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How to change your habits & make yourself sweat more
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Believe it or not, sweating is good for your health. Perspiration is your body’s way of cooling itself, replacing electrolytes, and conditioning your skin. You’re probably already used to sweating during warm weather or a strenuous workout, but there are other ways to get yourself glistening, as well. If it’s your goal to sweat more, try adding more caffeine and spicy foods to your diet, spending some time in a sauna or wearing layers of heavy, heat-trapping clothing.

How to Make Yourself Sweat More

Do more cardio and spend time outdoors where the temperature isn’t regulated. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water, especially when exercising. Eat spicy foods, and sip on hot or caffeinated beverages. Wear sweat suits or heavy, synthetic fabrics like nylon, rayon, and polyester.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:


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  1. Before you hit the gym or head out for a jog, chug a large glass of water (or two). Simply put, the more fluids that are in your body, the more you’ll have to lose through sweat. [1]
    • Most health experts recommend drinking 15-20 ounces (around half a liter) of water prior to a workout. [2]
    • Don’t forget to replenish your water while you’re exercising, as well. About 8 ounces (.25l) every 15-20 minutes is optimal for feeling and performing at your best.
  2. Unlike other forms of exercise like lifting weights, which is often done in short, intense bursts, cardiovascular training forces you to expend more energy for longer periods of time. This exertion elevates your body temperature, causing you to begin sweating in an effort to cool off.
    • If you usually work out at a gym, hop on the treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike at a moderate intensity for at least 20-30 minutes to keep your heart rate and body temperature up.
    • Research suggests that as your level of fitness improves, you may actually begin to sweat more (and more readily). [3]
    • The more joints you use in your workout, the more likely you are to sweat. You can even modify traditional exercises like push-ups to produce more sweat. [4]
    • Calisthenics and plyometrics are great ways to start working up a sweat. Mountain climbers, squat jumps, and lateral bounding are also great options. [5]
  3. Weather permitting, escape the comfort of your climate-controlled gym every now and then and go slog it out under the sun. There, both you and your sweat can run freely. Practice a sport, do a few rounds of wind sprints, or focus on activities like yoga and calisthenics that you can engage in anywhere. [6]
    • Schedule your workouts for the late afternoon hours when temperatures are highest.
    • Make sure you’re properly hydrated before you get moving, especially on scorching summer days. [7]
  4. They’re not called “sweats” for nothing. Ditch the revealing, ventilated materials like neoprene for future workouts and go with a basic close-fitting cotton ensemble instead. Insulated clothing keeps the heat your body releases during exercise close to the skin, which can quickly induce perspiration. [8]
    • Look for “sauna suits” made from PVC and other waterproof materials. [9] These are specifically designed to prevent heat from dissipating and get athletes sweating buckets.
    • Take frequent rest breaks during your workout and strip off excess clothing as needed to prevent overheating. [10]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Eating and Drinking

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  1. Chowing down on hot ingredients can get your sweat glands working overtime. It also stokes your metabolism and can even strengthen your immune system, making it a win-win. Cuisines like Mexican, Thai, Indian, and Vietnamese are famous for their fiery fare. [11]
    • Kick up any meal with a handful of diced hot peppers, a splash of hot sauce, or a dash of cayenne.
    • Have a glass of milk on standby to neutralize the heat if it starts to become unbearable. [12]
  2. Fix yourself a steaming mug of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate and down it while it’s fresh. The heat will elevate your core temperature from the inside. If you’re already in a warm environment, it won’t take long to get those pores opened up.
    • Hot drinks are a very effective way to warm up in a hurry—that’s part of the reason they’re so popular with skiers, mountain climbers and other cold weather athletes.
  3. Make energizing items like coffee, soda, and chocolate a staple of your diet. Caffeine directly stimulates the central nervous system, and sweating is a nervous system response. Just be careful not to overdo it, or it could give you the jitters.
    • If you don’t do well with coffee, stick to offerings with less-concentrated amounts of caffeine like green tea.
    • When all else fails, grab a canned energy drink. These products often contain as much as 200mg of caffeine per serving. [13]
  4. Unwind at the end of a long day with a couple beers or a few ounces of red wine. Even a small amount of alcohol can quickly get your blood pumping. Over time, this can lead to flushing, hot flashes, and (you guessed it) perspiration. [14]
    • Needless to say, this will only be an option if you’re above the legal drinking age.
    • Avoid drinking to excess. It won’t help you sweat more, but it can impair your judgment and potentially cause embarrassment.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Changing Your Habits

