Q&A for How to Know if You Are Asexual or Pansexual

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    I have never had a crush, and I sometimes think that both girls and boys are handsome or pretty. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    You may be experiencing aesthetic attraction, where you think someone is very attractive. Some aromantic people do experience aesthetic attraction, where they think someone is really good-looking but wouldn't want to date, hold hands, or do any romantic things. It's possible that you're an aromantic person who experiences aesthetic attraction from time to time. There's nothing wrong with that. Try doing some reading on the different types of attraction, and on different orientations, to help you better understand them and figure out what fits you best.
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    I'm very confused about all this. I have had crushes on girls and boys before, but recently discovered that I don't feel comfortable with the concept of sex. Can I be both?
    Community Answer
    You can be biromantic or panromantic and still be asexual. You may want to do some research into these terms. Keep in mind that the way you identify may change over time, and that's perfectly fine.
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    I used to get really stressed and would masturbate to porn to take my mind off the stress. Other than that I have no sexual attraction. Am I still asexual?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Asexuality is the absence of sexual attraction. Some asexuals do masturbate to blow off steam or relax.
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    I am a cynical 14-year-old boy and lack interest in romantic relationships. I masturbate occasionally but don't get any pleasure from it. What would I be categorized as?
    Community Answer
    If you don't feel any sexual or romantic attraction, you may be asexual aromantic. It is possible (and common) for these labels to change over time, so don't be afraid to change it up if you feel like this doesn't suit you later on. It's always up to you how you choose to identify.
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    Aren't those are opposite things?
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    This article discusses these because they are a lot harder to figure out than other sexualities.
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    This sort of confuses me, but I like to cuddle and kiss, but I don't feel comfortable with sex. I have get no pleasure from it, and I think of it as a fear.
    Community Answer
    If you're afraid of sex, that might be a psychological issue worth talking to a therapist about. Most asexual people are not afraid of sex, they just don't have any interest in having it. But if you truly feel that you're asexual, trust your instincts.
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    Through some research, I think I'm heteroromantic asexual, but I'm not sure how my strict Christian family will take it. I'm also not sure if it's valid, I guess. Thoughts?
    Community Answer
    Firstly, yes, of course your sexuality is valid. There isn't really anything about being a heteromantic asexual that a Christian could take offense to, but if just sit them down and explain how you're feeling, what those terms mean (to you specifically) and what you need from them (support, understanding, etc.). Don't be alarmed if they don't immediately understand, sometimes people need time to process their thoughts and feelings.
  • Question
    I don't know if I'm pansexual or asexual. I'm 14, I've never had a crush on anybody, but I did find some people attractive. I read porn (and I've seen some) and I do get aroused by it. Please help.
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you're aromantic? If you've found people attractive but never had a crush, maybe you aren't interested in romantic relationships? Asexuality means you aren't interested in sex at all. Romantic relationships are fine, but no sex. But if you are okay with dating all genders and like both romantic and sexual parts of a relationship and can see yourself in one, then you're probably pan.
  • Question
    Can a pansexual be uninterested in dating? I find all genders attractive but I have never fallen in love nor do I want to. I have been in between pan and ace forever but feel like pan fits me better.
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    If you find people attractive but don't want a relationship, you could be orchidromantic or orchidsexual. Also, keep in mind that romantic and sexual orientation can be different from each other, so you could be panromantic asexual or a different label.
  • Question
    Does porn actually turns people on? It never, or at least very rarely turns me on no matter if men, women. I'm confused whether I'm Pan or Ase, anyone can help?
    Top Answerer
    It sounds like you may be asexual. Asexuality means that you don't feel sexual attraction to anyone. If you do feel attraction to people, but just don't enjoy porn, you may be pan or another identity. It's up to you to determine which label fits you best.
  • Question
    What am I if I'm attracted to women and trans women, but not to men?
    Top Answerer
    Trans women are women, so being attracted to trans women as well as cis (non-trans) women doesn't change anything about your sexuality. If you are a man, you'd be straight, and if you are a women, you'd be gay/lesbian.
