Q&A for How to Live a Good Christian Life

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    How can a Christian live a good life?
    Zachary Rainey
    Ordained Minister
    Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained minister with over 40 years of ministry and pastoral practice, including over 10 years as a hospice chaplain. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College and a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
    Ordained Minister
    Expert Answer
    One must be a follower of Jesus Christ to lead a Christian life. Know what Jesus did and said. Obey Him. It's really as simple as that.
  • Question
    As Christians, can we watch a television?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can watch TV unless your sect of Christianity forbids it. Just make sure you're not watching anything unholy. Remember, God wants you to have a pure mind.
  • Question
    What can I do if I try so hard to live a righteous life but the devil keeps messing with my head?
    Community Answer
    Start with praying to God and saying "In the name of Jesus Christ, please take Satan away from me." God shall answer your prayers. Jesus' name is very powerful, remember that.
  • Question
    Can I pray for my sister to God to forgive her sins?
    Community Answer
    You could ask God to help her to repent but she has to repent herself since she bears her own cross and can only submit it herself. True, you can pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and assist her.
  • Question
    What are some biblical tips to overcome procrastination?
    Community Answer
    You get some verses in Proverbs about the wise working and the folly slacking. Jesus also reminds his followers through his parables to be vigilant and work hard, such as in the one about the Wise Man and the Foolish Man building their houses.
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    How can I improve my attention span during a church service?
    Community Answer
    Try taking notes. It will really help you focus on the sermon. Before you go to church, make sure you're not playing on your phone or doing anything to keep you distracted.
  • Question
    Well some people say they're Christian but their action don't say it. I felt that sometimes I am the same. So I decide that I will just be quiet and to show righteous and godly actions. Please tell me if I am wrong or is it a good example?
    Community Answer
    True, some people call themselves Christians but aren't Christians in their hearts. Yes, you should do righteous actions and keep quiet. Naturally, if they see your righteous actions, they'll follow suit. Your goal is to maintain godly actions and stay away from immoral actions.
  • Question
    What can a person do that will make him get into Heaven?
    Community Answer
    He should accept Jesus Christ in his heart and believe that He is the only one that died on the cross for our sins.
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    How can you keep your mind and heart from sin? How can you learn to stay faithful to God?
    Community Answer
    Everyone sins except for Jesus. God made Jesus into a human without sin. That is why God said to follow Jesus by example. When you do sin, pray for forgiveness. Stay faithful with baby steps. Instead of listening to pop songs, listen to Christian songs and sing along. Start going to church every Sunday. Volunteer at your church. Distance yourself from people who are negative - but don't hate them; love them. That is what Jesus tells us to do.
  • Question
    Can I smoke, curse, use people, and speak in tongues, and still be a Christian?
    Community Answer
    If a person truly accepted Jesus Christ in his/heart as Lord and Savior, then the will of that person would be to walk in righteousness. If you continually do these things of the world, how could you belong to God? For if you belong to God, you don't belong to sin and the world. Ask for Jesus' help, and you must be born again through the salvation of Christ. He will help you if He knows you're willing to change.
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    How can I live a life that will result in answered prayers from God?
    Community Answer
    God doesn't answer prayers on the basis of how good you are. He has a plan for everyone, down to the tiniest detail, so sometimes you'll ask for something, and He'll say no even if it's a perfectly righteous request. God loves when you talk to Him and He takes prayers into constant consideration in His master plan, so live a faithful life and trust that He'll take care of everything.
  • Question
    How do I get closer with God?
    Community Answer
    Get closer to the Word. Read and honestly, whole-heartedly meditate on what it says. Pray to God for a relationship with him. When he talks to you, listen and act on what he says. Finally, make changes to your lifestyle where change is needed. Live a life the way he would want you to.
  • Question
    I am struggling with my faith right now -- I doubt everything. Please help.
    Community Answer
    Faith is the substance and evidence of things unseen, as the Bible says. Ask the Holy Spirit for the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong. Belief comes from within and trusting in Jesus with all your heart. Think of all the times He has brought you through. No matter what you go through, God will work out all things (the good and the bad) for the best. Just trust Jesus that He knows what's best for His children and He loves us more than anyone cause He made us. On the other hand, perhaps you are just transitioning to a new way of seeing the world, the place of humans in it and the fact that not everyone thinks faith is inevitable.
