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What Type of Person Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

Truly understanding your personality can be a lifelong journey. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could just tell us who we are?

We’re here to help. While you ultimately get the final say on who you are and what you stand for, this quiz can help narrow things down. If you’re ready to take a deep dive into what type of person you are, hit “Start Quiz.”

A man holds his hand to his chin and gazes upwards, thinking intently.

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Questions Overview

1. You’re on a fantasy quest and were just ambushed by bandits. What’s your next move?
  1. Talk with them and work out a compromise.
  2. Protect my teammates at all costs.
  3. Do something totally random. Fireball, anyone?
  4. Craft a plan of attack to allow for a safe escape.
2. What is your dream career path?
  1. Something peaceful, like diplomacy.
  2. Something where I can save others, like medicine.
  3. Something where I can be myself, like theatre.
  4. Something analytical, like scientific research.
3. How would your friends or loved ones describe you in one word?
  1. Idealistic
  2. Practical
  3. Impulsive
  4. Intelligent
4. You just won the lottery! What are you spending your winnings on?
  1. I’m donating a lot of it to charity.
  2. I’m going to pay off my friends’ loans.
  3. No idea—I’ll probably decide in the moment.
  4. I’m going to invest a little and save the rest.
5. How do you want to be remembered?
  1. As a peaceful soul who was loved by everyone.
  2. As a loving companion who put others first.
  3. As a flexible and fun individual who was always ready for an adventure.
  4. As a strategic and unbiased intellectual.
6. What’s your biggest weakness?
  1. I care a little too much about the world around me.
  2. I overstep my boundaries sometimes.
  3. I have trouble falling in line and following the crowd.
  4. I view the world a little too critically and rationally.
7. What’s your typical role in a group project?
  1. I keep everyone’s spirits up and make sure tensions are low.
  2. I organize the assignment and what has to be done.
  3. I think outside of the box and guide the group in unconventional directions.
  4. I do plenty of research legwork for the assignment.
8. Which Latin quote resonates with you the most?
  1. Memento vivere (Remember to live).
  2. Ex nihilo nihil fit (Nothing comes from nothing).
  3. Audentes fortuna iuvat (Fortune favors the bold).
  4. Nitimur in vetitum (We strive for the forbidden).
9. Uh oh! Your friends are fighting. What do you do?
  1. Mediate the conflict with empathy.
  2. Provide emotional support for both of my friends.
  3. Invite each friend out so they can forget about the conflict.
  4. Analyze the conflict with an impartial eye.
10. What are you most afraid of?
  1. Facing confrontation.
  2. Feeling powerless.
  3. Feeling trapped.
  4. Feeling lost.
11. You see a cat stuck in a tree—what do you do?
  1. Calm the kitty down as much as possible.
  2. Climb up there and rescue the cat yourself.
  3. Come up with a creative solution to get the cat down.
  4. Analyze the situation carefully and call for help (if needed).
12. Which character trope do you relate to the most?
  1. The wise mentor.
  2. The kind side character.
  3. The charismatic leader.
  4. The enthusiastic champion.
13. Which job would you most likely have if you worked at a school?
  1. Math or science teacher. I stick to the facts!
  2. Guidance counselor. I’m here to support my students.
  3. Principal. I keep everything in working order.
  4. Tutor. I want to help others be their best!
14. How is your teacher or boss most likely to describe you?
  1. “They aren’t afraid to experiment and think outside the box.”
  2. “They’re super flexible and willing to try new things.”
  3. “They’re comfortable taking risks and jumping out of their comfort zone.”
  4. “They’re full of energy and are great at doing what feels best in the moment.”
15. What’s your secret weapon?
  1. My sense of planning and strategy.
  2. My unshakeable desire to learn.
  3. My sense of vision for the future.
  4. My ability to easily debate and verbally spar with others.

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Life advice:<\/b> It\u2019s great that you value structure in your life, but don\u2019t be afraid to go with the flow<\/a>, too! Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone<\/a> can lead to a refreshing change of pace.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type INTJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Intj-Compatibility"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Know-an-INTJ-Likes-You"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Your Complete Guide to INTJ Compatibility & What This Type Is Like in Love","id":13431606,"url":"https:\/\/\/Intj-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/0c\/Intj-Compatibility-Step-26.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Intj-Compatibility-Step-26.jpg","alt":"Your Complete Guide to INTJ Compatibility & What This Type Is Like in Love"},{"title":"How to Know an INTJ Likes You","id":13293294,"url":"https:\/\/\/Know-an-INTJ-Likes-You","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/a8\/Know-an-INTJ-Likes-You-Step-11.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Know-an-INTJ-Likes-You-Step-11.jpg","alt":"How to Know an INTJ Likes You"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a thinker.","meaning":"Logical and individualistic, you aren\u2019t afraid to head off the beaten path and explore the world on your own terms. With your inquisitive instincts and unique way of thinking, it\u2019s easy for you to get lost in your own thoughts. Still, you\u2019re always ready and willing to listen to other people\u2019s perspectives\u2014as long as people are putting a lot of thought, care, and research into their opinions, that is.

