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How each sign resembles the traits of the sigma male
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The term sigma male describes a man who is quietly confident, self-reliant, successful, and non-conformist. Certain zodiac signs also share this man’s traits, with Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn embodying his individualistic and ambitious nature. In this article, we’ll go over what the sigma man is like and how Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn men exhibit his strengths.

Things You Should Know

  • Leo and Scorpio are stone-cold sigma males. They radiate confidence and self-reliance.
  • Sagittarius and Capricorn embody the sigma male’s independence. Sag’s forge their own path while Cap’s prefer the solitary climb to success.
  • Sigma males are lone wolves who march to the beat of their own drum. They rely on their confidence, smarts, and drive to get ahead.
Section 1 of 2:

What zodiac signs are sigma males?

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  1. Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn embody sigma male traits. Sigma males are considered confident lone wolves who buck traditions, reject hierarchies, and go after what they want. While Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn men are all very different, they share the sigma male’s non-conformist views, quiet confidence, drive, and independence. [1]
    • Sigma male strengths : Unconventional, self-reliant, ambitious, adaptable, intelligent, influential, and reserved.
    • Sigma male weaknesses : Non-committal, lonely, guarded, and aloof.
    • Unlike sigma males, alpha males follow tradition and love the spotlight . They are more outspoken and social.
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Section 2 of 2:

The 4 Sigma Male Zodiac Signs

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  1. 1
    Leo is resolute and individualistic like a sigma male. While Leos attract attention with their charming swagger, their number 1 priority is themselves, not pleasing others. Leo men simply live life on their own terms, only relying on their lion-like bravery and ambition to get ahead. [2]
    • Dates : July 23 to August 22
    • Strengths : Confident, determined, generous, passionate, loyal
    • Weaknesses : Self-centered, dramatic, arrogant
    • Element and modality : Fire, fixed
    • Planetary ruler : Sun
  2. 2
    Scorpio is self-reliant and self-assured like a sigma male. The mysterious and passionate Scorpio man captures the sigma male’s deep drive and quiet confidence. They know their strengths and weaknesses and use them to rise to the top of their careers through sheer willpower. [3]
    • Dates : October 23 to November 21
    • Strengths : Ambitious, passionate, trustworthy, intuitive, magnetic
    • Weaknesses : Suspicious, unforgiving, manipulative
    • Element and modality : Water, fixed
    • Planetary ruler : Pluto and Mars
  3. 3
    Sagittarius is independent and unconventional like a sigma male. If there’s 1 thing a Sagittarius man needs in life, it’s total freedom from authority and other people’s expectations. Just like a sigma male, this fiery sign forges their own path in life based on only their desires and ambitions. [4]
    • Dates : November 22 to December 21
    • Strengths : Independent, adventurous, kind, flexible, optimistic
    • Weaknesses : Insensitive, judgemental, unreliable
    • Element and modality : Fire, mutable
    • Planetary ruler : Jupiter
  4. 4
    Capricorn is solitary and disciplined like a sigma male. Capricorn men are the lone wolves of the zodiac, tying them to the sigma male’s fierce independence. Their cool and reserved exterior isn’t anything personal—they just like to keep to themselves so they can focus on building their empire. [5]
    • Dates : December 22 to January 19
    • Strengths : Hardworking, realistic, ambitious, wise, reliable
    • Weaknesses : Cynical, controlling, harsh
    • Element and modality : Earth, cardinal
    • Planetary ruler : Saturn
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      • If you’re a sigma male, remember that it’s okay to let people in and be vulnerable with them. Expressing yourself and leaning on friends and family for support doesn’t take away from your success or stop you from achieving your dreams.
      • Real-life sigma males include Keanu Reeves, Clint Eastwood, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Jobs, and Muhammad Ali.
      • Famous sigma male characters include Han Solo, Bruce Wayne, Wolverine, and James Bond.
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