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Q&A for How to Take a Shower if You Don't Want To
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QuestionI'm too scared to take showers because I'm really paranoid that someone is watching me. What do I do?Community AnswerMany people have this problem. Get a clear shower curtain so you can clearly see that nothing/no one is there while you're taking a shower. Distract yourself by playing some music, or even just singing a song. If you get scared, just calmly remind yourself that no one is watching you and nothing is going to happen. The more frequently you make yourself shower, the less frightening it will be.
QuestionHow and when should I wash my hair?Community AnswerWhen your hair is wet, apply shampoo, scrub, rinse, then put on conditioner and rinse. You should wash your hair every day, but some recommend to only wash it every other day. On the days you don't wash your hair, put on a shower cap or take a bath with your hair in a bun
QuestionI don't like being alone in the shower. If someone just sits near me, then I can do it. Otherwise, I find every excuse on the planet not to take a shower.Community AnswerTry doing something to distract yourself while showering. Turn on some music before you get in the shower and listen to two songs while you wash up. This will be enough time, and you can sing along, etc. to make the shower more fun.
QuestionAre there actually people out there who are scared to take a shower?Community AnswerYes. There are countless phobias out there.
QuestionI don't want to take a shower but I have to, what should I do?Community AnswerGet everything prepared. Find the towels you need, the products you need and make sure there's enough hot water. If the shower isn't yours and might be dirty, shower wearing flip flops. If you've got everything ready, you can just shower quickly and get it over and fine with. You can get completely clean in two minutes. Doing something you don't want to do for two minutes is bearable. Just get it over and done with as fast as possible.
QuestionWhat is the best time to shower, morning or night?Community AnswerWhenever it fits best into your schedule. It's really just a personal preference.
QuestionIf you take a shower one day, should you take one on the next day?Community AnswerSome people shower every day. Some wash daily, some take a bath every day. If you are uncomfortable not showering every day, shower every day. If you feel happy and clean without taking a shower every day, don't shower every day.
QuestionMy feet never have any odor and my skin is always very dry. What is wrong with me?Community AnswerNothing is wrong with you. Just use some lotion. I'd love to have odorless feet - don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
QuestionBut I still don't feel like taking a shower. Honey, I am so lazy that I don't want to even shower, and you're asking me to go get new body wash?Community AnswerNo need for the body wash. If you want to smell of you, it's up to you. The clean cops won't arrest you.
QuestionWhat else can I use besides music?Community AnswerYou can sing to yourself instead. If you don't like to sing, consider lighting some aromatic candles before you step into the shower--just be sure to put them someplace where they won't get accidentally knocked over.
QuestionWhat happens if I'm busy and miss weeks and weeks worth of showering?Community AnswerYou should not be busy to the point where you cannot take a shower. If you have time to sleep, and eat, play video games, etc., you should have time to take a 10 minute shower right before bed or as soon as you wake up. 10 minutes is a very short period of time. Even emergency room doctors and people in the military make time to shower. If you don't do it, you can contract bacterial infections. Showering is very important.
QuestionMy mom leaves for work at 6:30 and she expects me to take a shower around 7-8, but I prefer to take one right before bed at 9:30. Is that okay, or should I do what she says?Community AnswerIt shouldn't make much of a difference, as long you're taking the shower, and as long as taking one right before bed doesn't make it hard for you to fall asleep.
QuestionWhat if when my parents want me to shower (I don't like to) and when I do, I feel like they win the argument? What should I do?Community AnswerJust do it. Everyone needs to shower. Your parents are not telling you to shower to fight with you or 'win an argument' against you, they are telling you to shower because it is something everyone has to do, including adults (but no one usually has to tell adults because they do it by themselves). If you don't want to have to argue about this, take responsibility for yourself and shower without being told. Until you learn to do it consistently without being told, your parents will have to tell you to do it.
QuestionIs it okay if I only shower on the weekends?Community AnswerIf you only shower on the weekends, it's very likely that you would start to experience a lot of body odor and griminess, so I don't recommend it. At the very least, you should wash your body every other day or so.
QuestionTaking a shower during that time of the month is messy. Is there an easier way?TamaraTop AnswererYou can freshen up any time with baby wipes. There are also larger, stronger body wipes designed for adults you could use.
