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A properly maintained computer will provide you with substantially higher speeds, both online, and offline, regardless of your hardware setup and configurations. The second law of thermodynamics states that all systems degrade over time, but here are a few tips on how to delay the inevitability.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Maintaining Software/Hard Drive

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  1. To do this, you can use the Disk Cleanup utility included on Windows, or you can download a freeware program such as CCleaner to do it for you. In Linux you can use Kleansweep or Bleachbit. Cookies and cache left behind by browsers can add up to gigabytes of wasted space, so it is imperative they're deleted. [1]
  2. There is a myriad of tools available to do this. Avast is a good one to use.
  3. Windows XP and up includes a utility to do this, and Windows Vista and up will automatically defrag your hard drive once a week.
  4. You'll be surprised how much space you'll free up. [2]
  5. This can greatly reduce your startup times.
    • In Windows 8 and 10, open the task manager , then select the Startup tab.
    • On Windows XP, Vista, and 7, open command prompt , then type "msconfig". Once msconfig opens, then select the Startup tab.
    • CCleaner also has a feature that allows you to do the same thing (Tools--->Startup)
    • For Windows, select Performance and Maintenance and then choose "Rearrange items on your hard disk..." and "Free up space on your hard disk."
    • For Mac, go to the Applications Folder, select Utilities Folder then launch Disk Utility.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Maintaining Hardware/CPU

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  1. This will help protect it from electric surges. Phone lines for modems and cat 5 or cat 6 network lines also need surge suppression as they can and will take out your network card or modem in an electric storm.
  2. Your computer can grow dusty in less than a year, depending on where it is stored. Open it up depending on how dusty your house is. If it's not too dusty, then check every few months, but if it's super dusty (your house), then be much more proactive about it. Remove the dust on the bottom with a vacuum (or cloth), then spray with compressed canned air. Pay special attention to the CPU heat sink and CPU fan. Hold the fan still while spraying it as you can cause it to spin out and on reboot it may have more noise. Spray the intakes to the Power supply fan also. Since you have the cover off reboot and listen for noisy fans make sure all fans are working. Replace the fan if it stops spinning or starts making unnatural sound or you can try to lubricate the bearing, this might help.
  3. into your computer. Ports such as USB and Ethernet can easily be damaged from careless placement. These repairs can be costly, and these ports are a necessity.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you maintain computer software?
    Jeremy Mercer
    Computer Repair Technician
    Jeremy Mercer is the Manager and Head Technician at MacPro-LA in Los Angeles, CA. He has over ten years of experience working in electronics repair, as well as retail stores that specialize in both Mac and PC.
    Computer Repair Technician
    Expert Answer
    You definitely want to use a malware scanner to keep your computer virus-free and working smoothly. Malwarebytes is a free option that jumps to mind, but there are other programs out there that do this. Also, clear your cache and empty your recycling bin. That will keep programs moving smoothly.
  • Question
    How do you keep your computer in good condition?
    Jeremy Mercer
    Computer Repair Technician
    Jeremy Mercer is the Manager and Head Technician at MacPro-LA in Los Angeles, CA. He has over ten years of experience working in electronics repair, as well as retail stores that specialize in both Mac and PC.
    Computer Repair Technician
    Expert Answer
    Some of this is just common sense. Don't put food or drinks on it, set it somewhere safe, and wipe it with a dry cloth before dust builds up. The other thing you want to do is make sure you don't use any abrasive chemicals to clean the tower or screen.
  • Question
    Why is my computer so slow?
    Jeremy Mercer
    Computer Repair Technician
    Jeremy Mercer is the Manager and Head Technician at MacPro-LA in Los Angeles, CA. He has over ten years of experience working in electronics repair, as well as retail stores that specialize in both Mac and PC.
    Computer Repair Technician
    Expert Answer
    Check your storage space. The more stuff you have on your computer, the clunkier it's going to feel. If you have any programs you aren't using, delete them. Also, make sure you scan your downloads folder. A lot of people forget to clear that out every now and then.
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      • Give your computer a rest by turning it off once in a while. It's no big deal to leave it on for a day or two, but keep in mind that the hotter it is, the more wear and tear on components.
      • When deleting files, make sure you know what they are. If you accidentally delete something important, it could cause major damage.
      • Be careful when overclocking your PC . It's fun- but it runs the temperature up on the motherboard and WILL melt your processor if the necessary precautions aren't met. Such as a large CPU/Fan heatsink and case fans.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Anti-virus software.
      • Third-party disk utility software [MAC ONLY].
      • A grounding strip is optional when dealing with hardware, but highly recommended.


      1. Jeremy Mercer. Computer Specialist. Expert Interview. 26 July 2019.
      2. Jeremy Mercer. Computer Specialist. Expert Interview. 26 July 2019.

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