Welcome, folks! I am NSEasternShoreChemist, who goes by the same name on Wikipedia. As you might've guessed I am an organic chemist by career, as well as an inorganic chemistry teaching assitant. When I'm not doing chemistry I may sail the ocean, as well as exploring Nova Scotia on foot and bicycle, or track tropical cyclones.

My wikiHow Stats

6 Articles Started
102 Article Edits
40 Edits Patrolled
13,816 Article Views
17 Questions Answered

Articles Started (6)

Article Name Rising Featured Views
Purchase a Tractor
Deuterate Organic Compounds
Survive in the Long Dark in Interloper
Separate Ortho and Para Isomers of Aromatic Compounds
Interpret a Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum
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Thumbed Up Edits

Article Name Date
Survive a Bear Attack 8 months ago
Survive in the Long Dark 5 years ago
Survive in the Long Dark 5 years ago
Track Hurricanes 5 years ago
Interpret a Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum 6 years ago

Questions Answered (17)


Welcome, lucky visitor, to the userpage of NSEasternShoreChemist! As you might have guessed I am a chemist but there's much more to The Country Chemist than just chemistry...

What sort of chemistry do you do?

I have worked in a few different fields of chemistry over the years. Areas in which I consider myself to be well versed include basic general chemistry and some chemistry regarding lithium ion batteries (in which I hold a patent), though my greatest strength is in organic chemistry, specifically, organic synthesis, which is the course in which I am a TA; it's also the topic on which I've spent most of my research time. That being said, I will try to help with analytical or inorganic chemistry, where I can. The one area of chemistry where I will not be of much help, unfortunately, is physical chemistry... math really isn't my strong point.

Non-chemistry areas of knowledge?

If chemistry isn't your thing I might be able to help with things such as hurricane tracking & forecasting, many areas of biology, some geology of Nova Scotia, as well as outdoors tasks... I spend a lot of time outside when I'm not in a lab. I also hold a black belt in karate & have travelled virtually everywhere in the Maritime Provinces of Canada.

NSEasternShoreChemist has made 102 contributions
This user's page has been viewed 119 times