Q&A for How to Drop Out of High School

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    Is stress a good reason to drop out of high school?
    Community Answer
    If the stress is too much and you find it's getting unbearable and is starting to badly affect your mental health, then it's valid. You should look into other options first, though. Online schooling is usually less stressful, or you can talk to your teachers and/or guidance counselors and try to come up with a plan to make things less stressful for you.
  • Question
    My parents are forcing me to drop out of school, because I'm already 16. What can I do if I don't want to do so?
    Community Answer
    Just don't do it. They legally cannot force you to drop out; that's not how it works. If they disown you, so be it. If needed, and you have no supportive relatives, you can spend a year or two in foster care until you are 18.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea for me to quit school early and become a YouTuber?
    Community Answer
    No. If this career doesn't pan out for you (and there's a very good chance it won't), you'll have nothing to fall back on if you quit school. You can be a YouTuber in your spare time.
  • Question
    I want to drop out at 16 and move to California to finish my high school education. I live in Missouri. Can I buy a house and go to school?
    Community Answer
    I live in California and let me tell you that living here is not cheap. I currently rent and share a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house for $1,500, but it would be harder if I was alone. On top of that, I attend college so I constantly have to fill up my car, and 1 gallon of gas is around $3.50 or almost $4 in places like L.A. Don't forget that there's also the need to buy groceries, clothes, insurance, etc., so you have to plan ahead and be prepared for a lot of financial responsibility. Furthermore, you'd have a lot of trouble finding someone willing to rent to you or sell you a house because you're under 18.
  • Question
    If I drop out of high school, could I still go to a technical school?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the requirements of the technical school. You may need to obtain a GED at least.
  • Question
    What are some potential sources of employment for a dropout?
    Community Answer
    Most jobs these days require a high school diploma, but you could get a job in the food service industry or in a stock room. You could work in lawn maintenance or the agricultural industry. You have to be willing to work hard physically if you don't have a diploma.
  • Question
    What do I do if my parents don't want me to drop out of school?
    Community Answer
    You should have a conversation with your parents so that you can hear their reasons for wanting you to stay in school, and so you can explain your reasons for why you want to drop out. You should discuss with them all of your options and work together to find the best one for you.
  • Question
    Can I still be a bus driver?
    Community Answer
    You'll have to get your GED first; bus drivers require a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Question
    I want to drop out of high school because I am getting low marks and it's so stressful I have been thinking of suicide. What can I do if my parents won't listen to me?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your school counselor and explain everything to them. There's a good chance they might be able to help take some of the pressure off you. If everything still feels too difficult, talk to your parents about homeschooling. Tell them how serious the situation is and how it's been affecting you emotionally. If you're afraid they won't listen to you, consider asking the school counselor to help you talk to them.
  • Question
    Should I drop out if I'm not learning anything relevant or stimulating?
    Community Answer
    If you can, try to stick it out until you get your GED. That way you can go to college and start a career. If you can't, look into home school and online schooling first.
  • Question
    The minimum age in my state for dropping out is 18. What can I do to prevent officers from knocking on my door?
    Community Answer
    Reconsider dropping out. There are ways to finish high school online.
  • Question
    Is there any way to drop out under the legal age?
    Community Answer
    No, you shouldn't do anything illegal.
  • Question
    What should I do if I want to drop out of my engineering class?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your guidance councellor. Dropping a class is different from dropping school altogether. If you'd rather take another class, you'll have to look at various availability and scheduling issues. The longer you wait after the recommended add-drop period, the harder that may be.
  • Question
    Can I take my GED while still in school?
    Community Answer
    No, most GED testing facilities will not administer the test if you are still enrolled in high school.
  • Question
    What can I do to drop out of homeschooling?
    Community Answer
    I suppose that you need to have a conversation with your parents about stopping your schooling.
  • Question
    Will my mom hate me if I drop out of school?
    Community Answer
    Probably not, but you shouldn't drop out.
  • Question
    I'm 12, and I'm so behind at this point I really can't catch up. I want to drop out as soon as possible. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Please stay in school. Talk to your parents about this and ask if they can hire you a tutor. Talk to your teachers as well and ask if there are any opportunities to get a tutor through the school or if they can give you extra help before or after school. They will want to help you. Ask your teachers how you can get caught up and try to come up with a plan. Work on that plan a little bit every day and you'll see improvement. Don't give up just because things are hard right now. Getting an education is worth the effort.
