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If you frequently spend time in nature—regardless of the type of climate—you may be at risk for animal attack. The strategy you should take to defend yourself from an attacking animal will vary based on the animal you’re dealing with. While there’s not a single, standard way to defend yourself against attacking animals and survive the encounter, you can choose the best strategy based on the animal that's confronting you.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Handling Attacks from Various Animals

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  1. If a crocodile charges out of a swamp or overgrown lake and starts to charge, pick a direction and run as fast as you can. Adult alligators and crocs can only run about 18–20 miles per hour (29–32 km/h), so most adults should be able to outrun a crocodile. Large reptiles aren’t built for long-distance chases, so it will quickly lose interest in catching you. [1]
    • If the crocodile or alligator catches you in its jaws, poke and kick it as hard as possible in the eyes. [2]
    • Running in a zig-zag pattern to escape from a crocodile is a common misconception. While it won't necessarily hurt your chances of surviving an attack, it's just not necessary.
  2. If 1 or 2 dogs (domestic or wild) are showing aggression towards you, stand your ground. Make yourself appear as large as you can, shout, and throw rocks (or anything at hand) at the dogs. If a whole pack is threatening you, you may need to run for safety if protection is less than 20 feet (6.1 m) away. Since dogs can’t climb, try to get on top of a boulder or other large object. [3] If they continue the attack, try fighting them off with your hands or a large stick.
    • Don’t bother trying to run from an attacking pack of wild dogs, since they hunt in packs and can easily outrun and corner you. [4]
    • Fortunately, though, wild dogs seldom show an interest in attacking humans. If you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone.
  3. Shout at attacking wolves without making eye contact. If 1 or more wolves are showing aggressive behavior or have you surrounded, make yourself appear large by holding your hands or backpack above your head. Yell and shout loudly at the wolves, and throw a few stones in their direction also. Do not run away from the animals, or they’ll pursue and catch you. [5] If wolves do attack, fight back with a heavy rock or a knife.
    • Making eye contact with aggressive wolves will be seen as a show of aggression and dominance. If you look directly at the wolves, they’ll be more likely to attack.
  4. If you’re around a coyote that’s showing signs of aggression, unzip your jacket or hold up your hands and shout. This should be enough to deter the coyote. If it continues to act aggressively, try throwing a few stones or large sticks in the animal’s direction. [6] If the coyote closes in and tries to bite you, strike it with a stone or a stick to scare it off.
    • Unlike wolves and wild dogs, coyotes are solitary animals. This means that they are unlikely to attack in groups.
  5. Stand your ground and shout loudly to deter an elephant . Elephants can be deadly animals. If you find yourself facing a charging elephant, do not run away and never turn your back. Instead, stand your ground and shout loudly at the animal. In most cases, the animal will make 1–2 mock charges and then move off. [7] If the elephant isn't mock charging but makes a real charge, run from the animal in a zig-zag pattern and find a large object to hide behind.
    • Yell something like “No!” “Stop that!” or “Get out of here!” at the elephant.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Surviving a Bear Attack

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  1. Wear a bell or other noisemaker to scare off any bears that might be nearby. You can also talk or sing to avoid the situation in the first place. Call out something like “Hey, bear!” every 5–10 minutes. Bears would rather flee than fight, so making noise as you move through the woods will allow them to move off and avoid you and your party.
    • In most cases, bears won't attack unless they feel cornered or surprised.
    • Carry an air horn attached to the shoulder strap of your bag as an effective way to make noise.
  2. If you see 1 or more bear cubs in the woods, the mother bear is doubtlessly nearby. Mother bears will attack viciously to protect their young. [8] Continue talking, singing, or otherwise making noise as you move off so the mother bear knows that you’re leaving her cubs alone.
    • Never approach the cubs, even if you're worried they might be abandoned or hungry.
    • If you're concerned for the cubs, though, inform a park ranger that there may be orphaned cubs and provide the location.
  3. If a bear thinks that you’re 2 or 3 times your actual size, it won’t try to attack you or take you for food. So, unzip your jacket and hold it out as wide as you can. Or, try holding your backpack above your head.
  4. Running will cause the bear to see you as prey, especially if you turn your back on the animal. Also, bears can run faster than you. If you run, you’ll trigger the bear’s predatory instinct and it will most likely charge. The bear will also chase you if you try to climb a tree, so stay on the ground. Stand your ground and defend yourself with bear spray. [9]
    • If you see a bear standing up on its hind legs, don’t take this as a sign of hostility. The bear is merely curious.
    • Only run from a bear if you can make it to a building or other place to confine yourself in that’s less than 20 feet (6.1 m) away.
  5. towards the bear when it’s 30–60 ft (9.1–18.3 m) away. Bear spray is a strong type of pepper spray that can temporarily blind bears and block their sense of smell. If a bear is charging you, wait until it’s under 60 feet (18 m) away and then spray it with bear spray. Aim for the eyes, nose, and mouth. [10]
    • Purchase bear spray at an outdoor supply store or through online retailers.
    • If a bear attacks and you don't have bear spray, curl up into a ball and interlace your fingers over the back of your neck. Play dead and wait for the attack to end. [11]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Fending Off Mountain Lions and Other Large Cats

