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Easy-to-follow steps to use Notepad to shut down your computer
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Notepad, Windows' free text editor, is also a competent code editing program. You can use some simple Windows commands in Notepad to create a file that will shut down your computer when you run it. This is great if you want to save some clicks for future shut downs, or you want to play a prank on a friend.

  1. This is the free text editing program that comes with every version of Windows. You can use it to create a command that, when run, will shut down Windows for you.
    • You can find Notepad by clicking the Start menu and selecting "Programs" → "Accessories" → "Notepad". You can also click the Start menu, type notepad , and press Enter .
  2. shutdown.exe -s on the first line. This is the command to shut down the computer.
  3. -t flag . By default, the shutdown process will be delayed by 30 seconds. You can change this by using the -t gflag with the number of seconds you want to delay.
    • For example, to create a shutdown command that waits 45 seconds, type shutdown.exe -s -t 45 .
    • To create a shutdown command that shuts the computer down immediately, type shutdown.exe -s -t 00 .
  4. If you want, you can add a personalized message to the shut down notice by using the -c flag. Using the above example, type shutdown.exe -s -t 45 -c " comment " . The comment must be in quotes. [1]
    • For example, you can let the user know how long until the shutdown begins by typing shutdown.exe -s -t 45 -c "Computer will shut down in 45 seconds" .
  5. You will need to save the file as a batch file, which Windows can execute to run the shutdown command.
  6. This will allow you to change the file type.
  7. .txt from the end of the file name. Replace it with .bat .
    • If you don't see the three letter file extensions, click here.
  8. A new copy will be created with the .bat extension, and it will have a different icon than a standard text file.
  9. The shutdown will occur according to the rules you created.
    • Make sure you've saved anything you need to before running the shut down program.
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  • Question
    Can I use this with cmd?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just type, "shutdown/s/t 500" or however long you choose. To abort, type, "shutdown /a."
  • Question
    Does this shut down the computer for good or just until I restart it?
    Community Answer
    It does not shut your computer down for good. It shuts down your computer the same way as if you pressed the off button.
  • Question
    How do I change the icon of this file for a prank?
    Community Answer
    Rename the shortcut to what you want it to be called. Right-click, go to Properties and press "Change Icon". Press "Browse" and look for a suitable icon.
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