Q&A for How to Act Sad

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    Does wanting to act sad make me weird?
    Community Answer
    I don't think so, but you should consider why you want to act sad. Do you feel unappreciated? Are you lonely? I would focus on correcting those feelings instead of just continuing to act sad.
  • Question
    Does being sad mean you have a bad attitude?
    Community Answer
    No. Sadness is a normal human response to certain situations.
  • Question
    Is acting sad the same as acting depressed?
    Mezza Thomson-Evans
    Community Answer
    There is a difference between sad and depressed, but acting sad can also be acting as depressed. Give it a go and see if it suits the role. if you're not doing it for a play, don't take it too far.
  • Question
    Will acting sad make me sad?
    Community Answer
    This only happens if you are fully committed to your role. When I'm in a musical I become my character. Some people, however, will feel nothing even if they are the best actor in the world. If you are really emotional, yes. Don't let this stop you, though. Acting is the best thing in the world.
  • Question
    My best friend betrayed me a few weeks ago. How can I forget about that?
    Community Answer
    The best idea is to ignore him/her for some days unless you are ready to act. Pull yourself together and talk him/her straight.
  • Question
    I just want my boyfriend to ask me if I'm okay. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Say "I'm upset." He will most likely ask why, and you have to say why. It's always best to be vulnerable and express what you need: other people aren't mind readers, and guys can be especially bad at interpreting your hints.
  • Question
    Most people ignore me! How can I show them my sadness?
    Community Answer
    They are most likely ignoring you because you are acting sad and mopey. Try a different approach.
  • Question
    How do I show my parents I'm not okay mentally (depressed), because if I act sad they'll say I'm a drama queen?
    Community Answer
    Find a time when one or both of them have time to sit down for a serious conversation with you and tell them exactly what's going on. Tell them how you're feeling and why (if you know) and that the situation is serious. This may require more than one conversation. Your parents love you, and they will support you through this.
  • Question
    I want to tell my mom I'm getting bullied but I want her to notice herself. How do I do that?
    Community Answer
    Act depressed all the time. She'll probably ask you what's wrong, then let out a huge sigh and tell her.
  • Question
    My friend leaves me out a lot. Is acting sad the right approach, so she can ask me what's wrong? I don't fit in with her other friends, and I always get jealous when they hug, too.
    Community Answer
    You should sit down with her and tell her how you feel. Tell her you feel left out. Talk it out. Acting sad could help in this case, but in most cases like this it won't. It would probably just make your friend feel bad about herself and make her miserable, too. The best thing you could do here is just explain your feelings to her.
  • Question
    Is it normal not to feel sadness?
    Community Answer
    Some people very rarely feel sad, and there's nothing wrong with that. Regardless of whether or not it's normal, it's a good thing! If you're concerned, or if you feel like you're not properly processing your emotions, consult a therapist/counselor.
  • Question
    I had trial for an international soccer team and I didn't get in, but my mate who isn't as good as me did. How do I show that I am upset about this?
    Community Answer
    You could let the team know you're upset. However, perhaps you should be happy for your friend, and let them know you are.
  • Question
    What do I do to make my girlfriend notice that I'm sad?
    Community Answer
    You can try to incorporate some of the tips in this article, but it would really be best to just tell your girlfriend you're feeling sad. Honest communication is always the way to go in a relationship.
  • Question
    Do people get attracted to sad persons?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Some people find that attractive.
  • Question
    I want to get checked for depression because I'm extremely suicidal. How do I get my mom to notice without her asking me?
    Community Answer
    Go speak to your school counselor or guidance counselor. He/she can probably call your parent talk to her about your situation. Or you can just tell your mom that you need help with your feelings.
  • Question
    I'm extremely depressed. I don't want to tell my parents. Is there anything else I can do?
    Community Answer
    You could talk to your school counselor or any other trusted adult. You need help, and you have to be willing to talk to someone who can help.
  • Question
    I want the popular girl in my class to ask if I'm okay. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Look at the floor, hold your head in your hands, slouch, sniffle, and bite your nails.
  • Question
    Whenever there is a lockdown, we hide in a small space. I have a phobia of that, and no one even cares! They make jokes! How can I make them feel bad for me without telling them anything?
    Community Answer
    No one is going to feel bad for you if they don't know that you are feeling bad. I recommend, instead of trying to act sad and dodge the issue, you just explain to your teacher that you have claustrophobia.
  • Question
    How can I stop smiling when I'm depressed?
    Community Answer
    Think about something heartbreaking. It is still good to smile though!
  • Question
    What if I'm depressed but not showing signs and bottling up my emotions? Can that hurt me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can hurt you. Your depression will get worse if you don't tell someone about it and get some help. Talk to a parent, a teacher, a counselor, or any other trusted adult.
  • Question
    Are depression and sadness the same thing?
    Community Answer
    No, they are not. Sadness is just a symptom of depression. Depression is a serious medical condition that causes chronic (near constant) sadness, whereas sadness is just an emotion that everyone feels from time to time.
  • Question
    Is it normal to want to live a depressed life?
    Community Answer
    No. Please speak with a doctor about this. Your life can be much happier than it is now.
  • Question
    I'm going to a funeral soon. Is this a good article to practice beforehand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this would be a good idea. However, you don't necessarily have to act sad at a funeral as long as you're being respectful of those who are truly grieving.
  • Question
    I want my teacher to notice I am sad. How should I tell her?
    Community Answer
    After the class is over, ask your teacher if you can talk to her about something. Explain to your teacher how you're feeling so she can respond and try to help you work through your feelings.
  • Question
    What do I do if my friends ask what's wrong?
    Community Answer
    Just say that nothing is wrong (unless there's something you want to talk about). It's not uncommon for sad or depressed people to say that nothing is wrong when they're asked, either because they don't want to say, or because they don't know how to explain.
  • Question
    Does acting sad make people feel pity for me?
    Noukie Zoey
    Community Answer
    It depends on the people you talk to. Most people will feel pity for you, but some people just don't care. However, don't use sadness to manipulate people's feelings, that's not appropriate.
  • Question
    Is acting sad just lying?
    Community Answer
    Acting sad is the same as acting happy. You're telling a story as if you were a happy or sad person. Think hard about what you see as lying because you can make your own life's strait jacket if you don't understand that nuanced behavior is sometimes essential to ensure other people are comfortable around you.
  • Question
    Everything in this house gets blamed on me, and I'm tired and upset of it. How can I show specific sadness for this matter?
    Community Answer
    Just say how you feel. If you ham up, you'll be viewed as a drama queen and your point won't be taken seriously.
  • Question
    Is it wrong to act sad in order to find out if my teacher cares about me?
    Community Answer
    Yes. That's manipulative behavior; also, your teacher is there to educate you, not provide emotional support. Seek caring attention in the appropriate place--family, friends--and focus on learning while in the classroom.
  • Question
    I'm sad, but nobody even notices. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Just ask for help. Sometimes you need to ask for help instead of waiting for it to come to you.
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