Easy-to-follow steps to use Notepad to shut down your computer
Notepad, Windows' free text editor, is also a competent code editing program. You can use some simple Windows commands in Notepad to create a file that will shut down your computer when you run it. This is great if you want to save some clicks for future shut downs, or you want to play a prank on a friend.
Open Notepad. This is the free text editing program that comes with every version of Windows. You can use it to create a command that, when run, will shut down Windows for you.
- You can find Notepad by clicking the Start menu and selecting "Programs" → "Accessories" → "Notepad". You can also click the Start menu, type notepad , and press ↵ Enter .
Type . shutdown.exe -s on the first line. This is the command to shut down the computer.Advertisement
Add a timer by using the . -t flag . By default, the shutdown process will be delayed by 30 seconds. You can change this by using the -t gflag with the number of seconds you want to delay.
- For example, to create a shutdown command that waits 45 seconds, type shutdown.exe -s -t 45 .
- To create a shutdown command that shuts the computer down immediately, type shutdown.exe -s -t 00 .
Add a message to be displayed. If you want, you can add a personalized message to the shut down notice by using the -c flag. Using the above example, type shutdown.exe -s -t 45 -c " comment " . The comment must be in quotes. [1] X Research source
- For example, you can let the user know how long until the shutdown begins by typing shutdown.exe -s -t 45 -c "Computer will shut down in 45 seconds" .
Click "File" and select "Save As". You will need to save the file as a batch file, which Windows can execute to run the shutdown command.
Click the "Save as type" drop-down menu and select "All Files (*. *)". This will allow you to change the file type.
Delete the . .txt from the end of the file name. Replace it with .bat .
- If you don't see the three letter file extensions, click here.
Save the file. A new copy will be created with the .bat extension, and it will have a different icon than a standard text file.
Run the newly-created file to run your shutdown process. The shutdown will occur according to the rules you created.
- Make sure you've saved anything you need to before running the shut down program.
Community Q&A
QuestionCan I use this with cmd?Community AnswerYes. Just type, "shutdown/s/t 500" or however long you choose. To abort, type, "shutdown /a."
QuestionDoes this shut down the computer for good or just until I restart it?Community AnswerIt does not shut your computer down for good. It shuts down your computer the same way as if you pressed the off button.
QuestionHow do I change the icon of this file for a prank?Community AnswerRename the shortcut to what you want it to be called. Right-click, go to Properties and press "Change Icon". Press "Browse" and look for a suitable icon.
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- Do it on your own risk. Someone might get REALLY angry at you.. And rage.Thanks
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