What Is My Skin Undertone?

Take this quiz to find out!

Figuring out your skin’s undertone can be a game changer. It allows you to choose the most flattering colors for your hair, makeup, and clothing, so that your natural beauty can shine through.

To discover your undertone, look no further! Just answer these simple questions, and we’ll match you with your personal undertone. Hit that “Start Quiz” button to get started!

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Questions Overview

1. If you can see your veins through your skin, what color are they?
  1. Blue or purple-ish.
  2. Green.
  3. Some are blue and some are green.
  4. I can’t really tell.
2. What happens when you spend a lot of time in the sun?
  1. I tan easily and I don’t usually get sunburns.
  2. My skin gets sunburnt easily and turns red.
  3. Sometimes I tan, but sometimes I get burnt.
3. Do you look best in gold or silver jewelry? Or if you’re not sure, what do you usually wear?
  1. I look best in gold, or I wear gold the most.
  2. I look best in silver, or I wear silver the most.
  3. Both look good on me, and I wear both!
4. Look in the mirror (or your phone camera). What color flecks do you see in your eyes?
  1. Golden or brownish flecks.
  2. Hazel or greenish flecks.
  3. Bluish or greyish flecks.
  4. I see a mix of colors.
5. Put on a plain white T-shirt, or hold a white piece of paper up to your face. How does it make your skin look?
  1. It looks pink, red-ish, or rosy.
  2. It looks yellow, golden, or caramel-y.
  3. I see a mix of both pink-y and yellow-y tones.

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  • These aren\u2019t hard and fast rules, though\u2014the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and confident in your hairstyle and what you wear.<\/li>
  • If you still prefer to wear cool-toned clothes or rock a cool-toned hair color, you should absolutely go for it!<\/li>
  • Your undertones also determine what color season you are. If you have warm undertones, this means you\u2019re a spring or autumn. Check out our color season quiz<\/a> for more info!<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Deep-Autumn-Color-Palette"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Choose-a-Red-Dress"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Deep Autumn Color Palette: What to Wear & What to Avoid","id":14058272,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Deep-Autumn-Color-Palette","relUrl":"\/Deep-Autumn-Color-Palette","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/ec\/Deep-Autumn-Color-Palette-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Deep-Autumn-Color-Palette-Step-15.jpg","alt":"Deep Autumn Color Palette: What to Wear & What to Avoid"},{"title":"How to Choose a Red Dress","id":593066,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Choose-a-Red-Dress","relUrl":"\/Choose-a-Red-Dress","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/e6\/Choose-a-Red-Dress-Step-23.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Choose-a-Red-Dress-Step-23.jpg","alt":"How to Choose a Red Dress"}],"minimum":0,"image":"Determine-Skin-Tone-Step-13.jpg","image_url":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/a2\/Determine-Skin-Tone-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-460-329-439px-Determine-Skin-Tone-Step-13.jpg"},{"number":2,"text":"You have cool undertones!","meaning":"Based on your answers, it seems like you have pink, red, or blue-ish undertones, which puts you into the \u201ccool\u201d category. This means you likely pop in silver jewelry and cooler clothing colors, like pink, blue, grey, and purple. Cool-toned hair colors like ash-y blonde, deep brown or black also look great on you!
  • What Are Undertones?

    How to Find Your Undertone

    • Look at any visible veins on your body. If they look more blue or purple, you likely have cool undertones, but if they look more green, you likely have warm undertones. If you see a little bit of both, you’re likely neutral.
    • Put on a white T-shirt and look in the mirror. If your skin looks more yellow or peachy against the white, you’re likely warm. If your skin looks more pink-ish or blue-toned, you’re likely cool.
    • Check how you look in gold and silver jewelry. If the gold jewelry looks more flattering, you’re most likely warm-toned. If the silver looks better, you’re probably cool-toned. If you look equally good in both, this is a sign you’re neutral.
    • Take a look in your closet. Certain colors look best with each undertone, so the clothes you gravitate toward may give you a clue about which one you are. If you tend to look best in cooler colors like pinks, blues, purples, and greys, this could be a sign you have cool undertones. If you shine in warmer hues like yellows, oranges, greens, and browns, this could mean you have warm undertones.