Life advice:<\/b> Try to keep yourself grounded in the here and now, especially when you\u2019re chatting with friends and acquaintances. You can always get back to philosophizing once you\u2019re by yourself again!

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type INTP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-Healthy-INTP"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Intj-vs-Intp"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be a Healthy INTP","id":12067596,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-a-Healthy-INTP","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bd\/Be-a-Healthy-INTP-Step-8.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-Healthy-INTP-Step-8.jpg","alt":"How to Be a Healthy INTP"},{"title":"How to Tell the Difference between an INTJ and an INTP","id":13939226,"url":"https:\/\/\/Intj-vs-Intp","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/74\/Intj-vs-Intp-Step-8.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Intj-vs-Intp-Step-8.jpg","alt":"How to Tell the Difference between an INTJ and an INTP"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a director.","meaning":"Active and capable, you love taking the lead and guiding your friends, acquaintances, and co-workers to new heights. Certain in your abilities, you\u2019re confident that your ship will definitely reach its destination as long as you\u2019re at the helm\u2014and why wouldn\u2019t you? With your sense of strategy and purpose, there\u2019s no doubt that you\u2019ll safely guide your team to new horizons.

Life advice:<\/b> It\u2019s great that you have such a strong vision, but don\u2019t be afraid to
let other people take control<\/a>, too. After all, the best leaders know when it\u2019s time to take a step back!

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ENTJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an innovator.","meaning":"Smart and quick-witted, you\u2019d probably be a killer Jeopardy!<\/i> contestant\u2014to say nothing of the brain power you bring to your day-to-day life! You love taking a look at different challenges and finding different ways to approach a solution. You\u2019re even better at communicating these ideas, whether it\u2019s in a conversation or debate. When it comes to verbal sparring, you\u2019re a bonafide knight!

Life advice:<\/b> There\u2019s absolutely nothing wrong with having a healthy debate, but make sure that you aren\u2019t transforming all of your conversations into arguments and animated discussions.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ENTP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a sage.","meaning":"Wise and imaginative, you tend to create your own path as you explore new philosophies and ideas. With this in mind, authenticity is super important to you\u2014you really value honesty, and you aren\u2019t afraid to take a deep dive to uncover the truth of a person or situation. Friends and loved ones alike know that they can come to you when they need a listening ear and an insightful perspective.

Life advice:<\/b> It\u2019s wonderful that you have such a refined sense of ideals, but it\u2019s also important to practice kindness and be empathetic (to both yourself and others). Sometimes, the world won\u2019t live up to your expectations\u2014and that\u2019s okay!

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type INFJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Spot-an-Infj"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Infj-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Spot an Infj","id":13074890,"url":"https:\/\/\/Spot-an-Infj","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/76\/Spot-an-Infj-Step-11.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Spot-an-Infj-Step-11.jpg","alt":"How to Spot an Infj"},{"title":"Which MBTI Types are Most Compatible with INFJ?","id":13403425,"url":"https:\/\/\/Infj-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f5\/Infj-Compatibility-Step-20.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Infj-Compatibility-Step-20.jpg","alt":"Which MBTI Types are Most Compatible with INFJ?"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a peacekeeper.","meaning":"Giving and accepting, your friends and loved ones know they can come to you when they\u2019re going through a difficult time. And why wouldn\u2019t they? With your empathetic heart and tolerant mindset, you\u2019re more than happy to support the people in your life, all while promoting love and peace.

Life advice:<\/b> Don\u2019t set yourself on fire to keep others warm! Your generous nature is admirable, but you shouldn\u2019t put yourself out there for other people at your own expense.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type INFP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a hero.","meaning":"Dependable and passionate, you\u2019re the textbook definition of a hero\u2014you love helping others, you\u2019re great at inspiring confidence in people, and you\u2019re enthusiastic about the hobbies and activities that are important to you. Whether you\u2019re leading a group project for school\/work or guiding your sports team to victory, there\u2019s no doubt that plenty of people resonate with your friendly and passionate energy.

