Pila Xian

Pila Xian is an Esthetician and Massage Therapist based in Aspen, Colorado. Pila owns and operates Heaven on Earth, a day spa that offers personalized facial and massage therapies, as well as a variety of spa services. She draws on traditions from Hawaii, Thailand, Japan, and Western massage to tailor her massages for each client. Pila earned a Certificate of Massage from Boulder College of Massage Therapy, and has studied in the art of Lomilomi and Ashiatsu, among other modalities. Heaven on Earth has been featured in Vogue, Glossy, Aspen Sojourner, and more.


  • BBA, Marymount University

Professional Achievements

  • Pila and Heaven on Earth have been featured in multiple publications, including Vogue, Glossy, Aspen Sojourner, Aspen Peak Magazine, and Aspen Magazine.

Favorite Piece of Advice

I always tell my guests to wash their faces twice at night. The first wash removes sunscreen, makeup, and unseen pollution. The second wash truly washes the face, making it clean and helping smooth skin texture.

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Co-authored Articles (14)