Baby eczema is quite common, occurring in 10 to 15% of infants. [1] X Research source It is a red, scaly, itchy rash, appearing most often on the face and in the joints of the arms and legs (although it can appear elsewhere on the body as well). It is most often dry and rough. Eczema often improves with time, and may go away as your child ages. In the meantime, there are many lifestyle changes and medical treatments you can use to ease your baby's eczema symptoms.
Identify triggers for your baby's eczema. Certain babies are more predisposed to developing eczema than others, as it has a strong genetic component. However, if you pay careful attention, you will likely notice that certain things in the environment temporarily worsen, or trigger, a flare-up of your baby's eczema. Common triggers to watch for (and to avoid if possible) include: [2] X Research source
- Soaps and detergents. If you notice that this is a trigger for your baby, use mild, unscented soaps and detergents specifically designed for babies with sensitive skin to minimize irritation.
- Certain clothing, such as wool or polyester
- Dry skin
- Heat and sweat
- Stress
- Dietary triggers
Observe your baby's diet for possible food allergies. Although the relationship between dietary triggers and eczema is controversial, there is suspicion that food allergies and sensitivities may be triggers for eczema flare-ups for some babies. Common problem foods include dairy products, wheat, soy products, eggs, nuts and seeds.
- Try removing common problem foods one by one from your baby's diet and see if you notice an improvement in his or her eczema.
- If you want to identify the specific trigger, it is important to eliminate only one food group at a time in order to determine which of them specifically is problematic (keeping in mind that it is possible for your baby to have more than one food allergy or sensitivity).
- See your doctor to confirm whether or not your baby has a food allergy. Your doctor can order blood tests or refer you to an allergist to help determine if your baby has an allergy to certain foods.
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Give your baby a short lukewarm bath. [3] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source It is best to use lukewarm rather than hot water, as hot water can contribute to drying the skin, which worsens eczema. Also, shorter baths (ideally less than 10 minutes) are better than longer ones, as prolonged exposure to warm water also reduces the skin's natural moisture. You should give your baby a bath every two to three days.
- Gently pat your baby dry with a towel after bathing. Do not rub, as this can exacerbate skin irritation and worsen eczema.
- You can also try adding oatmeal soaking products to your baby's bath, as this may help to ease itching.
- Avoid using scented bubble baths. Stick with gentle products that are made for babies with sensitive skin, such as Aveeno, Cetaphil, or Eucerin.
Apply moisturizing cream. Be sure to apply moisturizing cream once a day to maintain the skin's natural moisture, and apply it after bathing as well. Some examples of moisturizing agents that work well include Eucerin, Cetaphil, Nutraderm, and Aveeno. [4] X Research source
Dress your baby in loose clothing. [5] X Research source Tight clothing can be irritating, so allowing the skin to breathe better with loose clothing is a good idea. Also, avoid dressing your baby in too many layers of clothing or overheating your baby, as sweating from excess clothing can worsen itching and eczema.
Try a humidifier. [6] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source Because eczema is exacerbated with dry skin, using a humidifier to add moisture to the air can reduce your baby's eczema flare-ups. You can try putting the humidifier on at night in the same room that your baby sleeps.
- Using a humidifier is most important in dry climates or during cold, dry weather.
Cut your baby's nails short to reduce scratching. [7] X Research source Eczema is an itchy rash, and scratching it only makes it worse. Therefore, keep your baby's nails short to reduce the impact of any scratching.
- You can also have your baby wear mittens or gloves during the day so that he or she cannot scratch, if the eczema is particularly severe.
- Another protective measure is applying wet dressings to the areas of the eczema rash. Applying a wet dressing helps to keep the skin moist, and also protects it from your baby trying to scratch. Be sure to change dressings every eight hours. Make sure that you ask your doctor about how to use wet dressings for your baby.
Check with your doctor to confirm your baby's diagnosis. [8] X Research source While eczema is extremely common, you will want to see a doctor or pediatrician to ensure that this is in fact your baby's diagnosis, and to rule out that nothing more severe is going on. Also, your doctor can suggest medical treatments if lifestyle measures alone are insufficient in controlling your baby's eczema.Advertisement
Seeking Medical Treatment
Use anti-histamines to help with itching. Anti-histamines such as Zyrtec or Claritin can be taken orally, and help with symptom management by reducing the itching associated with eczema. [9] X Research source These medicines are available over-the-counter.
- Ask your doctor about appropriate dosing for your baby, as medication dosing depends on the age of the infant.
Try topical corticosteroids. [10] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source Corticosteroids function by suppressing the immune response, thereby lessening the intensity (or altogether getting rid of) the eczema rash. You can purchase 1% hydrocortisone over-the-counter at your local drugstore or pharmacy.
- Apply the medicine to the areas of the rash once or twice per day, or according to the directions on the bottle.
Ask your doctor for prescription medications. If over-the-counter options are not enough, then your doctor may order prescription medications for your baby. [11] X Research source Your doctor can offer higher strength immune suppressant medications, such as stronger topical corticosteroids or other creams, or rarely oral medications. Or, your doctor may recommend other options such as anti-inflammatory medications.
- If your baby's rash becomes infected, he or she may also need topical or oral antibiotics to combat the infection.
- Follow your doctor's suggestions, as he or she will know best exactly what your baby needs.
Use UV therapy as a last resort. [12] X Research source UV therapy is not used as a first-line treatment because it increases the risk of skin cancer (it is analogous to spending time in the sun). However, it is sometimes used in very severe cases of eczema.
Understand the course of eczema. Eczema is not a curable condition, but it is one that can be effectively managed by avoiding triggers and treating symptoms. Many people experience prolonged periods of remission of their eczema, and may go years without having any symptoms.
- If your baby has eczema, the chances of it recurring later on are high, but some babies outgrow it.
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About this article
If your baby has eczema, you can treat the condition by dressing your baby in loose clothes, keeping their skin moisturized, and applying an over-the-counter topical corticosteroid, like 1% hydrocortisone, to the rashy areas once or twice per day. You can give your baby an oral antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritin to combat the itching, but you may want to discuss proper dosage with your doctor first. If over-the-counter treatments aren't helping, ask your doctor about prescription medication options. For tips on identifying eczema triggers, read on!