Creating a cartoon character of your own is not only fun, but super easy to do if you have the right tools. When you're just starting out, use a pencil with an eraser so you can correct your drawing to make it just right, then fill it in with colored markers and pencils. Read on to learn how to make a cartoon dog, elephant, and parrot.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

A Cartoon Lion

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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

A Cartoon Rhino

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    How do I draw the details on a picture?
    Community Answer
    In order to draw details on a picture, you have to know what you are drawing. Imagine it is 3D, so you can see other features of the pictures. Then, just imagine where the texture and the shading goes.
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      • Riff on these basic shapes to draw other cartoon animals, like bears, songbirds and giraffes.


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      Article Summary X

      If you want to draw a cartoon lion, create a large vertical oval for the mane. Join 3 connected lines to the left edge of the oval, then add another irregular box beneath the first one for the lion’s jaw. Attach a triangle to the top square, which will be the lion’s nose. At the far right of the picture, add a small circle for the lion’s back, followed by 4 small horizontal ovals as the bottom for the lion’s paws. Add lines for the legs and the body, plus a curved line off the back circle for the tail. Fill in any details like the mane, eyes, ears, and toes, erase the guide strokes, and add color if you’d like! If you want to learn how to draw a cartoon rhino, keep reading!

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      • Ganesha

        Sep 29, 2022

        "It was good, and I really needed that help with the rhino."

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