  • Question
    Would social services get involved if I dropped out of school to take care of a child?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your age and the laws in your state regarding dropping out of school. Social services might also get involved if they do not feel you are old enough to be caring for the child.
  • Question
    How can I talk to my parents about dropping out of high school?
    Community Answer
    Just sit down and talk with them. Write down some of the important points you want to make, and have a plan ready for what you want to do if you're not in school.
  • Question
    Is it okay to drop out of high school?
    Ellie Homewood
    Community Answer
    As long as you still do online school, you still are receiving an education. People usually believe online school to be less stressful.
  • Question
    Where would I live once I drop out if I don't already have a job?
    Ellie Homewood
    Community Answer
    People only drop out if they have somehow managed to secure a future. If you do not have a job or any money, you should not drop out.
  • Question
    Are there any good options for students who want to drop out due to educational stresses?
    Ellie Homewood
    Community Answer
    Talk to your school counselor. If you are really struggling, talk to your parents about homeschooling.
  • Question
    What can I do if I'm eleven years old, don't like school, and am not doing well in any classes?
    Community Answer
    Since you're not old enough to get a job to support yourself, and you could easily be reported to Child Protective Services for truancy if people routinely see you outside during school hours, you're stuck with school for the time being. Figure out the classes that you do like, and plan to take a lot more of those in the next couple of years (and fewer of the subjects you hate). Take classes that will develop your life skills: keyboarding, cooking, auto shop, resume writing, speech, etc. - these will help you gain independence. Get help with whatever subjects are holding you back: talk to the teacher, get a tutor, join a study group, or look for help online. Take a serious look at what entry-level jobs are available for teens in your area and start developing the skills you'll need. You can't drop out without having some sort of financial independence, as whoever is currently providing for your needs is most likely going to insist that you stay in school until you graduate.
  • Question
    Is it possible for me to drop out of high school for only one year?
    Community Answer
    If you want to take a break from in-person learning, you can take online high school courses for a year to remain caught up in your studies.
  • Question
    I want to dropout and live with my mom in Arizona and go to school there. I am super stressed because of my dad what do I do? How do I talk with them?
    Community Answer
    Tell your mom and dad that you want to drop out and transfer schools to Arizona. If they allow you to move, then contact your school’s office administration and say that you are transferring schools.
  • Question
    WHat is Nebraska process for dropping out?
    Community Answer
    The minimum age to drop out of high school in Nebraska is 16 with consent from a parent or legal guardian. If you intend to drop out, first talk to your guidance counsellor about a good plan and after talk to your parents. If your parents don’t agree on you dropping at 16 out you can wait until your 18 when you can drop out without consent. If you decide to drop out you will have to fill out paper work with your guidance counsellor and school principal. After completing the paperwork, strongly consider getting your GED or take online high school courses to finish this basic education.
  • Question
    The high school environment just isn’t right for me and I have been given the chance to become a paid model. I’m 14 years old and I can’t deal with the school environment (too restricting). Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Do not drop out of high school. Having a high school diploma opens up a world of post secondary education and employment opportunities that is unavailable to those without the certificate. If your modelling career does not pan out for you (and there is a great chance it won’t or that it won't be anywhere near enough to pay the bills), then you will have nothing to fall back on. However, at least try to get your GED or take homeschooling classes to complete this basic education, while you are doing the modeling.
  • Question
    I am 17. Can I work full time if I drop out?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you may be able to drop out at 17 and work full time. However, it depends on your state’s law. Most states don’t allow you to drop out under 18, while some allow you to drop out at 16 with consent from a parent or legal guardian.
  • Question
    Could I still become a politician if I were to drop out of high school?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is possible that you could still become a politician without a high school diploma. However, you will have reduced chances of getting elected because you will be at a disadvantage through lack of training and learning across a broad range of areas that would help your political thinking and understanding, unless you were willing to put in this effort yourself. If you wish to become a politician, it is recommended that you stay in high school and finish. Then, go to college to study law and politics.
  • Question
    Can I drop out off school if their system is bad and everything there is bad for you?
    Community Answer
    You can always go to alternative high schools with more flexible times or you can do online homeschooling to finish this basic education. Different schools will have different programs and cultures, so shop around before deciding high school isn't working for you. If you really don't like it, ask your parents to homeschool or distance school you. It is vital to get your education completed at this level, to enable a good future for you.
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