Q&A for How to Bathe a Guinea Pig

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    Whenever I pick up my guinea pig, it usually poops on me. How can I make it stop?
    Jaime Nalezny, DVM
    Exotic Animal Veterinarian
    Dr. Jaime Nalezny is an exotic animal veterinarian with over 15 years of experience, focusing on the care of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and exotic small mammals. Dr. Nalezny founded The Iguana Relocation Network and is on the board of directors for Midwest Avian Adoption & Rescue Services. She graduated from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005.
    Exotic Animal Veterinarian
    Expert Answer
    Place fleece in your lap and use this to keep your lap from getting soiled while holding it. After returning your pet to the enclosure, shake the feces into the toilet or garbage, and wash your hands afterward. Wash fleece with unscented laundry detergent. Guinea pigs are producers of a significant amount of fecal waste and don't go very long between eliminations.
  • Question
    What can i do if the fur falls out of my guinea pig?
    Jaime Nalezny, DVM
    Exotic Animal Veterinarian
    Dr. Jaime Nalezny is an exotic animal veterinarian with over 15 years of experience, focusing on the care of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and exotic small mammals. Dr. Nalezny founded The Iguana Relocation Network and is on the board of directors for Midwest Avian Adoption & Rescue Services. She graduated from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005.
    Exotic Animal Veterinarian
    Expert Answer
    Guinea pigs can carry ringworm and also can get mange, as well as lose fur if they don't get enough vitamin C. If your guinea pig is losing fur you should take them to a veterinarian who sees guinea pigs.
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    What kind of brush should I get?
    Community Answer
    Never use wire brushes. Small, gentle, plastic-tipped brushes are good for piggies.
  • Question
    My guinea pig doesn't dry; it takes about a day, what if she gets cold? What should I do if the hair dryer scares her?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Dry her with a towel thoroughly and keep her indoors for the day.
  • Question
    Would a heating pad work instead of a towel?
    Community Answer
    Do not use a heating pad -- the pigs have sensitive skin and that can easily burn them or make them feel uncomfortable.
  • Question
    What if my guinea pig fell out of the bathtub and got hurt?
    Community Answer
    Take him to the vet! I cannot stress that enough! Guinea pigs are very delicate animals, and get hurt very easily.
  • Question
    What can I do if my guinea pig doesn't let me use the hair dryer?
    Community Answer
    You do not need to use the hair dryer, a towel works just fine. Giving your guinea pig lots of treats might help him feel more relaxed however, especially if you have to use a hair dryer.
  • Question
    Can I use my dog's shampoo to bathe them?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Guinea pigs have very sensitive skin that can easily become irritated. Using dog shampoo is risky, considering it could have an anti-flea remedy in it, so don't risk it.
  • Question
    Do I have to use the towel?
    Community Answer
    You need to dry your guinea pig using either a towel or the lowest setting on your hair dryer.
  • Question
    My daughter just got lice, is it possible my guinea pig has it also? And if so, what can I do?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Human lice cannot be given to guinea pigs, and vice versa. But if you think your guinea pig does have lice, you will need to purchase lice critter powder from your local vet clinic.
  • Question
    What do I with my piggy who hates baths? I need to clean her; she's starting to smell and I have friends coming over.
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    You can consider dry-cleaning her, which is basically wiping her over with a damp cloth. Consider dry shampoos designed for small critters, or even a spray.
  • Question
    My guinea pig has bumble-foot, how do I wash him?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Your guinea pig will require veterinary care for their bumble-foot. If not, it can get a lot worse and painful for your guinea pig. Your doctor might administer you with medication to soak your guinea pig's foot in. A common home-remedy that is said to work is to soak your guinea pig's foot (and foot only) in salty water.
  • Question
    I want to breed my guinea pig, but I don't know what I'll do with the babies, what should I do?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    If you don't intend on keeping the babies, then don't risk it. Breeding risks the health of your guinea pig, and shouldn't be done for fun.
  • Question
    Every time I bathe my guinea pig, he poops in the tub! What can I do to prevent that?
    Community Answer
    Not much! Guinea pigs cannot help themselves - when they need to go, they need to go!
  • Question
    How do i stop my guinea pig from being scared of water?
    Community Answer
    Stroke him gently and talk to him. If he doesn't want to get in the water, add warm water to a cloth and pat the guinea pig gently with it.
  • Question
    Are the same steps for a pregnant guinea pig?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Yes, but it's strongly suggested not to bathe a pregnant guinea pig unless the vet has suggested you to do so for medical reasons. Her stress levels will rise, putting pressure on both her and her babies.
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    Should I use room temperature water to wash him?
    Community Answer
    You should use warm water.
  • Question
    What is the lifespan of a guinea pig?
    Community Answer
    They tend to live around 4-8 years, but the exact amount depends a lot on how well the owner cares for it.
  • Question
    Can I use Dawn dish soap to clean my guinea pig?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    No. Dish soap is specifically designed for, of course, dishes and to cut grease. Using dish soap for guinea pigs will irritate their skin and dry it out, thus leading to a very uncomfortable guinea pig. You should purchase a specialized brand for guinea pigs.
  • Question
    Should I groom my guinea pig with a baby brush that is soft and fluffy?
    Community Answer
    You could. You do not have to unless the guinea pig is a long haired guinea pig, and you can also use guinea pig or rabbit brushes, which can be found at pet stores or online.
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    What if I don't have any guinea pig treats?
    Community Answer
    If you have carrots you have treats.
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    If I can't afford the shampoo what home remedy can I use?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Please decide whether it's absolutely necessary to bathe your guinea pig. If not, then you'll be wasting water, money, time and effort on bathing them when it doesn't need it. It's understandable that proper guinea pig shampoo can be expensive, so compare pricing. The vet clinic might charge more for their shampoo, while the pet shop might be more affordable, and vice-versa. Another last resort option would be to buy baby shampoo, which can come up cheaper. However, restrain from this unless absolutely necessary.
  • Question
    How often should I clean my guinea pig's cage?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    At least once a week. Guinea pigs make a lot of mess, so it wouldn't be out of the blue if you had to clean twice a week. Spot-cleaning daily might also have to be an option for you. It's up to the bedding you use and housing set-up of your cavy.
  • Question
    What if he gets furry after the bath?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    That's normal and expected after you dry him off with a towel.
  • Question
    What shampoo should I use?
    Community Answer
    You should use shampoo made specifically for guinea pigs or small animals. Never use shampoo made for dogs, cats, or humans, as it can dry out their skin, which can lead to skin problems.
  • Question
    Is it normal for my guinea pig to be itching herself all day long?
    Community Answer
    No, you should see a vet. She could have a skin infection off some kind, which could be confirmed through a vet visit.
  • Question
    Are there any specific brands that work well?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Your veterinarian can suggest you a specific brand that should be used to bathe your guinea pig. However, Critter Care shampoo is probably the type you are looking for. Most shampoos designed for guinea pig are effective.
  • Question
    How deep should the water be?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    The water should roughly only come up above their paws. Shallow water is required, as guinea pigs can get stressed in deep-level water and cannot swim for long periods. Having the water at a shallow level reduces risks.
  • Question
    What if he starts squealing and running?
    Community Answer
    That means he's scared. Try not to chase them around too much; that'll stress them out. Bribe them with treats and veggies.
  • Question
    Why is my guinea pig so fast and doesn't really like being picked up?
    Community Answer
    It is scared or it is not use to you. Try bribing them with treats. It'll get more stressed if you chase it more.
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