Learn how to change your iPhone voicemail password
This wikiHow teaches you how to change the password your iPhone uses to check your voicemail messages.
Things You Should Know
- Your new password must contain 4-7 digits.
- You can use your voicemail password to check your voicemail on another phone.
- On your own device, your password isn't needed as your device automatically sends the password to your phone provider.
Open your iPhone’s Settings. It’s a gray app that contains gears and is on your home screen.
Tap Phone . It’s in the fifth section of the menu.Advertisement
Tap Change Voicemail Password . It’s the third section of the menu.
Enter a new password. Use the numeric keypad that appears on your screen.
- The password must contain 4-7 digits.
Tap Done . It's in the upper right corner of the screen.
Re-enter the new password. Be careful to enter it exactly as you did the first time.
Tap Done . It's in the upper right corner of the screen. Now, if you are ever prompted to enter your password when checking voicemail (if you're checking from another phone, for example) you must use the password you just set.
- When checking voicemail from your iPhone, your device automatically sends the password to your carrier, so you typically don't have to enter it.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhere are the voicemail settings on my iPhone?Community AnswerGo to your Settings and then into Phone to change your voicemail password. If you want to change your voicemail greeting, go to your voicemail and select Greeting in the top left corner.
QuestionHow do I hear my voicemail on my iPhone?ChristopherTop AnswererThere is a tab called Voicemail on the Phone app on your iPhone that will either offer you a place to speed-dial your voicemail number (for some older iPhone and those on a plan-based 5S), or offer you a place where each voicemail is saved to your phone until you retrieve each item.
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Article Summary
1. Open Settings
2. Tap Phone
3. Tap Change Voicemail Password
4. Enter a new password.
5. Tap Done
6. Re-enter the new password.
7. Tap Done
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