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Keep yourself and your community safe on Discord by reporting abusive servers
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Do you need to report a server on Discord? Previously you could report servers through Discord's website, but now Discord prefers messages to be reported directly through the app. These messages will be reviewed by the Trust & Safety team to determine if actions will be taken against individual members or the server as a whole. This wikiHow will show you how to properly report a Discord server to the Trust & Safety team using your computer, iPhone, or Android device.

Things You Should Know

  • Previously you needed to copy message IDs and submit them via Discord's website, but now Discord directs users to report in-app.
  • While you can't report a server in and of itself, if messages from a server are reported and Discord decides the entire server breaks terms of service, it may be removed.
  • If you're a parent with concerns over messages your child has received, you can still report them via Discord's website if you have message links.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Reporting via the Discord App

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  1. You can report servers by reporting individual harmful messages in that server. If Discord determines that the entire server is violating their terms of use, they will take appropriate action against that server. [1]
  2. Select the server where the issue occurred and scroll until you find the offensive message.
  3. On Windows, you can right-click the message, while on Mac you need to Ctrl+click. On Android an iPhone, you can tap and hold on the message until the menu pops up.
  4. This will begin the message reporting process and pull up a menu with a number of options.
  5. If there isn't an option that fits what the problem is, select Something else .
  6. Select options that best fit the issue that is occurring. Some options may have more sub-options than others to click through.
  7. Once you've finished selecting why the message is harmful, you can click the red Submit Report button to send the report to Discord. Discord will then assess if the message is actually breaking any rules. While you can't report a server in and of itself, once Discord reviews your report, they may determine the entire server breaks ToS and may remove it.
    • Note that Discord may or may not reply to your report. If you don't get a response from Discord, they still have received your report. [2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Reporting via the Discord Website

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  1. If you are a parent who has concerns about messages their child is receiving, there is still an area in Discord's request submission form to report abusive behavior. [3]
    • You can also report these messages in-app using the above method if you have access to your child's Discord account.
  2. Previously, Discord required message IDs when reporting abusive behavior, but now they only require message links.
  3. On Windows, you can right-click the message, while on Mac you need to Ctrl+click. On Android an iPhone, you can tap and hold on the message until the menu pops up.
  4. This will copy the link to your clipboard. If you need to copy multiple messages, make sure to paste the links into a text file, such as Notepad .
  5. You can access this form here .
  6. This will populate the next dropdown.
  7. This is available in the second dropdown on the page.
  8. Be sure to include accurate information, such as an email you check regularly as well as the message links you copied previously.
  9. This will send your report to Discord. Note that Discord may or may not be in contact with you about your report.
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