Q&A for How to Get Good Grades in Tests with Little Studying

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    How can I concentrate when studying?
    Community Answer
    Remove distractions, like your phone or television. Set a timer for 50 minutes. Study until the alarm sounds, then take a ten minute break to refresh.
  • Question
    How can I get confidence in myself when taking exams?
    Community Answer
    Be positive and think of the best possible thing that could happen. Don't focus on the questions you can't do.
  • Question
    How can I secure good marks without preparing for the exam?
    Community Answer
    Listen to the professor when he is teaching and study regularly, even if you do not have tests coming up. Then, when an exam is coming, you will already know the material.
  • Question
    How can I get good grades when I have too much homework to even sleep properly?
    Community Answer
    You may need to talk to your teachers privately about the amount of work they're giving their students. In the meantime, make a timetable and plan your study time. If possible, work on your homework during your free time throughout the school day so it doesn't seem so overwhelming at night. When studying, use flash cards and color-coded notes to help remember the information. Lastly, give yourself a bedtime and stick to it! (Even if it means leaving an assignment unfinished.) You can never be a successful student if you can't even stay awake in class.
  • Question
    What if I don't have time to study?
    Shatakshi maji
    Community Answer
    At least go through the chapters, highlighting the important key words while reading. Give yourself at least a little time to go through your material. Sort out the chapters according to their sizes.Then divide your time accordingly, such as 1 hour for the big chapter you have,15 minutes for the shortest chapter, then 30 minutes for the next two medium chapters. You'll concentrate much better if you allot time.
  • Question
    What if I don't have time to study?
    Community Answer
    Try to study with the little time you have. For example, If you're waiting for a friend, you could read some flash cards on the particular subject you're revising.
  • Question
    How does drinking water help me study?
    Community Answer
    Drinking plenty of water keeps your body hydrated. If you aren't hydrated enough, you can experience lots of symptoms like dizziness, headache, or nausea that can distract you from studying.
  • Question
    I study for the exam but when I see the test I feel like I don't know anything, then I get poor grades. How can I improve my confidence?
    Community Answer
    Make sure to listen in class and take notes. Listening and having something to refer to later goes a long way. Make flashcards for studying and answer practice questions. Study with a friend and quiz each other. Most importantly, have confidence in yourself and stay calm when taking a test. It sounds like you get nervous in the moment and forget what you know. Breathe deeply, take your time, and remember your lessons.
  • Question
    How can I make myself interested in my studies?
    Community Answer
    Just try to keep life balanced. Get enough sleep. Get regular exercise. Drink enough water. Study regularly and do your work regularly.
  • Question
    How can I stop messing around in class?
    Community Answer
    Think about the rotten grades or the punishments you will get if you don't focus and respect the teacher. You don't want to get on the teacher's bad side, and your parents will probably be upset if they find out you're misbehaving.
  • Question
    I don't like to study, so how should I get interested in studies?
    Community Answer
    Look for things that you like about each class. Use different study methods so you don't get bored.
  • Question
    Is it good to put 110% pressure on myself, or does that make it worse?
    Darcy Winter Edwards
    Community Answer
    It makes it worse. Getting more tension will make you concentrate less. Relax and concentrate.
  • Question
    How can I stay calm if a teacher pressures me?
    Community Answer
    Just remember what your goals are. And be positive, don't get distracted or disappointed with yourself.
  • Question
    After an hour or two, I always forget what I've read. How can I stop this from happening?
    Community Answer
    Make sure to take breaks, and every couple of hours eat a healthy snack, something like a banana or yogurt. Be sure to drink plenty of water and get lots of rest. This should help you remember things. You should also go back and review the main points every once in a while to refresh yourself.
  • Question
    How can I get interested in reading lessons?
    Community Answer
    The best way to get interested in a topic is to delve right in. If you want to become more interested in reading lessons, then begin reading a little bit each day on your own. Over time you may find yourself becoming more engaged with the material and eager to learn more.
  • Question
    I have a study guide to do at home for homework. The next day is the test. Will teachers often collect study guides to grade them?
    Community Answer
    This can vary, you would have to ask your teacher.
  • Question
    What should I do if I forget to study on the day of the test?
    Community Answer
    There is nothing but to do your best on the test and put all your effort into the test to get a good score. If you explain your situation to the teacher afterward, there may be extra credit assignments you can do to make up points.
  • Question
    What should I do if I feel like I get better marks when I don't practice or work too hard?
    Community Answer
    Find a middle ground. You don't want to refrain from studying AT ALL, because that's a recipe for failure, but you also don't want to overprepare, because sometimes that can lead to anxiety, which is not good for your performance. You want to study just enough to be well-prepared.
  • Question
    Is it better to learn with a guide or is it better to learn with my textbook?
    Community Answer
    It is better to use a guide while studying a chapter. We always assume that if we read the textbook thoroughly, we will be able to answer all the questions but in the case where some questions don't give you an answer, then the guide will help you. But this thing clearly depends on you because everyone's style of studying is different. By using a guide, you can verify your answers.
  • Question
    Will listening to music help me focus?
    Community Answer
    It probably won't help you focus, but it can make the experience more pleasurable. Select non-distracting music without lyrics (classical or instrumental music designed for meditation is good).
  • Question
    If I finish studying and then watch TV or use the phone, would that make me forget what I've studied?
    Community Answer
    No, you should be fine as long as you studied well in the first place.
  • Question
    How can I get good grades on an exam?
    Community Answer
    Pay attention in class, do all homework assigned, study for several days before the exam and get a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast before the exam.
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