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Q&A for How to Prevent or Survive a Monkey Attack
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QuestionWhy are monkeys scared of dogs?HumanBeingTop AnswererAny monkey is not guaranteed to be scared of any dog. Monkeys are likely to be scared of any dog bigger than them. Dogs are predators and a monkey or it's young could be prey.
QuestionIf a monkey starts walking toward me, and I'm empty handed, what should I do?Community AnswerHold open your hands and show that you have nothing. Monkeys are very curious and will lose interest somewhat quickly.
QuestionWhat are monkeys afraid of?Community AnswerMonkeys are usually scared of loud sounds, like firecrackers or gunshots.
QuestionShould I take back my belongings if the monkey lets them go?Celeb LammenCommunity AnswerWait until it has obviously lost interest, or you will be back to tug-of-war, as the monkey will not like having them taken away.
QuestionWill using perfume attract the attention of a monkey?Community AnswerIf it smells fruity, they may mistake it as food.
QuestionWhat do I do if the monkey happens to acquire an automatic weapon?Community AnswerRun. They will test the trigger. You can try to kick it out of its hands if you are able to.
QuestionWhat if I have a banana and a monkey wants it?Community AnswerGive it to them. They will probably attack if you don't. You can't hide your food because they have a great sense of smell.
QuestionDoes it work to kick a monkey?Community AnswerThe monkey may loosen its grip on you, but that does not mean it will stop attacking you.
QuestionShould I stand my ground if a gorilla charges?Community AnswerYou should probably try to jump to the side, since gorillas are extremely strong and a charging one could probably kill you.
QuestionWhat should I do if I am surrounded by monkeys?Community AnswerStand your ground, don't panic and show them your empty palms.
QuestionIf a crocodile is attacking me, will a monkey wait until the crocodile is finished to attack me?Community AnswerThe monkey will run away from the crocodile. Considering the bite-force that crocodiles can pack, you are better off fighting the monkey.
QuestionDo all monkeys bite?Community AnswerYes, all monkeys will bite as a defense mechanism if they feel threatened.
QuestionWhat if I have nothing and it attacks?Community AnswerFight back with your teeth, feet and hands. Try to strike it in the eyes and head as hard as you can.
QuestionCould I have a 5-year-old monkey as a pet?Community AnswerYou would have to do a lot of research before even considering this, first to determine if it is even legal to keep a monkey in your area, and then into all of the care requirements for a monkey. They are expensive and difficult animals to keep as pets.
QuestionCan I use firecracker/gunshots recordings to scare monkeys away if I am planning to hike through a monkey zone?Fangadora WolfenCommunity AnswerThat may not work. One reason why firecrackers and gun shots scare monkeys is because of the volume of the sound. A gunshot -- even something as small as a 22. -- can cause permanent hearing damage because of how loud it is. Firecrackers are also loud, hot, and flash brightly. Most animals have better hearing then humans. So whatever can cause pain in the ears of humans can do so to animals.
QuestionWhat if I get hungry and I don't want monkeys eating my snack?Community AnswerIf you are in an environment with monkeys, you should ever eat your food. If you need to eat, go somewhere safe and enclosed to have a snack.
QuestionWhat monkeys should I be most scared of?Community AnswerYou should be most scared of gorillas because they are big and strong and could easily kill you. Smaller monkeys are obviously less of a threat.
QuestionWould a monkey get mad at me if I tried to take it home as a pet?TobiasTop AnswererMost likely, yes; monkeys are wild animals and are unsuitable as pets, one reason being that they can sometimes be aggressive, especially as they reach maturity.
QuestionIf I stick out my tongue out, what will the monkey do?Community AnswerIt's hard to say. Monkeys are unpredictable.
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