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If someone has sent you a kiss emoji, either the 😘 (kissing face) emoji or the πŸ’‹ (kiss mark) emoji, you might be wondering what they mean—and we're here to help! Though both are considered "kiss" emojis, they have a few key differences that are important to keep in mind. You'll learn what each emoji means, how to use them, and which emoji will suit your needs in any situation.

Section 1 of 3:

😘 (Kissing Face) Emoji Common Meanings

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  1. Most often, the emoji implies romantic feelings. You can send this emoji to a crush, date, significant other, or spouse to essentially say, "I'd be kissing you right now if I could." Some people even use it to say, "I love you." [1]
    • "I had a great time on our date last night! We should do it again sometime. 😘"
    • "Hello, my love! Been thinking about you a lot today. 😘"
  2. The 😘 emoji doesn't have to be romantic—blowing kisses can be done in a platonic sense, too. Many close friends and family members send this emoji to one another to say "I love you" over text.
    • "Thanks for coming over today, dad! It was great to see you. 😘"
    • "If I didn't bombard you with annoying texts, I wouldn't be your sister! 😘"
  3. Traditionally, "blowing a kiss" is used as a form of farewell. In emoji form, you can use it to wish somebody else goodbye or good night via message. You can also pair 😘 with another emoji, such as πŸ‘‹ (waving hand) or πŸ™‹ (waving person), to craft your emoji goodbye.
    • "Gotta run! I'll text you again later, okay? Bye! πŸ˜˜πŸ‘‹"
    • "Goodnight, babe! See you tomorrow. 😘"
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Section 2 of 3:

πŸ’‹ (Kiss Mark) Emoji Common Meanings

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  1. As the short-form version of the word "kiss," the πŸ’‹ emoji can be used in place of "kiss" or "kisses" rather than typing out the whole word. It can be used in either a romantic or platonic context.
    • "Sending you lots of πŸ’‹ today!"
    • "I'm gonna give you so many πŸ€— and πŸ’‹ when I see you!"
  2. The kiss mark emoji is flirtatious and seductive. More often than not, the πŸ’‹ emoji is meant to be enticing and romantic; it has more steamy implications than other kissing emojis. When someone sends you the kiss mark emoji, they might be trying to get a little sultry with you! [2]
    • "I want to see you so bad. πŸ’‹"
    • "You're adorable. πŸ’‹ Can I call you?"
  3. You can use the πŸ’‹ emoji if you're feeling a little cheeky. Remember the phrases "kiss something goodbye" or "kiss my butt"? Well, you can put a little extra emphasis on a sassy remark with a πŸ’‹ emoji to make sure your point gets across.
    • "I am so ready to kiss these exams GOODBYE. πŸ’‹"
    • "Anyone who takes me for granted can kiss me goodbye! πŸ’‹"
  4. Sometimes, the πŸ’‹ emoji can be a bit more literal! A kiss mark implies lipstick being left behind after a kiss, so when talking about cosmetics—particularly lipstick—the πŸ’‹ emoji can be a useful tool. You can use it to talk about applying lipstick, favorite makeup products, or about style and beauty in general. [3]
    • "Omg, this new πŸ’„ is amazing! πŸ’‹"
    • "I'm feeling particularly fierce today! πŸ’‹"
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Section 3 of 3:

😘 (Kissing Face) Emoji vs. πŸ’‹ (Kiss Mark) Emoji

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  1. Both can have romantic vibes, but 😘 is a sweet emoji you can easily send a parent or friend. πŸ’‹ is more often used in steamy, sensual messages—although you can still give it a platonic or sassy context. Overall, both emojis can be used interchangeably or together to say "kiss" without fully writing the word. [4]
    • "Hey, mom! Just wanted to check in and say, 'I love you!' 😘"
    • "Hi, girl! Let's hang out at the party this weekend! πŸ’‹"
    • "I'm really looking forward to tonight… πŸ₯΅πŸ’‹"
    • "Sending you many kisses today, my love! πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹"

Understand and Use Sexual Emojis with this Expert Series

We've all been there. You're flirting with someone over text, and then they send a confusing emoji. What does it mean? Read this expert series and learn how to use emojis to upgrade your flirting!

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  • Question
    What does a smiling face with hearts and an exclamation emoji πŸ˜β—mean?
    Community Answer
    It means they're excited and in love!
  • Question
    πŸ‘πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ (thumbs up, kissy face, clapping hands) What do these emojis mean?
    Community Answer
    It means they're showing approval and are flirting!
  • Question
    What does it mean if he says "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night 😘"?
    Community Answer
    That means he's going to bed and will be ready to talk to you again tomorrow when it's daytime.
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