How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Deal With a Big Annoying Sister (for Teenagers)
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QuestionHow can I control my anger?Community AnswerWhen you sense that you are loosing control, remove yourself from the situation. Don't wait until you've blown up at your big sister to walk away.
QuestionHow can I ignore my older sister if I have anger issues?Community AnswerWhen possible, try to avoid your sister. If you have to spend time with her, concentrate on something else, like a video game or movie, instead of interacting with her.
QuestionWhat if you can't retaliate?Community AnswerWhile it is tempting to retaliate, it is always better to take the high road. Be the bigger person and walk away from the situation. This will keep you out of trouble.
QuestionWhat if your parents always side with your sister?Community AnswerTake a step back from the situation and try to see if from your parents's perspective. Did you start the fight or take it to the extreme? Did you intentionally hurt your sister or overreact to her behavior? If yes, than your parents might have a valid reason to support your sister. If no, try to talk to your parents in private and explain the situation to them.
QuestionWhat should I do when my sister treats me like a baby?Community AnswerExplain to your sister why this upsets you. Let her know that you are growing up and capable of doing things on your own and for yourself.
QuestionWhat should I do when she embarrasses me?Community AnswerWhen your sister teases you, don't retaliate. Let her know that she's hurt you and you intend to talk to your parents about it. Alternatively, you can play it off like it is no big deal—let her know that her teasing doesn't bother you.
QuestionWhat do you do when your older sister invades your personal space?Community AnswerSet strict boundaries with your sister. Let her know how you expect to be treated.
QuestionWhat if you can't ignore her?Community AnswerIf you can't ignore your sister, make the best out of the situation. Try to find an activity you can both enjoy.
QuestionWhat if they lie to you?Community AnswerIf your big sister lies to you, talk to your parents about her behavior. Let them handle the situation as they see fit.
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