QuestionWould I ever need to shower twice a day?Community AnswerPerhaps if you did something really physically strenuous that required you to sweat a lot, or if you went to the gym and had to go back to work/school, but generally this wouldn't be necessary. Showering too frequently can dry out your skin.
QuestionHow can I get over my fear of taking a shower?Community AnswerRemind yourself that you have nothing to be afraid of. Absolutely nothing bad is going to happen to you in the shower. Keep repeating these things to yourself if you have to. It can also be a fun distraction to turn on some music and sing along while you're in the shower.
QuestionHow can I get motivated to take a shower when I feel too tired at night and can't take them in the morning?Community AnswerRemind yourself of how dirty you can get. Though you may not want to take a shower, you'll feel much better if you do it. Also, it will help you to relax.
QuestionI skip one day of showering and then shower the next day. But sometimes I skip two or more days. Help?Community AnswerMake a schedule! It will help you keep track of when you need to shower. Alternatively, shower at the same time every day so you can make it a habit and you never skip at all.
QuestionHow do I encourage myself to get out of bed to take a shower?Community AnswerI would suggest you just don't overthink it. The hardest part for me is just to start, so without mulling it over much, just get out of bed. As soon as you do that, everything will be super easy.
QuestionI am so scared to take a shower! It's very irrational, so nothing I try to tell myself works. Even if I can see that nothing else is there, I am constantly checking and turning around. Any advice?Community AnswerPlaying music, bringing a pet, locking the door, having someone wait outside, singing, showering in the daylight and watching TV can help.
QuestionHow can I feel more comfortable with showering naked if I am uncomfortable about the way my body looks?Community AnswerYou have to work on your self-esteem. Research some positive self-image mantras and repeat them to yourself. Remind yourself often that, even if your body isn't perfect (and no one's is), you should appreciate it. Think about all of the wonderful things your body allows you to do every day. Most importantly, don't ever compare yourself to other people. While you're working on this, do something to distract yourself in the shower, like turning on music and singing along, or making a mental list of what you're going to do that day.
QuestionWhat's the point in showering?Community AnswerYou need to shower to remove the sweat you produce throughout the day. Even if you didn’t exercise, you still sweat. You also need to shower to wash your hair to remove unwanted dirty oil. Showering is a good place to relax and clear your head after a hard day.
QuestionWhy do people dislike having a shower?TamaraTop AnswererDislike of showering could stem from feeling uncomfortable with your body, after a change in weight, either gain or loss, or changes from ageing or pregnancy. Also, if you are very tired, have low energy, feel depressed or suffer a lot of muscle or joint pain or weakness, these factors can make showering difficult.
QuestionI don’t like being naked. Is there a way to shower while clothed?TobiasTop AnswererYou can try showering while wearing a bathing suit, or partially undress and wash certain parts of the body if you'd rather.
QuestionI have OCD and can't make myself get out of the shower until my skin squeaks. I also have depression, so it's hard to make myself go through that whole ordeal. Any advice?Community AnswerListen to music while in the bath. It won't help you shower more quickly, but it will help you l eave the shower. Use a radio, a CD player or waterproof earphones. If you don't care about music, you can imagine a person doing the exact things you do and actually leaving the bathroom. Then mimic what they do. You could imagine something (a monster maybe?) in the shower, giving you a great excuse to leave the bathroom.
QuestionHow do I take a shower? Is it just like a bath?Jiu LeeCommunity AnswerA bath is washing yourself while seated in a bathtub filled with water. A shower is washing yourself while standing under a sprayer in an empty tub or shower.
QuestionWhat pep talk should I give myself?Jiu LeeCommunity AnswerImagine the fresh self you’ll be after you’re done washing. You can actually enjoy showering if you do it leisurely while playing your favorite music on speakers outside the shower.
QuestionI have a whole lot of dandruff. How often should I wash my hair?Community AnswerIf your hair is oily, wash it every day. If you have dry hair, wash it every two or three days.
QuestionWhat if I am just too comfy to even get up from the couch, but I should really shower?Anderson BridgesCommunity AnswerThink about why you need to take a shower. Try thinking a lot about it until eventually, you’re able to get up, strip down, and take a shower!
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