Life advice:<\/b> Driven by your ideals, it can be easy for you to set sky-high expectations for yourself in different aspects of your life. Take a moment to remind yourself that you\u2019re only human, and that it\u2019s not possible for you to resolve every conflict around you.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ENFJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Enfj-Meaning"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Enfj-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"ENFJ Personality, Relationships, Careers & More","id":13941934,"url":"https:\/\/\/Enfj-Meaning","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/ec\/Enfj-Meaning-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enfj-Meaning-Step-15.jpg","alt":"ENFJ Personality, Relationships, Careers & More"},{"title":"Which Personality Type is the Most Compatible with ENFJ?","id":13902854,"url":"https:\/\/\/Enfj-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/24\/Enfj-Compatibility-Step-23.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enfj-Compatibility-Step-23.jpg","alt":"Which Personality Type is the Most Compatible with ENFJ?"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a companion.","meaning":"Earnest and free-spirited, you approach life with a unique sense of passion and curiosity. With your great conversational skills and sense of enthusiasm, you find it easy to connect and bond with others. Your light shines bright, and other people can see it, too\u2014it\u2019s no wonder you\u2019re surrounded by so many friends and loved ones in your life!

Life advice:<\/b> It\u2019s a noble goal to try and make a good impression on everyone you meet, but this isn\u2019t always realistic. Real, worthwhile friends will love and appreciate you for who you are\u2014anyone who doesn\u2019t is missing out!

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ENFP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Enfp-Compatibility"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Intp-and-Enfp"}],"link_data":[{"title":"ENFP: Who\u2019s Their Perfect Partner and What Are They Like in Love?","id":13884232,"url":"https:\/\/\/Enfp-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/80\/Enfp-Compatibility-Step-29.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enfp-Compatibility-Step-29.jpg","alt":"ENFP: Who\u2019s Their Perfect Partner and What Are They Like in Love?"},{"title":"A Guide to INTP & ENFP Compatibility: Love, Challenges, & More","id":13865603,"url":"https:\/\/\/Intp-and-Enfp","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/fb\/Intp-and-Enfp-Step-19.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Intp-and-Enfp-Step-19.jpg","alt":"A Guide to INTP & ENFP Compatibility: Love, Challenges, & More"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a planner.","meaning":"Reliable and honest, friends and peers alike know that they can rely on you when it counts. And why wouldn\u2019t they? With your practical, steady, and careful approach to life, you\u2019re great at both planning for the future and seeing this future in action. You\u2019re 100% dedicated to whatever task hits your agenda, and you won\u2019t stop until the job is done.

Life advice:<\/b> It\u2019s great that you have such a strong sense of vision\u2014but try to
be sensitive<\/a> when you\u2019re rejecting or turning down someone else\u2019s idea. Honesty is important, but so is being tactful<\/a>!

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ISTJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Attract-an-ISTJ-Personality"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Attract an ISTJ Personality","id":8990888,"url":"https:\/\/\/Attract-an-ISTJ-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/27\/Be-a-Gentleman-Step-17-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-Gentleman-Step-17-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Attract an ISTJ Personality"},{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a supporter.","meaning":"Cooperative and dependable, you care deeply about the people around you and go the extra mile to care for and support them. Known for your hardworking nature, you always give 100% to everything you do, and you\u2019re rightfully proud of your accomplishments! When times get tough, everyone in your life knows that they can count on your assistance and efforts.

Life advice:<\/b> Don\u2019t be afraid to take credit for everything that you accomplish. There\u2019s nothing wrong with
taking pride in your actions<\/a>!

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ISFJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a CEO.","meaning":"Direct and orderly, you\u2019re great at advocating for your ideals and vision, even if your peers aren\u2019t on board at first. You\u2019re a tough nut to crack, and \u201cdefeat\u201d simply isn\u2019t in your vocabulary. As long as a certain task fits your vision, you\u2019ll see it through until the very end.

Life advice:<\/b> Don\u2019t be afraid to
compromise<\/a> when the situation calls for it! Even if your idea makes perfect sense, cooperation is a valuable way to make everyone feel seen and heard.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ESTJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a team player.","meaning":"Supportive and loyal, you\u2019re great at chatting and bonding with others. In fact, you thrive on harmony, and love feeling accepted and embraced by the people around you. As caring and responsible as they come, you\u2019re always determined to finish every task on your to-do list\u2014especially if other people are relying on you to do so.

