic. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell the friend to stop, or correct any comments they make. You may also want to talk to one of your friends about it, if you trust them.
  • Question
    What do I do if this girl, let’s call her “S” keeps asking me why I’m in the girls’ restroom even though I’m nonbinary? It’s not like I can go into the boys’ room. There’s no gender neutral ones.
    Miss Bluebird
    Community Answer
    Well, S has good intentions. She's got the spirit. However, explain to her that there aren't any gender neutral bathrooms.
  • Question
    What do I do if the mean people at school keep asking if I’m transgender? I’m not out to anyone and I don’t want to be.
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    You never have to come out if you don't want to. Try to ignore their questions and comments, and keep expressing yourself however you feel comfortable. If the harassment continues, consider telling a teacher or a trusted adult.
  • Question
    My friend is acting transphobic, saying gender is a choice and that my dysphoria "isn't a big deal." I've tried explaining it to him but he doesn't listen. I can't avoid him because we both have band.
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    Even if you can't avoid him, you can still hang out with him less. If you've tried to explain over and over and it's just not working, he's probably not going to change. Try to point it out to him one more time, then slowly back away from the friendship.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of internalized transphobia?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    If you catch yourself thinking something transphobic, stop and analyze it. Really ask yourself why you're thinking that (is it because I don't understand? Did someone tell me to think this way?). Challenge those thoughts any time they come up to eventually make them go away.
  • Question
    How can I help my transgender friend when he feels bad because of his transphobic family?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    Try to be there for him as much as possible. If he needs to call you and vent, listen attentively and don't interrupt. Let him tell you what he needs to feel supported by you, and keep being a great friend!
  • Question
    I'm not trans, but I really hate it when my older sister (age 17) makes transphobic comments. What should I do?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    If you hear her making a comment like that, point it out and explain why it's hurtful to other people. Remind her that even though neither of you are transgender, you can still respect other people and not make fun of them.
  • Question
    My FTM boyfriend's very transphobic parents found out he is trans, and said they would kick him out unless he "gives up the trans thing." How can I help? I hate that he isn’t living his authentic self.
    Community Answer
    You could try talking to his parents with him and explaining that this is potentially a very serious mental health situation. Keep the conversation calm and civil and just do your best to explain what it means to be transgender and how people can really suffer if they are not able to live as the gender they know they are. You can also encourage your boyfriend to talk to the school counselor, as they can have some good advice about stuff like this, or they may even be willing to help him talk to his parents as well. Beyond that, just support him as best you can, using the correct pronouns, name, etc. and remind him that he will not have to live like this forever.
  • Question
    I am bigender, and my teacher has said some extremely transphobic things while insisting he's not being transphobic. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you feel that he is being transphobic or offensive toward you, make sure to tell your parents and contact the district, principal or school counselors. This behavior is not okay, especially for staff members. You feeling safe and comfortable at school is definitely more important than your teacher's pride.
  • Question
    How should I deal with kids bullying and mocking me for being trans? I usually just act like I don't hear them, but it's been getting really stressful and their comments have been worse then usual lately.
    Community Answer
    Anybody bullying you or mocking you for being trans is ignorant and immature, and you should stand up for yourself and tell them that. You should also talk to teacher or counselor at school, and a parent, assuming your parents are accepting of you. Remember that you will not be stuck in this school surrounded by this people forever; it truly does get better.
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