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  1. Much like bears, most large cats will only attack when startled or cornered. If they can hear you coming, they’ll steer clear of you and your party. So, wear a cowbell or other noisemaking device to scare off any mountain lions that might be nearby.
    • If you don’t have any noisemaking devices, talk loudly to the other members of your group to alert lions to your presence.
  2. Mountain lions, like most cats, don't want to attack prey that will fight back. Standing your ground makes you seem tough and unafraid. It’s also crucial that you don’t run away from a mountain lion or other type or large cat. This will trigger the animal’s predatory instinct and they’ll charge immediately.
    • Also don’t try climbing a tree to escape. Any type of large cat can climb much faster than you.
  3. If a big cat makes eye contact, begin to yell and hold out extra clothing to make yourself as big as possible. [12] If you’re in a group, get close to others around you, wave your arms around quickly, hop up and down, and use anything you have to make as much noise and movement as possible.
    • If your hiking companion is smaller than you, hoist them onto your own shoulders and tell them to yell and wave their arms around.
  4. If yelling and shouting doesn’t cause the big cat to move off, take a more aggressive approach. Deter it from attacking by throwing rocks, branches, sticks, clumps of dirt, and anything else you can get your hands on. If these items land within 2–3 feet (0.61–0.91 m) of the lion, they should be enough to startle it and scare it off. [13]
    • If you’re hiking with bear spray or another kind of pepper spray, spray it towards the lion’s nose and eyes to scare it off.
  5. Use pocket knife, or any other equipment at hand to fight back. Try to hit the big cat in its mouth, eyes, or nose. [14] Try to protect your neck while you’re fighting, since mountain lions will try to kill you by crushing your vertebrae or breaking your neck. Cross both arms behind your head to shield the back of your head and neck, and crunch your shoulders up around your ears to protect your neck and throat.
    • Having a backpack on can also help, since the lion won’t have easy access to your neck from behind you.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Defending Yourself from Snakes

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  1. If you're out hiking in a snake-friendly environment—e.g., the American southwest—wear protective clothing including long pants, tall hiking boots that cover your ankles, long sleeves, and gloves. [15]
    • Long pants and hiking boots will prevent the snake's fangs from penetrating your skin if one happens to bite you.
  2. If the snake is coiled and has reared its head up, it's in striking position and could strike at you at any moment. Don't turn your back on the snake and don't run. Instead, back away from the snake at a normal walking pace until you're at least 20 feet (6.1 m) away. [16]
    • While you should still back away from a snake that's extended full-length, it's less urgent. The snake will need to pause and coil its body before striking you.
  3. Always take a walking stick or trekking pole with you when you hike in snake country. [17] As you’re backing away, if the snake slithers or strikes in your direction, use your walking stick to fend the snake off. Try to hook the end of the stick under one of the snake's coils and fling it far away from you and your group.
    • Choose a stick at least 4 feet (1.2 m) long.
  4. Administer first aid if you or your companion are bitten. Keep the bitten limb lower than the individual’s heart to prevent venom from being distributed throughout the person’s body. Wrap a compression bandage around the bitten limb, and get to the nearest hospital as fast as possible. [18]
    • If you're with an individual who is bitten, do not attempt to suck the venom from the wound! Also do not cut the wound open with a pocket knife in an attempt to drain out the venom.
    • These strategies are both bad advice and will end up harming the person who has been bitten.
  5. As soon as a snake begins to constrict—even if it’s just being curious—hold your non-dominant arm against your rib cage. If you relax as the snake loops around you, it may not attempt to constrict you. In fact, the snake may just be curious. Struggling, however, prompts the snake to squeeze. So, remain still and don’t panic. [19]
    • Struggling also communicates to the snake that you’re edible prey. If you remain static, the snake will not be sure if you’re edible and should move off.
    • Having an arm against your chest will also prevent the snake from forcing air out of your lungs with its constrictions.
  6. It's important that you don't let the snake wrap itself around both of your hands. Keep your non-dominant hand pinned against your chest. Then, grab the snake around its head or neck with your other hand and pull the constricting snake backward. Unwind the coiling snake by unlooping the tight layers of the snake’s coiled body. [20]
    • If you're with a group of people, ask them to help you unwind the snake's body.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Handling a Shark Attack

