Q&A for How to Bat Aggressively

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    How do I play pull shot and in swing or out swing a ball?
    Rishabh Mehan
    Cricket Coach
    Rishabhn Mehan is a Cricket Systems Operator in the United Kingdom. He has been coaching cricket in London since 2016, when he received his Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Young People and Adults Cricket (QCF).
    Cricket Coach
    Expert Answer
    If the ball is short, step back and across, then swing toward the left side. Pick the line of the ball, which will allow you to move across enough to pull.
  • Question
    How do I focus on a fast ball while batting?
    Rishabh Mehan
    Cricket Coach
    Rishabhn Mehan is a Cricket Systems Operator in the United Kingdom. He has been coaching cricket in London since 2016, when he received his Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Young People and Adults Cricket (QCF).
    Cricket Coach
    Expert Answer
    This takes practice.The more you practice focusing on the fast ball, the better you'll get. Stick with it!
  • Question
    When I go to bat I have a lot of confidence, but I lose it after missing a few balls. What can I do?
    Raythatha Deep
    Community Answer
    When you get low on confidence, take a quick single and get some more time to understand the balls, so that when you get on crease you can hit the ball properly. You could also take a water break and get relaxed again.
  • Question
    How do I hit a helicopter shot?
    Community Answer
    Having a strong wrist is important for hitting the helicopter shot. If you use a heavy bat, it could lead to injuries. Follow the swing through with your wrist.
  • Question
    Before going to crease for batting, I am very confident and aggressive. However, when I go to crease, I get unrelaxed and unconfident and I only think to play more balls. What am I to do?
    Community Answer
    Try to remove every fear from your mind and just think that you can do it. It can help a lot to increase confidence.
  • Question
    How do I face spin?
    Community Answer
    Keep your eyes on the ball and wait for the ball to turn or get to front foot (making it a full toss) and swing the bat with full force.
  • Question
    How should I hit big if I am not very strong?
    Community Answer
    Try hitting the ball with the middle of the bat -- this way you get much more power with less strength.
  • Question
    How can I bat more aggressively if I am unable to see the ball very well because of my helmet?
    Community Answer
    Adjust your grill. Ask your coach to practice with you until you are more comfortable with the reduced visibility from the helmet.
  • Question
    How do you hit spinners?
    Community Answer
    Using a full bat swing, with your eye on the ball, strike the ball hard and follow through with your swing.
  • Question
    Is it easy to hit a fast bowler?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Look at the ball when it is coming to you, and take a right shot to score runs, etc.
  • Question
    How can I improve my bat speed to hit harder?
    Community Answer
    Try using a heavier bat in practice. This will build your muscles and will make it easier to swing the bat that you normally use in games.
  • Question
    How would I hit a step out shot?
    Community Answer
    Just try to convert the pitched ball to a full toss and hit it to right area.
  • Question
    What's the best way to hold the bat properly?
    Community Answer
    Your left palm should fold below the right one, fingers aligned with the face of the bat, and have a strong grip.
  • Question
    How do I hit a ball when it's coming from the side?
    Community Answer
    Quickly move your body and hit the ball from that angle.
  • Question
    Is strong muscle condition very important to be an aggressive batsman?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. You should not be so aggressive. Balls respond well to a gentle touch.
  • Question
    Why do I always miss the ball when I hit aggressively?
    Community Answer
    Hitting aggressively shouldn't mean hitting the ball blindly, so make sure you aren't sacrificing accuracy for power.
  • Question
    How do I improve my hand strength when batting?
    Community Answer
    Try exercising with things like pull ups or rock climbing - these focus on and require finger strength. You could also buy some grips at a sporting goods store that will help improve your grip and finger strength.
  • Question
    Is timing more important than strength?
    Community Answer
    No, if your timing is wrong you will not be able to hit a shot no matter how strong you are.
  • Question
    How do I play huge sixes when batting?
    Community Answer
    Move your feet forward to transfer body weight into the shot, and try to hit with the middle of the bat. Maintain a strong grip and always keep your eyes on the ball.
  • Question
    Is full toss better for a straight drive?
    Community Answer
    When a full toss is bowled, most batsmen will jump on the opportunity of a bad ball and smash it. However, if your aim is to stay in, you'd be best not smashing it. A straight drive is best to play when a full ball is bowled.
  • Question
    Can I play offside shots in spinners as well as fastballers?
    Manish Jha
    Community Answer
    That depends on the ball line and length. The ball on the outside of the off stump is the best ball for playing offside shots.
  • Question
    What stance should I take?
    Community Answer
    which ever one is more comfortable to you. It is a matter of personal preference. There are many stances in cricket.
  • Question
    How can I play swipe shot?
    Community Answer
    Carefully watch the ball in the air and play it on its bounce or make it full toss.
  • Question
    How can I play the midwicket flick?
    Community Answer
    Play lightly and lose hand from grip and keep in mind that your bat should be streight so there is no chance of catch.
  • Question
    How do I play grounded shots?
    Community Answer
    Be carefull that your bat should be stright and practice on drives and play underarm ball more and more .
  • Question
    How do I play stress free on the field?
    Community Answer
    Relax, be confident and practice a lot. You will be able to rely on the skills you develop in your practices to play stress free.
  • Question
    How can I go for powerful shots?
    Community Answer
    Put all of your body's motion into hitting the ball. Don't just use your arms for the swing, use your hips to gain extra power.
  • Question
    How can I play the ball which goes up on my stomach right after the bounce?
    Community Answer
    Just extend your arms and pull the ball. You can even go for a back foot straight drive.
  • Question
    How can I improve my vision enough to see the ball when it's coming towards me?
    Community Answer
    Practice a lot. First take a leather ball and hold your bat facing upwards in your bottom hand and keep the top hand for support. Then, keep bouncing the ball on the bat repeatedly. After that you can go to play underarm, overarm and eventually medium pace or spin. Remember that Rome was not built in a day and it takes some time to develop your skills.
  • Question
    How do I control my grip on my bat when batting aggressively?
    Community Answer
    If you keep your top hand tight, you will eventually end up playing an aerial shot without much control. So, remember to keep your top hand tight and bottom hand slightly loose. Left handed batsmen: Right hand tight and left hand loose. Right handed batsmen: Left hand tight and right hand loose.
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