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Q&A for How to Make Butter Slime Without Clay
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QuestionWhat do I do if I don't have shaving cream?Community AnswerYou can double the amount soap, use baby oil, use coconut butter, use hair conditioner or use shea butter instead.
QuestionCan borax be used instead of contact lens solution?Community AnswerYes, it can. Borax makes a slime that is as good as, if not better than, contact lens solution.
QuestionWhere can I buy slime?Aleena GCommunity AnswerEtsy is a good website to buy slime from. There are a lot of choices on Etsy.
QuestionCan I make butter slime last longer?Itz.urgurlatianaCommunity AnswerYou can use cornstarch to renew it if it loses its consistency and keep it contained unless playing with it so that it won't dry up. It will not last forever, but these tips will help it last longer.
QuestionWhat makes edible slime edible?Community AnswerYou can use all edible ingredients, such as starburst or marshmallows.
QuestionCan you use shaving gel instead of shaving cream?Community AnswerNo, using shaving gel just doesn't work out. It gives your slime a weird, gross texture.
QuestionWhat if I don't have yellow food coloring?Community AnswerYou can draw on it with a yellow marker or use paint.
QuestionWhat if I don't have glue?Community AnswerIf you don't have glue you could make edible slime with marshmallows or starburst.
QuestionCan I use glue rather than using shampoo and cornstarch for the simple butter slime?Samuel MaceCommunity AnswerGlue would work, but the butter slime would have a better consistency if you use shampoo or cornstarch.
QuestionDoes borax solution work?Emily_Rose124Community AnswerYes, it does. You just have to be careful with how much you add to your slime, because too much can cause your slime to become over-activated and fail.
QuestionWhat do I do if my butter slime doesn't turn out right?Community AnswerIf it is too sticky, add borax. If it is too hard, microwave it for thirty seconds.
QuestionCan I make butter slime with one ingredient?LiaCommunity AnswerNo. Unfortunately, even the most basic slime still requires multiple ingredients to be successfully created. You could always play with clay by itself, but it won’t have the same ASMR values as real butter slime and may not spread as well either.
QuestionIs there some way to make slime without glue and borax?LiaCommunity AnswerYes, you can make edible slime instead. It does not contain glue or borax, plus you get to enjoy a snack later on!
QuestionWhat is butter slime?Community AnswerButter slime is slime with modeling clay in it. It makes it super smooth and soft.
QuestionWhat if I don't have baby oil.Hyuntae LeeCommunity AnswerYou can use things like contact lens-cleaning liquids or lotion.
QuestionCould I use contact solution instead of detergent in the second method?Community AnswerYes, as long as it is an activator. Borax works, just as well.
QuestionCould you use other liquid detergent?loki nekoCommunity AnswerYes, Tide is good and the other brands are fine to use. But don't add too much, especially if it is white glue you are using––it might take on the color of the detergent.
QuestionCan I make slime using shaving gel, glue, and laundry detergent?Community AnswerYes. The shaving gel is optional, but the glue is a common base, and laundry detergent is a working activator. Some brands of detergent work better than others, but you can use most brands.
QuestionWhat other materials can I use to make butter slime if I don't have baby oil, borax, or liquid starch?Community AnswerYou can make normal butter slime with glue, Tide detergent, and clay.
QuestionCan I use slime that’s already made and mix it with this slime?Community AnswerNo.It doesn’t work like that but there are many ways to renew old slime. And also, two different slime together will become hard and it won’t be stretchy or nice to play with.
QuestionHow do I make my slime more firm? How do I reduce the stickiness?Community AnswerTo make it less sticky, add baby oil and to make it more firm, add shaving cream or more glue. Glue works best.
QuestionWhen I made the simple butter slime it went super runny and sticky. We wasted quite a lot of space ingredients on this slime and would really like to know why it did not work.Imma eat ur cookiesCommunity AnswerIt probably didn't work because you didn't add enough activator. Some examples of good activators are cornstarch and liquid laundry detergent.
QuestionCan I use teal glow in the dark Elmers glue instead of white Elmers glue?Imma eat ur cookiesCommunity AnswerOf course! The only things it would change is the slime color and give the slime a glow-in-the-dark effect.
QuestionCan you use just glue and cornstarch?Joyce ChenCommunity AnswerNo. You need some kind of activator to hold the glue together. Otherwise, it would just be a goopy mess.
QuestionCan you use flour instead of cornstarch?Community AnswerNo, if you use flour, the consistency will be more like of a dough. It will not even stretch like slime because flour does not have the properties to make slime like cornstarch. But, you can make a simple slime using glue and borax, liquid detergent or contact lens solution and then mix some shampoo and flour together to make like a crumbly clay consistency and mix it in the slime. This will also make a simple soft and stretchy butter slime!
QuestionCan you add other colours, like other than yellow?Kaylee AnCommunity AnswerYes, the color doesn't matter. The tutorial chose to make the slime color yellow. The color chosen doesn't affect the slime.
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