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  1. of the water if fishing boats are nearby. Try not to float on the water if you’re in an area frequented by sharks. In profile, you will look like a large fish or other tasty prey. If fishing boats are nearby, there are likely hungry sharks in the area as well. [21] Instead, keep vertical in the water, with your head up and your legs dangling downward. If you’re swimming, take occasional pauses and stop swimming so you’ll look less like a seal to a hungry shark below. Keep vertical by treading water.
    • If you’re vertical in the water, sharks will not be sure what you are. Consequently, they'll be less inclined to think that you're food.
  2. Don’t panic and thrash about in the water, as this will certainly draw the shark in towards you. Instead, swim slowly towards shore and keep your head above water. With any luck, you’ll make it back to shallow water without the shark coming anywhere near you. [22]
    • Excessive splashing or activity attracts sharks.
  3. Sharks often investigate unknown objects by nosing up against them, then swimming away if the object doesn’t appear to be interesting or a food source. So, if the shark bumps against you, it’s not necessarily a sign of aggression. It’s more likely a sign of curiosity. [23]
    • Since they don’t have hands, sharks must use their faces and bodies to investigate unknown objects in the water.
  4. Even if you’re trying to keep your lower extremities as still as possible, you can still use your mouth and arms to get help. So, wave your hands, shout, and generally draw the attention of people on shore, where help is likely to come from. [24] You'll want to be extracted from your situation if you're surrounded by a swarm of sharks, and signaling for help is the best way to alert others to your situation.
    • Try shouting things like “Help!” or “shark attack!”
  5. Fight back if the shark bites you. Defend yourself against an attacking shark by punching and scratching at the animal’s eyes and gills. These are the shark’s most sensitive areas and a few well-placed blows or sharp scratched against the eyes and gill may drive the shark away. If the shark continues to bite, keep your hands out of its mouth and keep fighting. [25]
    • The shark will often let go once it finds out that you’re not an easy meal.
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Expert Q&A

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      • If you’re worried about a shark attack, don’t get into the water at dusk or dawn. Sharks are most active at these times. [26]
      • Try not to bleed or pee in ocean water, as sharks can smell these from miles away. If you’re menstruating, it’s probably best to stay out of shark-inhabited waters. [27]
      • If you're planning on spending time in the wild, research the animals that live in the area and read ahead on how to survive encounters and attacks from those specific animals. For instance, you may need to know about ostrich encounters if you'll be in the savannas or woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa, but you probably don't need to know about them if you're camping in a small forest in Michigan.
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      1. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/27/travel/animal-attack-mountain-lion-alligator.html
      2. https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/how-to-survive-a-bear-attack
      3. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/27/travel/animal-attack-mountain-lion-alligator.html
      4. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/27/travel/animal-attack-mountain-lion-alligator.html
      5. https://wdfw.wa.gov/living/cougars.html
      6. https://www.wta.org/news/signpost/how-to-hike-in-rattlesnake-country
      7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3710465/Shout-elephant-stare-lion-NEVER-make-eye-contact-leopard-survive-attack-world-s-dangerous-animals.html
      8. https://www.wta.org/news/signpost/how-to-hike-in-rattlesnake-country
      9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3710465/Shout-elephant-stare-lion-NEVER-make-eye-contact-leopard-survive-attack-world-s-dangerous-animals.html
      10. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/wildlife/10254850/What-to-do-when-animals-attack.html
      11. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/wildlife/10254850/What-to-do-when-animals-attack.html
      12. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/shark-attack-how-to-survive/index.html
      13. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/shark-attack-how-to-survive/index.html
      14. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/shark-attack-how-to-survive/index.html
      15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/33591730/top-tips-on-how-to-avoid-a-shark-attack-and-what-to-do-if-you-are-attacked
      16. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-41981379
      17. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-41981379
      18. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-41981379

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To survive an attack from a wild canine, throw stones or sticks in the direction of the animal, and try to be as loud as possible to scare it off. Alternatively, if you encounter a big cat in the wild, stand your ground and try to make yourself seem as big as possible so you're more threatening, and avoid running away since you'll trigger the cat's instinct to chase you. Also, if you come across a wild bear, make yourself appear bigger than you are, and don't run away since bears are fast and will catch you. To learn how to survive a shark or snake attack, scroll down!

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      • Anonymous

        Apr 1

        "I didnt know that you should stay vertical in the water during a shark attack, information like this helps!"
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