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Q&A for How to Avoid an Accident on a Motorcycle
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QuestionI live in a hot, humid country where safety gear is a burden on the body. What can I do?Community AnswerGet a high quality mesh jacket. There are also packs you can fill with water and put on the inside of your jacket, which works really well to keep the rider cool.
QuestionCan you wear flip flops?Community AnswerNever wear flip flops when riding a motorcycle. Always wear thick boots with steel toes. If you don't, you may lose your toes in an accident.
QuestionWhich break should I use in an emergency situation?CrayFish715Community AnswerEmergency stopping is simple. Clutch in. Brace against handle bars. Squeeze front brake (DON'T JAB). Gently apply rear brake. Your front brake should be 90%of your stopping power, and the rear brake is to help bleed speed. Don't lock your rear brake, or your rear tire will skid left, and your bike will fall over.
QuestionIs it safe to have two motorcycles in one lane?Community AnswerYes, but you don't want to ride next to each other. It's better to ride staggered with one motorcycle slightly in front of the other.
QuestionHow can I prevent an accident at a busy intersection?CrayFish715Community AnswerFirst, always enter the intersection at a speed that's easily controllable. Don't expect cars to see you; expect drivers to see you. Watch for their eye contact. Never hesitate at an intersection or stop in the center. If putting the throttle on and powering through gets you back into a lane, then do it. Always be predictable; most accidents happen when one car is driving erratically. Finally, ride to account for other drivers, which means giving them space and expecting them to cut you off.
QuestionWhat do I do if I'm riding the speed limit, but a car is tailgating me?Community AnswerPull to the side of the road and let the car go by, or wave him past you if there is another lane.
QuestionHow do you protect yourself from injuries and fractures when crashing?Community AnswerThe best way to protect yourself is to wear motorcycle safety gear. This includes a helmet, body armor, and leathers. These will protect your skin from the road and insulate your body against other objects.
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