When you're preparing food and you can't decide whether it's better to use a blender or a food processor, there are actually some simple ways to choose between the two. Step one of the process is learning the difference between the kitchen appliances. Though blenders and food processors seem like similar kitchen appliances, they both have specific uses for mixing food. Knowing the difference between the two devices is all you need to get your meal or snack started.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Using a Blender

  1. Blenders are suitable for mixing soft food and liquids into smoothies, soups, sauces, shakes, and liquid-based dips. Use a blender for such kitchen jobs as pureeing, emulsifying, and blending. [1]
    • Blenders are good for a speedy snack such as a protein smoothie whereas food processors tend to be slower paced and get better use when making large meals.
  2. Pour one or two cups of milk or water into the blender, followed by the fruits and vegetables of your choosing. Wait at least 10 seconds until the mix is completely liquified. Blenders liquefy fruit well (unless it is really hard fruit). [2]
    • The blades on blenders are not razor sharp. The motor is the powerhouse behind blending the food. Because of the dull blades, a blender is great for blending liquids and substances that are borderline-liquid.
  3. Pour one and a half cups of warm or hot water into your blender. Add vegetables and spices to the blender according to the recipe you choose. Blend your mixture on high for about one and a half minutes or until smooth.
  4. Make cocktails with your blender. Fill your blender with the fruits, fruit juice, liquor, and ice your cocktail recipe entails, but make sure the fruit you add is fresh and not canned. Cut the fruit into 1-inch pieces, and add them to the mixture first. Add the ice last, mix it up, pour your drink into a cocktail glass, and garnish your cocktail any way you like! [3]
    • Blenders are often found behind the bar as an essential for making cocktails.
  5. Consider whether you need both or only one piece of equipment in the kitchen for making everyday meals. If you're not a huge cook or eat out a lot, a food processor might not be the right choice for you. It is possible to get by with a blender, as food processors tend to be expensive.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Preparing Meals with a Food Processor

  1. Food processors are not the best for mixing small amounts of foods. The wider work bowl of a processor makes it more suitable for larger, bulk processing over the blender. Use your food processor when making larger meals that might involve grating cheese, chopping vegetables or kneading pie crusts. [4]
  2. Unlike blenders, food processors have razor sharp blades. A food processor is much more versatile and is suitable for dealing with non-liquid, heavier foods.
  3. Pick the type of blade you would like to use, the S blade is best for chopping vegetables, and attach it on the inside of the food processor. You can prep vegetables, and it's also an easy way to chop onions without crying. [5]
    • The food processor will chop, julienne, pulverize, mash, and split foods. Your blender, on the other hand, will probably start smoking if you force it to try to do these things.
  4. Attach the grating disc, also called the shredding disc, to the top of the bowl on your food processor. Use this attachment to grate cheese, bread or vegetables. [6]
  5. Put nuts without their shells into your food processor when using the grinding blade. The food processor will soon turn the nuts into butter. [7]
  6. Pick a food processor that's solid and sturdy if you plan to use it to knead dough. Connect the kneading attachment to knead dough for pie crusts and more. [8]
  7. Food processors are pretty much indispensable for a good cook who likes to experiment across a wide range of recipes. If you're always having dinner parties, a food processor would help with the meals. [9]
    • If you can't afford one, wait for the sales when good quality models from the year before can go for very reasonable prices.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you operate a hand blender?
    Top Answerer
    A hand or immersion blender should always be placed into the item being blended before turning it on. For more info, see the wikiHow article, Use an Immersion Blender.
  • Question
    Do I use a tall or wide blender for making pastry?
    Top Answerer
    Either will work, though a wide blender or food processor will work better. A tall blender may not incorporate all the flour and butter together very well. Pastry is delicate, so to get a flaky crust, pulse the butter and flour mix just until it forms small balls, then dump it out, form into a ball, cover with plastic and chill for an hour before rolling out. Also, always use cold\ butter and ice-cold water for best results. For bread, use a wide blender/processor & pulse until it forms into a ball and pulls away from the sides. Then remove and knead to develop the gluten.
  • Question
    I have a recipe for ice cream using frozen bananas, cocoa and coconut oil. I tried a blender and chopped but it really didn't work. Would a food processor be better?
    Community Answer
    Yes, food processors are great for making banana ice cream. If you don’t want to have the expense of buying a food processor, you could always make a bit thinner banana ice cream using milk, banana and cocoa. After this, you can pour it into a pan and freeze.
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      • Immersion blenders are held by hand. They are suitable for making light food, such as milkshakes or baby food purees. Some have good chopping attachments, however, that can allow them to cut and chop effectively in small amounts.
      • The motor size in both blender and processor matters. Lower level motors can burn out if pushed too hard.


      • Herbs placed in a blender will be turned into a mash, not cut. Use the food processor for herbs instead.

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