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  1. As their name implies, antiperspirants are designed to do just that—keep you from sweating. So if your goal is to let the fluids flow, the first thing you should do is cut them out of your daily hygiene routine. Your underarms and other other high-heat parts of your body will be pouring in no time. [15]
    • Make the switch to an ordinary deodorant that blocks unpleasant odors but won't interfere with your body's ability to sweat.
    • You can also dab a couple drops of a potent natural fragrance like peppermint oil or patchouli onto sensitive areas if you're worried about how you'll smell after a few days without applying anti-perspirant.
  2. Turn the thermostat down a few degrees lower than normal. This will keep you from getting acclimated to high temperatures as quickly. Once you step into a warmer environment, you’ll find yourself breaking into a sweat when performing even basic tasks. [16]
    • A chilly living space can be pretty uncomfortable. Work your way up to more frigid conditions gradually, reducing the temperature a few degrees at a time for the first week or so. [17]
    • Assuming you live in somewhere with mild winters, consider simply turning off your heat during the colder months. Not only will you perspire like a champ when it comes time to work out or hit the sauna, you’ll also save money on your utility bill!
  3. For best results, pull on thick, long-sleeved garments such as vests and sweaters. Synthetic materials like nylon, rayon and polyester especially aren’t as breathable as natural fibers, which causes them to trap heat close to your skin. [18]
    • To make this strategy even more effective, try bundling up in multiple layers.
    • Avoid wearing stuffy clothing for more than a few hours at a time. When that excess moisture has nowhere to go, it starts to build up on your skin, which can eventually lead to icky complications like skin infections.
  4. If nothing else gets you glistening, a sauna will. The sweltering, moist air in the room envelopes you, clinging to your skin and pulling out the sweat. The water you shed then evaporates and gets cycled back into the room’s atmosphere. [19]
    • Staying in a sauna too long can be dangerous. Limit yourself to 20-30 minutes at a time, and drink plenty of water before you go in.
    • If you’re planning on spending any longer inside, rinse off in a cool shower between sessions to lower your body temperature.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I increase sweating?
    Yvonne Mo
    Personal Trainer
    Yvonne Mo is a Personal Trainer. With more than 21 years of fitness industry and martial arts experience, she specializes in combining and teaching eastern and western fitness and health modalities, which include Tai Chi, sports acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and fire cupping. Yvonne received her Personal Trainer Certifications through both the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the American College of Sports Medicine.
    Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    You could try exercises that produce more speed. Anything that you have to produce speed from pushing off the floor in any way can help. That includes mountain climbers, squat jumps and lateral bounds.
  • Question
    How can I sweat more during exercise?
    Yvonne Mo
    Personal Trainer
    Yvonne Mo is a Personal Trainer. With more than 21 years of fitness industry and martial arts experience, she specializes in combining and teaching eastern and western fitness and health modalities, which include Tai Chi, sports acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and fire cupping. Yvonne received her Personal Trainer Certifications through both the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the American College of Sports Medicine.
    Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    First, just for safety, do not be in an air-conditioned place, as it's easier to get sick. To sweat more, the idea is to open up your pores anyway, so make sure that you're not in a cold place. If you're trying to sweat more, there are also traditional things that people wear when training, like garbage bags.
  • Question
    Is sweating good for weight loss?
    Yvonne Mo
    Personal Trainer
    Yvonne Mo is a Personal Trainer. With more than 21 years of fitness industry and martial arts experience, she specializes in combining and teaching eastern and western fitness and health modalities, which include Tai Chi, sports acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and fire cupping. Yvonne received her Personal Trainer Certifications through both the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the American College of Sports Medicine.
    Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Not necessarily. I do not believe that sweat is a reflection of how many calories that you would burn. All I know is that some people are just sweatier than others.
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      • Perspiration is good for you. In fact, the healthiest people sweat more, and tend to start sweating sooner than others.
      • Combine heavy, layered clothing with any of the other methods listed here to get more make yourself hotter and sweat more at any given time.
      • Sweating releases salts, metals, and bacteria, along with other things. Make sure you’re bathing frequently to wash off all the funky stuff that settles on your skin.
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      • Avoid relying on caffeine to make yourself sweat if you have a sensitivity. Excessive amounts can cause elevated heart rate, shortness of breath and feelings of restlessness and anxiety.


      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To sweat more, try eating spicy foods like peppers and hot sauce to activate your sweat glands. Alternatively, drink hot beverages such as coffee or tea to elevate your core temperature and open up your pores. If you use antiperspirant, switch to a regular deodorant that won’t interfere with your natural ability to sweat. Additionally, wear less breathable synthetic fabrics such as nylon and polyester to trap heat close to your skin. For more tips, including how to sweat more during your workouts, keep reading.

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        Feb 13, 2019

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