  • Question
    I'm 14 and I often experience a sort of attraction towards a girl and a boy I'm not sure I like. I'm unfazed when it comes to talking about sex but I've lately been dreaming about being intimate with them.
    Top Answerer
    It might be hard to know if you're asexual or not when you're younger because some teens aren't interested in sex at the moment while some do not experience sexual attraction and are asexual. However, based on your question, it's likely that you are romantically or emotionally attracted to them and only experience romantic/emotional attraction. As for the intimate dream, this might have to do with being attracted to them but not sexually attracted.
  • Question
    I have feelings for all genders but I'm also not really into sex. What does that make me?
    Top Answerer
    It's possible that you're panromantic asexual which is what you described: being attracted to all genders (romantically) but not sexually.
  • Question
    I'm a 19 year old girl and I do watch porn and l recently tried having sex but I couldn't get aroused, but I enjoy cuddling and kissing just the concept of sex doesn't intrigue me. I'm confused.
    Top Answerer
    It's likely that you're graysexual or experience have romantic attraction; you can be graysexual and watch porn, however, the fact that sexual activity with another person doesn't really interest you, but you like cuddling and kissing might mean you only have romantic attraction.
  • Question
    If I'm interested in both romance and in sex, am I pansexual or panromantic?
    Top Answerer
    Both! I assume you mean you are interested in romance and sex for any gender. Romantic attraction and sexual attraction are separate things. You can have a sexual orientation and a romantic orientation, these sometimes might match up (like it does for you), or it might not (for example, being a heteroromantic homosexual, or a biromantic asexual), both are okay.
  • Question
    I masturbate a lot, but I only started to do it because it felt good, not because I realized that it had anything to do with sex. I'm 13 and I've realized that I hate the thought of sex. Am I asexual?
    Top Answerer
    Not entirely. Asexuality does not mean anti-sex in a negative manner. Asexuals do not hate sex, they have no sex drive/desire to have sex. Hating sex is not the same as having no desire; no desire means you don't look at anyone and have an urge to want to have sex. You're 13, so an aversion to sex is normal.
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    I’m pansexual and I masturbate sometimes and I get aroused, but I don’t feel that way with my girlfriend. Am I panromantic? Or is it something else?
    Community Answer
    Being panromantic means that you're romantically attracted to all genders, so that may describe you. But if you experience arousal, you're probably not asexual, meaning pansexual would still be an accurate term. Honestly, it's possible you're just not sexually attracted to your girlfriend. That says more about your current relationship than it does about the status of your sexuality. You don't need to label yourself one way or the other, especially if you've just started dating and you're still figuring things out.
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    I think I'm panromantic. I'm a girl dating a girl that I really like, but the idea of anything sexual grosses me out. Recently somebody told me I'm not panromantic if I'm dating. Is that true?
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    By no means; you can still like and date people while not feeling that type of attraction. It sounds as though you may be an asexual panromantic.
  • Question
    How do I figure out if I'm aromantic or panromantic? What defines a romantic relationship? I know I wouldn't like kisses, but cuddles and hand-holding is fine, are those all platonic or romantic?
    Community Answer
    Cuddling and hand-holding are not necessarily romantic. They can be part of a romantic relationship, but do not have to be. What you are experiencing sounds like one of the other types of attraction, like platonic attraction or aesthetic attraction.
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    Sometimes I get sexual thoughts about people (only the person I'm dating), but I'm uncomfortable with them. Is there a term for this?
    Community Answer
    It can be confusing to have sexual thoughts or attractions. A lot of your confusion is completely normal and a part of realizing yourself as a sexual being. As you begin to explore your sexuality you will become more comfortable with it.
  • Question
    I masturbate a lot, but even the thought of having sex with any other human being seems totally gross. Does that mean I'm asexual?
    Community Answer
    You could be asexual. Plenty of asexual people masturbate/feel sexual desire, but have no interest in sex. However, keep in mind that if you're still a kid/teen, your mind and body are still changing, so you may feel differently in the future.
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