Life advice:<\/b> It\u2019s okay to keep your finger on the pulse of how other people perceive you, but don\u2019t let other people\u2019s opinions define your every waking moment. Some people in life may not vibe with you (and vice versa), which is totally fine.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ESFJ.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a go-getter.","meaning":"Active and spontaneous, you\u2019re happy to go with the flow and adjust as the situation calls for it. With that being said, though, you still approach life with a very practical perspective and are often attracted to tasks and hobbies that have a lot of concrete elements to them (like woodworking or computer programming) and are willing to tinker around with your projects until you achieve your desired result.

Life advice:<\/b> While your flexible attitude makes it easy for you to tackle new projects, you don\u2019t always find it easy to see these projects through.
Believe in yourself<\/a> whenever you hit a roadblock\u2014you\u2019re a strong, capable individual who can accomplish whatever they put their mind to!

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ISTP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Virtuoso-Personality"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"}],"link_data":[{"title":"All About the Virtuoso Personality Type & Their Characteristics","id":13916391,"url":"https:\/\/\/Virtuoso-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/0c\/Virtuoso-Personality-Step-16.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Virtuoso-Personality-Step-16.jpg","alt":"All About the Virtuoso Personality Type & Their Characteristics"},{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an explorer.","meaning":"Inquisitive and creative, there\u2019s no dampening your adventurous spirit. You\u2019re always ready to embark on a new journey, and find it easy to get absorbed in all the new adventures and conquests that life has to offer. Although you may not be outgoing on the surface, there\u2019s no denying the warm and passionate energy that lies deep in your heart.

Life advice:<\/b> While you love to face new adventures head-on, you don\u2019t really love planning for them. Give yourself some time to think about what new challenges the future may hold, so you\u2019re completely ready to face them.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ISFP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Adventurer-Personality"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"}],"link_data":[{"title":"All About the Adventurer Personality Type & Their Characteristics","id":13941724,"url":"https:\/\/\/Adventurer-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/b9\/Adventurer-Personality-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Adventurer-Personality-Step-13-Version-2.jpg","alt":"All About the Adventurer Personality Type & Their Characteristics"},{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a risk taker.","meaning":"Outgoing and social, your energetic and practical vibes make you more than capable of whatever challenges life sends in your direction. You aren\u2019t afraid to push the limits when the situation calls for it or craft a practical plan that can help make the world a better place in a new and exciting way.

Life advice:<\/b> It\u2019s totally valid that you approach projects at your own speed, even if you\u2019re working a little faster than everyone else. If one of your friends or peers is struggling to catch up, though, try to
be patient<\/a> with them as they try to get on the same page.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ESTP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Attract-an-ESTP"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Attract an ESTP","id":9094939,"url":"https:\/\/\/Attract-an-ESTP","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/87\/Attract-an-ESTP-Step-10-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Attract-an-ESTP-Step-10-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Attract an ESTP"},{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are a performer.","meaning":"Spontaneous and unique, you make an unforgettable impression on everyone you meet. After all, who could forget the adventurous and outgoing spirit who isn\u2019t afraid to push past the status quo? As active as can be, you\u2019re always ready to experience life in a hands-on way rather than just reading about the world around you.

Life advice:<\/b> Remind yourself to slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy the present moment. It\u2019s okay if you aren\u2019t always juggling a dozen things at once\u2014in fact, it\u2019s important<\/i> to take some time to yourself and unwind.

MBTI equivalent:<\/b> This is similar to the Myers-Briggs personality type ESFP.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type","id":245749,"url":"https:\/\/\/Determine-Your-Myers-Briggs-Personality-Type","image":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/93\/Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Woman-with-Hearing-Aid-Thinking-Positively.png","alt":"How to Determine Your Myers Briggs Personality Type"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Introvert<\/picture>","alt":"Introvert or Extrovert Quiz"},{"title":"What's Your Mindset Quiz","id":13699974,"url":"https:\/\/\/Whats-Your-Mindset","image":"\"Whats<\/picture>","alt":"What's Your Mindset Quiz"},{"title":"Moral Alignment Test","id":13475111,"url":"https:\/\/\/Moral-alignment-test","image":"\"Moral<\/picture>","alt":"Moral Alignment Test"}],"number":1},{"text":"I'd like to focus more on my outer appearance and the impression I leave.","result":"Sounds good! We have some quizzes to help you do just that:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"What Vibe Do I Give Off Quiz","id":13381647,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Vibe-Do-I-Give-Off","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Vibe Do I Give Off Quiz"},{"title":"What Piercing Should I Get Quiz","id":13736222,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Piercing-Should-I-Get","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Piercing Should I Get Quiz"},{"title":"Am I Cool Quiz","id":13974752,"url":"https:\/\/\/Am-I-Cool-Quiz","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Cool Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

All About Personality & Personality Tests

Who am I? This age-old question relates to the concept of personality—or, more specifically, how you perceive your personality. Let’s take a deeper dive into what that means!

