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Q&A for How to Juggle
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QuestionHow do I contact juggle?Barry McDonough is a Professional Magician based in Boston, Massachusetts. He is an experienced magician and entertainer, bringing excitement and fun to audiences of all ages. Barry performs for children's birthday parties, corporate gatherings, and a variety of other types of events. His work has been recognized by The Society of American Magicians (S.A.M.). Barry now runs a Magic School and Workshop to teach tricks and techniques to those eager to learn the art of magic from a professional. He received a BS in Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He also received a JD from Suffolk University Law School in Boston.So contact juggling involves mastering the art of manipulating a ball, often a big glass one. Start by holding the ball in your hand and rolling it across your fingers and palms without letting it fall. Practice controlling the ball's movements using subtle shifts in pressure and angle. As you become more confident, experiment with different tricks like rolls, isolations, and transfers between your hands and arms. Practice until your movements are fluid and graceful. Just remember that mastering contact juggling requires practice and repetition. Start with simple maneuvers and gradually work your way up to more complex tricks.
QuestionCan I juggle easier when standing or sitting?Community AnswerIt is much easier to juggle while standing. You have more control of the ball and can be eye level with the peak of the balls once thrown.
QuestionCan juggling make my mind sharper?Community AnswerJuggling makes you more focused, which in turn increases concentration, so in this sense you could say it does help make your mind sharper.
QuestionWhich ball is most suitable?Community AnswerThere are balls specifically made for juggling, and they are basically like hacky sacks. These work great because they do not bounce at all or roll all over the place. If you do not have these, other evenly weighted balls work fine, such as tennis balls.
QuestionHow do I stop the balls from touching each other in the air?Community AnswerAim each one slightly differently so that they either go under or over each other.
QuestionHow can I stop running around while juggling?Community AnswerThrow the ball closer to you. If you start running after the ball, then you are not doing it right. It's best you start juggling in front of a wall; otherwise, keep trying and keep your feet locked.
QuestionCan I use socks instead of handkerchiefs?Community AnswerYes. Socks are sometimes easier to toss because they don't drift away as much.
QuestionWhat are some good tips for beginners?Community AnswerThrow it a little higher than you think. Keep it close to you. Throw it against a wall. Use scarves to start, not balls. Ask for all the help you can!
QuestionHow long does it take to juggle with your eyes closed?Community AnswerYou have to master normal juggling first. Once you're very comfortable with juggling as a whole, you can start trying with your eyes closed. Of course, it depends how much you practice, but this is a difficult skill to master.
QuestionHow can I keep the ball from bouncing off my hand?Community AnswerTry to cradle the ball as it lands. See if moving your hands down slightly when you catch the balls helps.
QuestionWhat if the balls you plan to use are too light?Community AnswerThe weight doesn't effect much, but if they fall, they will bounce a lot more.
QuestionCan I be in my living room while juggling?Community AnswerYou could. However, a large, empty space is best for beginners. If you're a competent juggler, you could juggle anywhere with enough space for your arms. If there are breakables or other items nearby, consider moving practice spaces.
QuestionIs there a way to make it easier?Community AnswerCreate a rhythm. Start reciting "1, 2, 3, 4 ,5... etc" and you'll soon start doing it without thinking about what you're doing.
QuestionHow to increase sustainability using three balls?Jessie CarpenterCommunity AnswerTry conditioning. Most sport training include muscle strengthening and toning. Try practicing with heavier items so that the regular weight seems easy.
QuestionI throw harder with my right arm, so the ball goes flying. Any advice?Community AnswerPractice throwing the ball with just that right arm. Every time you throw, stop, figure out what went right and what went wrong, and then throw again. Do this until you have the muscle memory to keep the balls in orbit.
QuestionI just started and I can hardy do two. Is there a key to this?Community AnswerTry it in front of a wall. If the balls hit the wall, you are doing it wrong. Throw the balls in a pattern that follows almost the shape of an airplane wing.
QuestionHow long does it take to learn it when you're just starting?Community AnswerIt depends on how quickly you learn, how dedicated you are and how badly you want to learn.
QuestionHow do I juggle multiple balls when juggling?Community AnswerIn order to juggle four balls, you need to juggle two balls in one hand and the other two in the other hand separately.
QuestionCan I juggle with heavy balls?Community AnswerIt depends on how heavy, but yes. If you are good enough, you can juggle almost anything that will fit in your hands.
QuestionHow many dedicated hours does it take to go from a starter to 3 balls?Community AnswerFor me, it took about 6 cumulative hours over a span of one month. If you practice every day for 20 minutes, though, you should be able to pick it up faster, depending on how good your hand-eye coordination and judgement skills are.
QuestionI don't quite understand the over the top method. Could you explain it some more?Community AnswerBasically, it means to throw the objects in a circle pattern in front of the body. it's actually faster moving and more challenging.
QuestionDo you have more tips if I am having trouble with the steps?Community AnswerPractice regularly and often. If you happen to be a 'sprinting juggler,' and have erratic throws, try practicing throwing only -- not catching -- using a scoop toss. If you find yourself too frustrated, try going back to two balls or even one. Practicing in front of a wall can also help you control your throws.
QuestionI can do a three ball cascade with three throws, but I can't manage do a fourth. Do I just need to keep practicing, or is there something I might be doing wrong?Community AnswerIn order to juggle four balls, you need to juggle two balls in one hand and the other two in the other hand separately.
QuestionHow old does someone have to be to juggle?Community AnswerThere is no age requirement, as juggling is not particularly dangerous. A child as young as 6-7 years old could learn.
QuestionAt what age do you recommend starting to juggle?Community AnswerThere is no minimum or maximum age, and any age over seven is ideal.
QuestionApproximately how long does it take to master juggling three balls?Community AnswerIt shouldn't take more than 1-2 weeks provided you practice every day.
QuestionWhy do you have to look up when throwing the balls?Community AnswerSo that you can see how high it is. It will help you focus on how high to throw the next ball.
QuestionI have bouncy balls, is it okay to juggle with them?Community AnswerYes, it's common for people to juggle with bouncy balls. Just make sure the balls aren't heavy.
QuestionCan I use tennis balls to learn how to juggle?Community AnswerOf course you can! They will bounce pretty far when you drop them, which can be annoying, but it's certainly possible to juggle them!
QuestionAre there any other things/materials I can juggle with?Community AnswerOne can juggle basically anything, however clubs and rings are quite popular.
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