Q&A for How to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings

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    Are hydrangeas fast growing?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Hydrangeas are considered fast growing and can grow as much as 25 inches or more each year.
  • Question
    Where can hydrangeas grow?
    Community Answer
    Most don't like very hot positions so direct south is best avoided. They are happy in a woodland setting or partially shaded area that receives sun either early or late in the day.
  • Question
    When you say that cuttings from a flowering shoot will not have blooms, do you mean that it won't flower the first season or that it won't ever bloom?
    Community Answer
    They should flower when they grow more stems. The stem of a flowering cutting has already flowered and so is not as vigorous.
  • Question
    Do I have to use a clear bag over a cutting?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It works to hold moisture in, especially if it covers the whole pot your cutting is in. The moisture evaporates in the heat of the day. Then, as outside temperatures cool, the moisture condenses and goes down the plastic and back into the soil. This method established a mini ecosystem and reduces the need for watering.
  • Question
    Can the rooted cutting be planted outside where it will have sun for a full six hours?
    Community Answer
    Full sun will burn the hydrangea. Morning sun is best with shade by noon and the rest of the day.
  • Question
    How do I keep a hydrangea colored blue?
    Community Answer
    There are some fertilizers that change the pH level. You can add more acidic fertilizer to change the color.
  • Question
    I purchased hydrangea from a grocery store. Can I plant them outside?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, but you have to make sure that your soil is acidic enough. If it is not, there are supplements you can use to adjust that.
  • Question
    Can I take a cutting home on the plane and wait a few days to plant it?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The best way to do this is to get a small empty plastic water bottle, make your cutting by removing all but the top leaf, and cut those in half. Push the cutting into the water bottle, leaf end first (this makes removing it easier). Pour a tiny amount of water into the bottle (1/8 teaspoon max) and replace the lid. Turn the bottle upright with the cap end at the bottom. The 100% humidity generated inside the bottle will keep your cutting firm and ready for when you return home.
  • Question
    How long can you keep the hydrangeas in the house (a sun room) before planting them? Will they be fine until spring if I am just now rooting them in August?
    Community Answer
    Overwintering indoors is not advisable, since they are outdoor plants, and don't take to being indoors for an extended period. Cuttings are best taken in early summer so that plants are well established before winter, and then given a protected environment close to the house or other heated building, or the pots well covered in mulch for the winter.
  • Question
    I planted a new oak leaf hydrangea. It was producing leaves from 4/5 limbs. My puppy chewed two of these limbs. Will my plant die?
    Community Answer
    Wait one season and see if it survives. If it looks dead, do the scratch test. Scratch a tiny spot of the bark. If it's green, there's still a chance! If brown, you would need to consider propagating a new piece.
  • Question
    What is the mother plant?
    Community Answer
    The mother plant is just the established plant that you are using to take cuttings from.
  • Question
    Are the hydrangeas bought in the store an annual plant, or are they all perennials?
    Community Answer
    Most store bought hydrangeas that are in flower for Mother's Day are shrubs that can live outside for many years in zone 4-8, but depending on your location, the winters may kill the buds in colder areas and you may not get blooms.
  • Question
    What is wrong if I tried the first method and when I checked on it, there was a lot of mold on it?
    Community Answer
    Mold usually indicates that there is too much water. You may have over watered your cutting or you did not have it in a warm enough place.
  • Question
    Why will my hydrangea not bloom? It's a big, beautiful bush, but has only bloomed once in 12 years.
    Community Answer
    It sounds like it's not receiving enough nutrients in the soil; you might want to add some hydrangea fertilizer.
  • Question
    How can I make sure my purple stays purple when I put it in the ground?
    Community Answer
    Dig a hole large enough for the hydrangea. Fill it with lime free compost. Putting some rusty nails in around it will help keep the flowers bluei/purple because it needs acidic soil to keep it blue. There are also colorants in hardware stores that can help.
  • Question
    What makes multicolored flowers or dark-colored flowers?
    Community Answer
    Aluminum sulfate keeps blue hydrangeas blue and stops mauve ones from turning pink. The more you use, the darker the color. Also, I have had a multicolored result some years too.
  • Question
    Can hydrangea cuttings survive a New England winter?
    Community Answer
    Set up a pot indoors for the hydrangea cutting. They are unlikely to thrive in the cold.
  • Question
    Will hydrangea grow in central Florida? Is there anything special that needs to be done for them?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Plant them on the north side of your house with soil that's been amended with peat moss.
  • Question
    I have a leafless stem and it already has roots. If it is already planted, how long will it take to grow leaves?
    Community Answer
    About two weeks if it likes the location.
  • Question
    I put my the pot with my cuttings inside a bag. Even in the shade they are still wilting. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try removing the bag, and mist water them slightly once a day for 3 days. There might be too much heat and not enough moisture in the bag to generate what the plant needs.
  • Question
    Can I put new rooted plant in the ground in late September in zone 4b or should they stay in a pot indoors over winter?
    Community Answer
    Overwintering indoors is not advisable, since they are outdoor plants, and don't take to being indoors for an extended period. Cuttings are best taken in early summer so that plants are well established before winter, and then given a protected environment close to the house or other heated building, or the pots well covered in mulch for the winter.
  • Question
    Can I use the same planting method for a viburnum bush?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Take it as a hardwood cutting in winter, generally from leaf fall to new growth.
  • Question
    My white hydrangea has never blossomed. It is planted between a blue and a red hydrangea that blossom every year. Why doesn't it bloom?
    Community Answer
    If your white hydrangea is taller, it might be getting too much sun, but is giving shade to the other ones, or it gets the brunt of the snow or ice in winter but it protects the smaller ones from the same elements.
  • Question
    Will my cuttings, after rooting, do well in reverse sun, meaning shade during morning hours through early afternoon and sun in later afternoon?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they will bloom beautifully. Mine are situated like that and they are glorious. You will experience some wilting if it's very hot in the sun, but it does not seem to harm the plants or blooms.
  • Question
    How do I take hardwood hydrangea cuttings?
    Community Answer
    Most hardwood cuttings are taken during the hydrangea's rest time over the winter months--generally the period from leaf fall to when new growth starts in Spring. Take a healthy cutting about nine inches long, and strip the lower leaves, leaving only two or three. Select a sheltered position out of wind and strong sun, and push the cutting into firm soil to hold it in the ground. If the weather is unusually dry, water regularly.
  • Question
    Can the dried flowers be removed after blooming?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is best to prune your plant right after flowers have finished blooming to encourage more blooms the next season.
  • Question
    What will happen if I take the cutting from somewhere other than the mother plant?
    Community Answer
    The mother plant is whatever plant you take it from, so that would be impossible.
  • Question
    Is there a way to root branches from a blueberry bush?
    Community Answer
    Take cuttings and immerse in water immediately, then plant in potting soil. Grew 8 successful plants last year in my greenhouse, they were 2' tall by spring.
  • Question
    When is the best time to plant?
    Community Answer
    Depending on your location, early spring is the best time to plant.
  • Question
    Is it possible to grow hydrangeas in hydroponic greenhouse? Where can I buy hydrangea shrubs (plants) for cultivating in a greenhouse in large volume?
    Community Answer
    Hydrangeas you buy from the store have roots established in soil, not water. Plants in soil have thick, robust roots. Plants in water have thin hairlike roots. In order to get Hydrangeas to grow hydroponically you need to start them as cuttings in the hydroponic system.
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