What is personality?
The American Psychological Association (APA) defines personality as “the enduring characteristics and behavior” that make up “a person’s unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns.” In other words, your personality is defined as what makes you you —it’s all the different traits and qualities that make up who you are, how you see the world, and how you interact with others.

What is my personality?
Only you can truly answer this question—but for over a century now (since at least psychologist Robert S. Woodworth’s Personal Data Sheet in 1917), psychologists have created different tests to help people better understand themselves and the way they interact with the world around them. A few popular tests include:

  • MBTI/16Personalities: A test with 16 total personality results. Each personality is represented with a combination of 4 different letters:
    • I or E: Introvert vs. extrovert (whether you’re recharged by time alone or time spent with others)
    • S or N: Sensing vs. intuition (whether you use your physical senses or imagination to observe your surrounding environment)
    • T or F: Thinking vs. feeling (whether you process information in a rational or emotional way)
    • J or P: Judging vs. perceiving (whether you prefer routine and order vs. flexibility)
  • Big 5 Personality Test: A test with 5 total personality results. Everyone’s personality can be boiled down to 1 of 5 major traits:
    • Openness: People who like to experience new things, embark on new adventures, and take on different challenges.
    • Conscientiousness: People who have plenty of self-control and are good at focusing on their upcoming tasks and goals.
    • Extroversion: People who are social butterflies, good at starting new conversations, and comfortable asserting themselves.
    • Agreeableness: People who are especially kind, reliable, warm-hearted, and cooperative.
    • Neuroticism: People who have less control over their emotions and are more likely to endure negative emotions like anxiety.
  • Enneagram test: A test with 9 total personality types. People are given a core personality profile (represented by the numbers 1 through 9) along with a “wing,” or an adjacent profile that embodies aspects of the individual’s personality (e.g., 6w5, 8w7, 3w4, etc.).

16 Personality Types

Here’s a quick rundown of the 16 different personality profiles represented in this quiz, as well as in popular tests such as 16Personalities and MBTI:

  • Intellectual
    • Key traits: Logical, independent, analytical, inquisitive
    • MBTI equivalent: INTJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Architect
  • Thinker
    • Key traits: Philosophic, thoughtful, distant, curious
    • MBTI equivalent: INTP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Logician
  • Director
    • Key traits: Confident, rational, driven, charming
    • MBTI equivalent: ENTJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Commander
  • Innovator
    • Key traits: Inquisitive, contrary, individualistic, visionary
    • MBTI equivalent: ENTP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Debater
  • Sage
    • Key traits: Ambitious, wise, altruistic, perceptive
    • MBTI equivalent: INFJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Advocate
  • Peacekeeper
    • Key traits: Compassionate, accepting, big-hearted, imaginative
    • MBTI equivalent: INFP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Mediator
  • Hero
    • Key traits: Dependable, open-minded, charitable, enthusiastic
    • MBTI equivalent: ENFJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Protagonist
  • Companion
    • Key traits: Inquisitive, excited, joyous, expressive
    • MBTI equivalent: ENFP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Campaigner
  • Planner
    • Key traits: Truthful, reliable, rational, determined
    • MBTI equivalent: ISTJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Logistician
  • Supporter
    • Key traits: Dedicated, attentive, responsible, cooperative
    • MBTI equivalent: ISFJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Defender
  • CEO
    • Key traits: Dependable, organized, structured, candid
    • MBTI equivalent: ESTJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Executive
  • Team Player
    • Key traits: Loyal, harmonious, responsible, kind
    • MBTI equivalent: ESFJ
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Consul
  • Go-Getter
    • Key traits: Imaginative, flexible, calm, positive
    • MBTI equivalent: ISTP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Virtuoso
  • Explorer
    • Key traits: Creative, enthusiastic, inquisitive, charismatic
    • MBTI equivalent: ISFP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Adventurer
  • Risk Taker
    • Key traits: Straightforward, observant, inventive, adventurous
    • MBTI equivalent: ESTP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Entrepreneur
  • Performer
    • Key traits: Outgoing, unique, attentive, social
    • MBTI equivalent: ESFP
    • 16Personalities equivalent: Entertainer

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    Jun 3

    "I loved how it really made me explore the depths of my personality."
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