Puzzles come in many different types, such as crosswords, Sudoku, and jigsaw puzzles. You might even consider reading a book or watching a thought-provoking movie similar to putting together a puzzle. If you want to use puzzles to sharpen your mind, then it is important to choose the right kind of puzzles. You can also consider what types of puzzles seem most interesting to you. Then, you might even try pairing your puzzles with other activities to help sharpen your mind.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Choosing the Right Puzzles

  1. Activities need to challenge you to stimulate your mind and build new connections in your brain. [1] To ensure that you are doing puzzles that are challenging, try picking out a puzzle book one level higher than you usually do.
    • For example, if you usually go for beginner level, then grab an intermediate level puzzle book.
  2. Things that you already know how to do will not challenge your brain. [2] That is why it is better to try new activities and this may include a new type of puzzle.
    • For example, if you usually do crossword puzzles, then try doing a Sudoku puzzle or an anagram puzzle.
  3. If a task does not hold your interest, then you will have a hard time staying focused on it and this will not exercise your brain as much. [3] Try to select puzzles that you want to do. Don’t choose a type of puzzle that seems boring or tedious.
    • For example, if you despise Sudoku puzzles or find crosswords boring, then don’t do these types of puzzles. Stick with the ones that you like.
  4. To sharpen your mind, it is often necessary to build upon existing skills. [4] Therefore you might need to start off with a somewhat easy puzzle when you are first learning how to do them, and then work up as you get the hang of it.
    • For example, if you have never done a Sudoku puzzle before in your life, then starting with an advanced level Sudoku might be too much. Instead, start with a beginner or intermediate level puzzle and then work up to higher levels as you start to understand how the puzzles work.
    • Being successful with less challenging puzzles will also help to build up your confidence and motivate you to try more challenging ones.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Trying Different Types of Puzzles

  1. Doing jigsaw puzzles may help to sharpen your mind. Jigsaw puzzles require you to identify colors and shapes and match them with similar colors and shapes. [5]
    • If you enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles then try spending an hour or so every day working on one to help sharpen your mind.
    • Jigsaw puzzles can be relaxing as well, which may help you to keep stress under control.
  2. Doing crossword puzzles can also help to sharpen your mind. Doing crosswords may even delay the onset of memory decline in individuals with dementia. [6]
    • If you are a fan of crosswords, then try to complete one every day for the brain boosting benefits.
    • Check your local newspaper for a daily crossword puzzle. You can also find crossword puzzles in magazines and online.
  3. Read . Reading can also help to improve your cognitive function. [7] Reading teaches you new information, stimulates your mind, and engages the problem solving areas of your brain.
    • Try to read as much as you can to help stimulate your brain and sharpen your mind.
    • Read the local newspaper, books, poetry, articles on the internet, and anything else that you find interesting. Try to read something new every day.
  4. Watching thought-provoking movies may also help to sharpen your mind. [8] Try watching movies that pose a problem or that keep you thinking even after the movie is over.
    • For example, you could watch documentaries, mysteries, or psychological thrillers to stimulate and sharpen your mind.
  5. Video games may help to sharpen your mind as well. [9] Try playing games that combine exercise or movement with video game action. These are sometimes called "exergames" and they seem to provide more brain benefits than normal video games. [10]
    • For example, you might try playing games that use a camera to capture your movements, such as dancing games or sport simulating games.
  6. 6
    Experiment with non-traditional puzzles. Keep in mind that a puzzle is anything that challenges you and this can include many different things. Along with traditional puzzles, word games, video games, and reading, you can also try other types of puzzles, such as board games and escape rooms.
    • Escape rooms are puzzles where you are locked in a room with friends and you have to follow a series of clues to escape.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Other Techniques to Sharpen Your Mind

  1. Exercise regularly . Staying physically active can also help to sharpen your mind, especially if you start your day with some physical activity. This can prepare your brain to learn and function better all day. [11] Try to incorporate some type of physical activity to help stimulate your brain every day.
    • For example, you might go for a walk every morning, ride your bike to work or to run errands, or swim at a community pool.
  2. Get adequate rest . Being well-rested is also essential for good mental functioning, so make sure that you get enough sleep every night. [12] Try to aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night. [13] Some things you can do to sleep better at night include:
    • Cutting out afternoon and evening caffeine.
    • Engaging in relaxing activities before bed, such as listening to soothing music, taking a warm bath, or sitting quietly.
    • Going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning.
    • Avoiding using screens, such as your cell phone, TV, tablet, or computer.
  3. Staying socially active is also an important part of staying mentally sharp. [14] Make sure that you socialize at least a few times per week. Some ways to be more social include:
    • Inviting a friend over for coffee, dinner, or a walk.
    • Joining a special interest club, such as a running group, community theater, or book club.
    • Attending community events, such as festivals, lectures, and fundraisers.
    • Laughing and having fun with people can also help to stimulate your brain. Spend time doing things that make you laugh and hang around with people who you find funny or entertaining.
  4. Reduce stress . Having high stress levels can have a negative effect on your mental functioning. Try to keep your stress under control to keep your brain functioning at its best. [15] You can use relaxation techniques to help manage your stress. Some good techniques include:
    • Meditation.
    • Yoga.
    • Deep breathing.
    • Progressive muscle relaxation.
  5. Follow a healthy diet . The foods that you eat can also affect how well your brain functions. Make sure that you eat healthy foods and avoid junk foods as much as possible. Some good foods to include in your diet for optimal brain functioning include: [16]
    • Fruits and vegetables.
    • Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines, and walnuts.
    • Red wine (in moderation) or grape juice.
    • Green tea.
    • Probiotic foods, such as kefir and sauerkraut. [17]
  6. There are some underlying health conditions that can have a negative effect on your mental functioning. Getting checked and treated for any underlying conditions may help to sharpen your mind as well. Some things you might want to get tested for or discuss with your doctor include: [18]
    • Hormone imbalances, such as low thyroid hormone.
    • Heart disease.
    • Diabetes.
    • Side effects from medications.
  7. 7
    Try something new every day. Doing something new every day can also help to keep your mind active and build new pathways in your brain. [19] Take a different route to work now and then, try out a new recipe for dinner, or visit a new café and order something you have never had before.

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