Q&A for How to Talk to God

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    If I pray to God for something that really isn't worth praying for (like a school I want to go to) will He make that happen?
    Community Answer
    I think to God everything matters. If it's something that your heart longs for, it also matters to Him. Talk to Him about that, as you'd talk to a friend. Do not ask Him anything, just share your joy and your hope with Him, then leave it to Him.
  • Question
    Could I ask God to restart my life if I have had a bad one?
    Community Answer
    You can ask God anything you want, but that doesn't mean He's going to do it. A better prayer might be to pray that God would use the bad things you have experienced for His glory and bring good out of them. God is in the business of making "beauty from ashes" -- that is, good from bad -- and He can do that in your life.
  • Question
    Does God communicate with us as we communicate with God?
    Community Answer
    If you believe that you are able to communicate with God, there is no doubt that you have the answer in you. God communicates in many ways. For example, God answers you by creating what to do and what not to do in your mind. Sometimes He speaks to you by showing examples that you can relate to and that help to build your expectations. God also gives you the best thinking power before you take a decision, because whenever you feel positive, you can do something bigger, meaning that God is inside you, giving a positive impression.
  • Question
    Is it right to ask God for material things?
    Community Answer
    Of course, God made you a physical creature living in a material world. Asking for material things you need -- and even simply want -- is always okay. But God is not obligated to give you what you ask for. He may decide that it's better you don't have something because perhaps it would be an idol or a distraction from more important things.
  • Question
    What if I pray and God doesn't answer?
    Community Answer
    Then it means keep praying. He won't always give you an immediate answer, and He's fine if you keep "bugging" Him about it.
  • Question
    How do I get an answer to my letter to God?
    Community Answer
    He will provide the answer through people, books, nature etc.
  • Question
    How do I come up with an acceptable prayer to God regarding something that I am struggling with, such as an addiction?
    Community Answer
    There is no specific or acceptable way to pray. Simply tell God what's on your mind, and he will listen to you.
  • Question
    I think I am not with God any more because I did not pray for a day or read the holy bible. I did so many mistakes and now praying is like climbing mountain for me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    He is always with you. Even if you forgot to pray or read the bible, He is always there for you, no matter what.
  • Question
    How can I tell when He is speaking to me? I have had sudden thoughts and ideas at spontaneous times. Is that a sign?
    Gigi King
    Community Answer
    Absolutely, yes. God speaks to us, God moves in mysterious ways, He allow certain circumstances to cross our paths in order for us to gain awareness of Him and His presence, especially if we prayed for a sign.
  • Question
    Why has God never talked to me?
    Community Answer
    God responds to prayers in many ways. He may speak to you not through words, but through thoughts in your mind or experiences.
  • Question
    How do I uplift my faith in God?
    Community Answer
    Pray daily! Respect Him and obey His commandments. Spread His preaching and the gospel and love Him.
  • Question
    When praying to God, is there such a thing as a stupid prayer?
    Community Answer
    Anything you ask for in prayer, God is listening. He doesn't respond to us or tell us it's stupid.
  • Question
    Will I ever get feedback from God?
    Community Answer
    You can, though it may be in unconventional ways.
  • Question
    Is it possible for one to receive responses/answers to any problems from God?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Pray to God wholeheartedly and pray regularly, believing that there is no one for you except him. If you look inside yourself, you will always find the answers.
  • Question
    Does God have an actual phone number?
    Community Answer
    No, he does not.
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    How do I use God to deal with bullies?
    Community Answer
    Pray to him that your bullies leave you alone or that you find peace despite any bullying you may encounter.
  • Question
    I asked God for help with this girl that I loved. I felt like God answered me, but not in the right way and now I'm badly depressed.
    Community Answer
    If you got an answer from God, how could it be in the "wrong way"? God doesn't make mistakes. It may not seem "right" right now, but He knows what is best for you, even if it doesn't feel that way. Have faith.
  • Question
    Is there a particular length of time it takes for God to answer my question?
    Community Answer
    No. It may take days or weeks for a response.
  • Question
    Will God hear my prayer if i didn't say "Amen" at the end?
    Community Answer
    Yes, He will hear your prayer. Just try not to forget to say "Amen".
  • Question
    Why doesn't God answer me when I talk to Him?
    Community Answer
    God may not answer you directly, but rest assured He is always listening.
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    I've done so many bad things in my life. Now if I ask for forgiveness, will He forgive me?
    Community Answer
    Of course, He will always forgive you. He loves you!
  • Question
    I sometimes speak to myself, however I feel that this interferes with God's response to me, if any. How can I differentiate between God speaking and myself speaking?
    Community Answer
    Often times, God speaks to us through Scripture, through other people, or just through giving us feelings. It can indeed be hard to tell sometimes. Just try to keep your heart, eyes, and ears open and pray that you will hear when He speaks. He can help you if you sincerely ask.
  • Question
    How do I pray for something if I feel like God will find it selfish?
    Community Answer
    Remember God does not judge you, but he forgives. Try writing your problem in a notebook and decide if it's really selfish or not before praying about it.
  • Question
    Are there passages in the bible about conversations with God?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are many passages about conversations with God. For example: Hebrews 4:16 and John 3:16 and John 14:14.
  • Question
    If God comes to me in my dreams, do I have a connection with Him?
    Community Answer
    Yes. God spoke to many people in the Bible through dreams.
  • Question
    Does God really exist?
    Community Answer
    There is no certain answer to this question. It depends on your beliefs and what you think about certain philosophical arguments.
  • Question
    If I hear voices in my head how do I know whether it is the voice of God, just simply my own thoughts, or the voice of evil?
    Community Answer
    Read your holy book (whether that’s the Bible, Torah, or Quran) and compare what’s written there with what you heard -- does it sound like something God would say? Is it encouraging, loving, and gentle? If not, it most likely isn’t Him.
  • Question
    My only enjoyment in life is playing slot machines, and I think it's wrong in God's eyes, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    You should speak to a counselor or therapist about overcoming your gambling addiction. You can also talk to a priest, pastor, etc. about how to find joy in your life outside of gambling.
  • Question
    I want to talk to God, but I feel like every time I try, nothing happens. Is God really there? Does he care for me?
    Community Answer
    God is everywhere all at once. All is His creation, and you are, too. He cares very deeply about all of us humans and about all His creation. You matter to Him very much. Persist in praying to Him, and your ability to feel His presence will develop.
  • Question
    If I've sinned many times and keep on asking for forgiveness every time I sin, will there be a point when God stops answering and forgiving?
    Top Answerer
    God's forgiveness is unlimited. However, when you ask for forgiveness for a sin, you need to sincerely intend to not repeat that sin. Although everyone struggles with making the same mistakes repeatedly, there should be some improvement in your behavior over time.
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