Q&A for How to Stop Being Depressed About Love

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    I don't want to lose my love for him. He lost interest in me. What do I do to get him to love me again?
    Community Answer
    If your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore, there's nothing you can do to change that. You should focus on other things, like yourself, and stop worrying about a guy that isn't smart enough to realize how great you are.
  • Question
    How can I stop being depressed about love and get over someone?
    Community Answer
    Look at all the bad things about them and remember it's their loss and not yours. If someone doesn't like you back, you should try to find new people.
  • Question
    What are the chances of a girl coming back after a breakup?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what happened that precipitated the breakup. If it was just a small fight that escalated into a breakup, it's possible you could get back together, but you should really operate under the impression that she's not coming back and just try to get over this.
  • Question
    How do I move on from a breakup if we are now close friends but I just can't get over it?
    Community Answer
    If you can't get over it, stop being friends with them for now. Tell them that perhaps you will be ready to be friends in the future, but it hurts too much right now. They should be understanding of this. You need to do what's best for you right now so you can get over this.
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    How can I find love and not be neglected?
    Community Answer
    Love yourself and you’ll never be alone. When you learn to properly value yourself, you will attract the kind of people that will treat you well.
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    What are the best ways to get forget about my ex-boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    There are some great tips in wikiHow articles Forget About Your Ex Boyfriend and Forget About Your Ex .
  • Question
    How can I stop thinking about a love relationship that I had over 40 years ago? I am still so depressed.
    Community Answer
    Think about the great achievements and accomplishments you have made in your life throughout that period of time. Try to distract yourself from it. It was in your past, and it'll stay in your past, but it's better to focus on the present. If this is really affecting your quality of life, I highly recommend speaking to a therapist.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm trying to stop being depressed about love and it's getting worse?
    Community Answer
    Talk to someone about how you're feeling, like a friend, family member, or even a counselor or therapist. Also, keep in mind that this will take time. If you're depressed because of a break-up or unrequited love, you won't get over it overnight.
  • Question
    How can I get over a girl not liking me back. I put so much time and effort into her, and now I just feel so empty. She said she's fine with being friends. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Let it all go. You both learned from this experience. Take some time apart, and you can decide later if you feel you can be just friends with her.
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