Q&A for How to Turn a Guy on While Making Out

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    What if he thinks I'm a hoe when I do these things?
    Community Answer
    Then drop him. No man should make you feel bad about expressing yourself however you want. If he's uncomfortable with what you're doing, that would be different, but no one should ever call you a hoe.
  • Question
    How does someone feel while being kissed?
    Community Answer
    They should feel a feeling of protection and love and passion all at the same time. Kissing should be a way to express how you feel to someone.
  • Question
    How can I figure out if my boyfriend is really into me, or if he just wants sex?
    Community Answer
    Does he take you on dates and actually listen to what you have to say or does he just text you for booty calls? Does he want to know more about you and introduce you to his friends and family or keep you a secret? Be honest, and you'll have your answer.
  • Question
    Where do I kiss a guy's neck to turn him on?
    Community Answer
    On the side of the neck below the ear where you can feel the pulse.
  • Question
    How do you get him to kiss you?
    Community Answer
    Sit close and engage in some physical contact, such as your leg against his. Biting your lip might send him the message. Pretend that you're tired, lean your head on his shoulder, look up at him and smile
  • Question
    I'm scared to initiate the first part. I feel like he should kiss me first. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Lean in close and talk in a quieter voice. Keep eye contact and look at his lips. If that doesn't work, you can always start rubbing his chest/thigh or tug on his shirt to encourage him to come closer and kiss you.
  • Question
    How do I turn on a guy who is skinny when I'm fat?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter what your body type is or what his body type is. If you have an emotional connection then those factors shouldn't matter.
  • Question
    What if the man wants more than a kiss and I'm not ready to give more?
    Community Answer
    Just tell him that you're not ready for more than a kiss. Most people are glad to know their boundaries before they start making out so they don't have to worry about over-stepping them.
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    How can I stop being shy around my boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    If it's a new relationship, get to know him before you start anything physical. Talk to him, ask him questions about himself, ease into more personal topics. Talking about things like that can bring two people closer together and will likely make you feel less shy.
  • Question
    What does turn a man on mean?
    Community Answer
    To sexually arouse him.
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    What does it mean if my boyfriend does not like kissing?
    Community Answer
    It's just a preference and (probably) does not mean anything is wrong. Some people don't like to kiss, in just the same way that some people don't like certain foods or movies. Kissing isn't the only way to initiate physical contact with a guy, so there are a lot of things to try. If you're concerned about it, a gentle question of 'Why don't you want to kiss?' is fine. Remember to be patient and understanding, he may open up eventually.
  • Question
    How would I know if he wants to kiss in the first place?
    Community Answer
    He might try to stay close to you, especially if he brings his face close to yours. He might also play with your hair or touch your face. Once he does that, give him a peck on the cheek and wait for his reaction.
  • Question
    What if we make out all day?
    Community Answer
    If you make out all day, things will either progress to the more sexual and intimate things or (if you and you significant other have excellent self-control) it'll just be what it is.
  • Question
    How do you let someone know you want your relationship to move past kissing?
    Community Answer
    You can initiate it yourself either verbally or physically. For a more subtle approach, drop hints every now and then about what you'd like to try next.
  • Question
    What if turning him on with a kiss doesn't work?
    Community Answer
    Keep your hands around his waist and rub up and down. Pull back every now and then while kissing him to tease him. Works every time.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my boyfriend is tired of having sex every day?
    Community Answer
    That means you are probably overdoing it. Tease him. Kiss him passionately, but stop before it goes any further. That will leave him wanting more. If you don't spoil him, his desire will swell.
  • Question
    How do I improve my kissing skills as a girl?
    Community Answer
    Focus on keeping your lips soft and not using too much pressure. Ask people you have kissed for feedback.
  • Question
    What can I do if a guy says that he loves me, but doesn't want me to touch him?
    Community Answer
    Go at a comfortable pace for the two of you. Perhaps he isn't ready quite yet and needs time to warm up to the idea of it. If you're not sure, you could always ask him why he doesn't want to be touched.
  • Question
    Is it okay to touch my boyfriends private part while kissing?
    Community Answer
    As long as you are both ok with it, go for it.
  • Question
    How should I react if we are both turned on but I'm not ready for sex?
    Community Answer
    Talk to him about it. Discuss what things you are worried about, what you are and are not comfortable doing, and make sure you both know the risks of sex and sex-related activities (pregnancy, STIs, etc.).
  • Question
    Should I stop feeling guilty about kissing my boyfriend in public?
    Community Answer
    PDA is not illegal. Just be consciencious about others and keep it light and affectionate.
  • Question
    What if the guy doesn't like the way I touch him while kissing?
    Community Answer
    Just release your grip and keep kissing if he wants you to. You can ask him if he wants to stop kissing or if he needs a minute.
  • Question
    I told my boyfriend that I wanted to try something new (making out underwater), but when he tried to do it I backed off because I was scared. How do I accomplish an underwater kiss like in movies?
    Community Answer
    Remember that what happens in the movies isn't reality, so achieving this may be difficult, and perhaps a little dangerous. If you still want to do it anyway, be safe, kiss in shallow water.
  • Question
    What does it mean to grind when making out?
    Allura Of Altaea
    Community Answer
    It means to move your hips up and down on your partner's body to arouse them.
  • Question
    What can I do to get aroused?
    Community Answer
    Try fantasizing about some "naughty" things (whether it involves your partner or not). You can also use erotica, porn, or toys to get you aroused.
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