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Q&A for How to Melt Almond Bark
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QuestionWhat is the best way of thinning out almond bark?Community AnswerYou can purchase a paraffin type additive that helps "thin" the melted chocolate, allowing it to be more workable, while also adding more rigidity and firmness to the cooled and finished product. This product is usually found at specialty stores.
QuestionCan I microwave almond bark?Community AnswerYes, Method 2 describes the microwaving method.
QuestionHow can I make my bark thinner so I can pour it?Community AnswerAdd a teaspoon or two of Crisco or coconut oil when microwaving - I use this in a chocolate fountain. Don't use oil; you've got to use a fat that will be hard when cold.
QuestionHow long will it take for the almond bark to harden on some pretzels?Community AnswerThis depends on the temperature of the room and the pretzel. For it to harden quickly, dip cool pretzels into the almond bark, then stick them in the refrigerator.
QuestionCan I use coconut oil to thin bark?Community AnswerYes, but use Crisco instead if you don't want a coconut taste imparted.
QuestionHow long can I keep melted almond bark before it spoils?QamarTop AnswererYou can usually keep it for about 2 weeks, as long as it is covered with plastic wrap.
QuestionShould I wait to add the sprinkles to Christmas half-dipped cookies, or do it immediately?Community AnswerSprinkle before cooling, they will stick best this way.
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