Q&A for How to Know if You're Pansexual

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    Is it possible for me to be pansexual or panromantic (or pancurious) if I can see myself dating anyone regardless of gender, sex, or sexuality but have only had crushes on boys?
    Top Answerer
    It's likely that you are pancurious. Pancurious is a state of doubt that occurs when a person is unsure whether they are pansexual/panromantic and is testing the waters/exploring their sexuality.
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    What is the difference between being omnisexual and pansexual?
    Top Answerer
    Omnisexual means being attracted to all genders with a preference. Pansexual means being attracted to all genders without a preference. Pansexuality is described as being "gender-blind" while being omnisexual is noticing a possible partner's gender, but not caring about it.
  • Question
    My best friend is pansexual, how can I support her?
    Top Answerer
    It's great that you want to support your pansexual friend! There are a few ways to do this: don't judge her preferences, encourage and stick up for her when she faces homophobia or discrimination, don't tell anyone else she's pansexual (unless she asks you to), listen to her, and educate yourself about the LGBTQ community.
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    I'm 11 and am a girl. So, my problem is my mother does not agree to being gay, but I'm pansexual and I have trouble coming out to her. I've told my friends already though. Help?
    Top Answerer
    You've made a big step forward by telling your friends, however, if your mother is homophobic, it's a better idea to wait to come out to her. It might not be a good idea to come out as pansexual if you know your mom is homophobic, as she could react badly. Consider waiting until your older to come out.
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    What does pansexual mean?
    Top Answerer
    Being pansexual means being attracted to people of all genders (trans folks, nonbinary people, women, men, agender individuals, etc) and having no preference for a specific gender.
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    What if the appearance of a partner is important to me, and I want to know their assigned sex at birth, but any gender is attractive to me? Am I bi, pan or omnisexual?
    Top Answerer
    You're probably omnisexual. Bisexual means being attracted to only two genders. Pansexual is being attracted to all genders, without a preference. Pansexual people are described as "gender blind," which means they don't care about someones gender identity or assigned sex at birth. Being omnisexual means not being "gender blind," which means they know someone's gender identity and assigned sex but don't care. You could also be queer, which can be a sexuality in which you don't use a label, and simply like whoever you like, however you like.
  • Question
    I’m 20 years old, female. Throughout my teens I only dated guys. I always thought of those no matter their gender as cute, hot, and attractive, but I don’t personally see myself dating a girl.
    Top Answerer
    You probably aren't pansexual or bisexual, then. You can think anyone is cute, attractive, or hot, but not actually be attracted to them. Based on your inquiry, it's very likely that you're straight.
  • Question
    Is there an omniromantic or just omnisexual?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Most, if not all, sexual orientations have an equivalent for romantic orientations.
  • Question
    I've never had a crush on anyone! But I find characters and people of all genders attractive and I definitely don't identify as bi. Am I pan or omni? (BTW, as a girl, women are really hot.)
    Top Answerer
    You could be on the asexual or aromantic spectrum! You could also be pan or omni along with being a-spec. If you feel differently about different genders, then you could be omni. If you consider yourself "gender blind", or not caring what gender someone is in your attraction, then you could be pan.
  • Question
    Am I still considered Pansexual if I've never dated, had a crush on, or kissed someone before?
    Top Answerer
    If you've never had a crush, you could be asexual or aromantic. You could also be asexual and panromantic if you still experience romantic attraction, or pansexual and aromantic if you still experience sexual attraction. Whether you've dated or kissed someone doesn't affect your sexuality.
  • Question
    I definitely think I have more of the "traits" of being omnisexual, but I like calling myself pansexual. Is it ok for me to say that I'm pansexual?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, absolutely! Labels are used to describe you, and you are welcome to use pan if you like it better! Many people who fit the definition of omnisexual prefer to call themselves pan.
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