  • Question
    Am I allowed to play video games?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can play video games. Just don't let them become more important than God.
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    How can I live like this consistently and not get bored?
    Community Answer
    Pray to God and ask Him to renew your heart everyday and to give your strength.
  • Question
    What will I do to become a strong Christian? Sometimes when I come from work exhausted, I will not have good prayer, it would be short and unclear.
    Community Answer
    God always understands your true intent. He is your heavenly father; he will understand if you are exhausted from work.
  • Question
    Can Christians watch cinema?
    Community Answer
    Of course they can! They just can't watch movies that have lots of evil and nudity. They also should not let the cinema get in the way of their duties. This includes attending church, praying, doing homework, studying, etc.
  • Question
    Why does God say "no" to some of my prayers even if it is my deepest desire?
    Community Answer
    God is no different from a parent. He does what is best for you and helps you with what you need and should achieve, but won't give you completely unnecessary things. And sometimes, for example, if you really need what you are asking for, you might just need to clear your head for a while. Sometimes you just need to have a clear mind to know how he is trying to give you what you need.
  • Question
    Will God always forgive me if I always sin?
    Community Answer
    Everybody sins, but if you believe in Jesus then yes, He will forgive everything.
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    How do I ask God for forgiveness after I've watched porn and other naughty things?
    Community Answer
    If you repent from your heart (commit to never do it again) the He will forgive you. Jesus came to free sinners not condemn them. Don't be mistaken though, you can't ask for forgiveness then do it again and again.
  • Question
    How can I help others if I don't have enough?
    Community Answer
    As the Bible says, "Those who give when they have little, will be rewarded with loads." Even if you have little, give it. And you don't need to give physical things either; you can simply spread the Word.
  • Question
    I really want to be God's best friend and worship Him, but at the same time, I keep on doing bad things over and over again and I ask for forgiveness. Do you think God will not forgive me anymore?
    Community Answer
    God always forgives, no matter what. However, instead of asking for forgiveness, try asking for help to stop doing the bad things.
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    Sometimes I doubt that God is real. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Everyone has these doubts sometimes. Pray and ask God to help you to believe. Read your Bible. Go to church. The more time you spend with God, the closer you will get to Him. "I believe, help my unbelief!"
  • Question
    What if I live in a house where Christianity is considered a sin? My parents have a different religion and I am not allowed to go to Christian church. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Until you're 18 (or 21 in some states), you should respect their wishes by not attending Christian church. Respect their religion, while still believing in God and accepting Jesus as your lord and savior. The most important thing right now is that you believe in your heart.
  • Question
    Does being a Christian mean I have to go to church every Sunday?
    Community Answer
    Being a Christian means that we are followers of Christ and therefore we would recognize the first commandment which is to love God with our whole heart, mind, strength, and power. Our love for God should move us to go to his place of worship, because that is one way we offer praise to him. Also, the Bible tells us to gather together, and this is for our own benefit, because church is where we are given spiritual food and encouragement from our brothers.
  • Question
    Is it good to use an iPhone in church as a Christian?
    Community Answer
    No. You are in the house of the Lord, and you should be listening to the preacher.
  • Question
    Can a Christian watch/play football?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there is no reason a believer cannot watch or play football, as long as it doesn't become an idol. This simply means that it should not take the place of God in your life. He should be your number one focus.
  • Question
    If I don't go to a man-made church but continue to read the Bible, am I a good Christian?
    Community Answer
    The building is not what is special about church; the church is the group of people. You and I are the church, not the location where you congregate. If you don't want to go to a physical church building, you could try finding a group of Christian friends to congregate with regularly. If you can go to church, you should try to, but you aren't a bad Christian if you don't.
  • Question
    Is it alright to watch television on Sunday?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is fine to do anything you would normally do on Sunday. It is intended as a day of rest, a day to go to church and pray and read your Bible, but it is okay to watch TV on Sunday.
  • Question
    God said we should respect our leaders and obey them, but if I saw him drinking alcohol and fighting with others and I didn't obey him, have I committed a sin?
    Community Answer
    Yes, God told us to commit to authority, but if authority is asking us to do things that go against our faith, we should not obey them. Always put God first.
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