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Learn what a sweet, stray kitty is trying to tell you
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Having a stray cat come up to you and follow you home is a super sweet gesture that might hold powerful spiritual meanings. A stray cat choosing you might mean they’re your spirit guide, that a spiritual transformation is near, or that you have a good heart. Keep reading to learn all about the spiritual meanings of getting chosen by a stray cat, as well as what to do when they choose you. We've also included tips from certified cat behavior consultants on how to befriend a stray kitty.

What Does It Mean If a Stray Cat Chooses You?

A stray cat choosing you could mean they’re your spirit guide. They might guide you on your journey, protect you from negativity, or give you wisdom. A stray cat following you might be a sign that you’re undergoing a spiritual transformation that will help you grow and heal. It can also be a signal to trust your intuition.

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Spiritual Meanings of a Stray Cat Choosing You

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  1. Divine forces might have sent you a stray cat to help guide and protect you on your life journey. Their presence might be a positive sign that you’re on the right path, that you’re gaining spiritual wisdom, that your passed loved ones are there for you, or that you’re protected from negative energy. [1]
    • If you’re a Wiccan, the stray cat might also be your familiar. Familiars are animal companions that help you on your journey and help you hone your craft. [2]
  2. A stray cat appearing in your life and following you can be a sign of a spiritual awakening . This might mean that you’re on the right path and headed on a journey of personal development and healing. [3]
    • For instance, you might gain clarity about your life’s purpose and make a plan to become the best version of yourself .
    • Or, you might gain higher levels of awareness that lead to you becoming more empathetic and enlightened.
  3. Many cultures, like the ancient Egyptians, revered cats as divine and spiritually sensitive animals. When a stray cat comes into your life, the universe might be telling you to trust your instincts . Listening to your inner voice can help you make good decisions, progress towards your destiny, and keep negativity away. [4]
    • The stray cat’s quick reflexes and incredible senses can also be a sign to develop your intuition . For instance, you might meditate or practice mindfulness.
  4. Cats are well known for their curiosity and bravery, so a stray cat choosing you might be a spiritual sign to be open to change . This sweet kitty might be telling you to be vulnerable and step out of your comfort zone , as that is where personal growth and healing happens. [5]
    • For instance, you might try a new hobby, volunteer in your community, or go out on dates to grow in your personal life. Or, you might network or ask for a promotion to advance in your career.
  5. A stray cat following you around can be a sign to let go of your worries , the past, and anything that is holding you back. The universe might be asking you to slow down and see the world through the cat’s eyes, which are full of playfulness and joy for the little things in life. [6]
    • Practicing mindfulness can help you stay in and appreciate the present moment. To be mindful, pause and pay attention to your 5 senses. Or, focus on your breathing for at least 1 minute. [7]
  6. Some believe that cats are powerful symbols of blessings, good fortune, and abundance. Having a stray kitty show up on your doorstep can mean good things are on the horizon in your life, from career success to finding love. [8]
    • While black cats are often seen as bad omens, a stray black choosing you is actually considered very fortunate. This sweet soul might bring you protection and prosperity.
  7. Cats are intelligent animals that seem to sense when someone is worth their love. A stray cat might follow you because they could tell you are a kind, empathetic, and trustworthy person. So, this might be a positive sign from the universe that your goodness shines through! [9]
  8. While all cats are fierce, stray cats are particularly strong and brave. If one appears in your life, the universe might be reminding you that you are resilient and can tackle challenges when life gets tough, too. [10]
  9. Having a sweet stray cat follow you around might be a sign to change your attitude and adopt a positive mindset . You might be hard on yourself or others, so the universe is asking you to love yourself , embrace your uniqueness, and treat others with compassion. [11]
    • For instance, challenge your negative thoughts to be more positive. Replace thoughts like, “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do this” with affirmations like, “I am worthy of love” and “I am strong and capable.”
    • Or, practice gratitude for the people and things in your life. For instance, journal about what you’re grateful for each day.
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What to Do When a Stray Cat Follows You

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  1. Look for a collar on the cat, as this can be a sign they have an owner and might be lost. If they don’t have a collar, post that you found the cat online or tape fliers around your neighborhood. Then, call local shelters in your area to make a lost cat report.
    • Ask your neighbors if they know anything about the cat, too.
    • If the cat does have a collar, contact the person on the tag to let them know you found their cat.
  2. If the cat is skittish, give them some cat food or tuna and a clean bowl of water. Certified cat behavior consultant Molly DeVoss agrees, saying, “The fastest way to a cat’s heart is through [their] stomach. Providing regular meals and allowing the cat to approach you on [their] own timeframe and comfort level are foundations for relationship success.”
    • It’s important to treat the stray cat with kindness and ensure they’re safe to show your thanks for the universe’s guidance. Some believe that this brings you more luck and positive karma.
  3. It can take time to gain the stray cat’s trust. Along with providing them food and water each day, feline behavior consultant Carrie Seay recommends making, “calm, quiet movements [and] not rushing towards them, not making scary eye contact, becoming as small as possible, and not letting them think that you're kind of this big, scary monster” so they get used to you.
    • Understand the cat’s body language so you know when they’re threatened and need space. According to Molly DeVoss, certified cat behavior consultant, scared cats usually “hold their body close to the ground…The ears might be out to the side or flattened. The whiskers will be held back against the face and they may be growling, yowling, or hissing.”
  4. Lure the cat into a cage by filling a humane trap with wet food or treats and covering it with a towel. Then, bring the cat to your local veterinarian. They will make sure the cat is spayed or neutered and protected against common diseases.
    • Many vets provide these health services (i.e., spaying, neutering, common vaccinations) for free.
    • Ask the vet to scan the cat for a microchip to ensure they don’t belong to anyone, too.
  5. Contact a cat rescue organization or no-kill shelter in your area to see if they can take in the cat. They have the resources to care for the cat and find someone to foster or adopt them.
    • If the shelter has no room, foster the kitty as you find them a new home. Ask your friends, family, and trusted acquaintances if they want to take in the cat. Or, post about them on sites like Facebook or Craigslist.
  6. If you have the time and resources to take in the cat, do it—it might have chosen you for a reason, after all. To care for your cat , give them a warm, cozy bed, a scratch post, and fun toys to enrich them. Then, put their litter box in a quiet space and their food and water dishes in a different room. [12]
    • Put a collar on your cat so people can identify them if they get lost. Make sure the tag has your cat’s name, your name, and a way to reach you on it.
    • Or, get your cat microchipped at your veterinarian’s office.
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Why Stray Cats Follow You

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  1. Cats are smart and know that humans are associated with food and shelter. If a stray cat is following you, they might be hungry, thirsty, or simply want a place to rest while it’s cold or raining.
  2. Cats are social creatures who need attention and affection to feel happy. A stray cat might come up to you or follow you around because they want to play or get some pets.
    • When you pet the cat , Molly DeVoss, certified cat behavior consultant, recommends “ touch[ing] [them] from the neck up. They like to have the side of their face rubbed, chin scratched, ears rubbed, and sometimes the top of [their] head.”
  3. The stray cat following you might have previously had a home and want human companionship again. They might think that you are trustworthy and kind and want you to be their new owner.
  4. It’s possible that the stray cat following you is simply interested in what you’re doing or where you’re going. They might keep their distance instead of coming right up to you, like if they wanted food or attention.
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