Q&A for How to Be a Good Reader

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    How can I learn to make reading fun?
    Community Answer
    Choose a book that matches your interests, and whenever you finish a chapter give yourself a reward. Read in a comfortable place with no distractions.
  • Question
    How can you fix your spelling?
    Community Answer
    Sound out words, practice vocabulary, practice spelling words, and read carefully, noticing the spelling of difficult words.
  • Question
    What do I have to do to become a real reader?
    Community Answer
    There are no set requirements to become a "real" reader. Just try to have fun reading and make sure you understand what you're reading.
  • Question
    How do I learn to to enjoy reading?
    Community Answer
    Read a lot of variety to find an author, genre, series, etc. that sparks your interest.
  • Question
    I choose my reading level and the teacher tells me, "It is not your level. Get another book." I got another book and started hating it because it is hard. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell your teacher that you are not enjoying reading that book because it is too difficult. Your teacher's job is to help you learn. If she/he is not understanding that you are struggling, they are not doing their job. The teacher should provide more book options that are more at your reading level.
  • Question
    Is it wrong to read several books at a time?
    Community Answer
    Not at all, as long as you have the ability to keep details straight. It can get muddled if you confuse the characters, the page you're on in each book, and various other factors.
  • Question
    Does reading have any disadvantages?
    Community Answer
    No, as long as you're not neglecting responsibilities, self-care, etc. in favor of reading. Be sure to periodically give your eyes a break as well, by looking away from the book and off into the distance.
  • Question
    Whenever I flip to a new page, I forget what happened on the last page. How do I remember?
    Community Answer
    You have to both read and comprehend. Try visualizing what you are reading in your mind so that you will remember it better.
  • Question
    How can I read then understand without forgetting in the future?
    Community Answer
    Just read with interest and catch the depth of what you're reading, and it should stay with you.
  • Question
    What can I do if someone always distracts me while I am reading?
    Community Answer
    Find a quiet place to read where no one will disturb you.
  • Question
    How can I not get bored when I read?
    Community Answer
    Find a book that you are interested in. Try out different genres or authors. You don't have to read for hours, just read for 15 minutes a day and then decide if you want to read a little more. If that doesn't help, maybe listening to audiobooks is something that you'd like.
  • Question
    I am suffering from a reading disability. How do I deal with this?
    Community Answer
    Just start slowly and work your way up to where you feel most comfortable. Reading disabilities are hard to fight, but you've just got to find books that most interest you and you know you'll be able to read and just work on it.
  • Question
    Where do I have to go to learn how to read?
    Community Answer
    Your mind and your own smarts are best. Consult your parents. Work hard at your school and tell your teacher you want to learn.
  • Question
    What is the best time for reading?
    Community Answer
    Any time is a great time to read.
  • Question
    I have to do a reading log at school and I'm not into reading but I found this great book. How do I make reading a part of my life?
    Community Answer
    Reading is a whole new dimension. Use the time you use for video games to read, but don't use up your time. Squish in reading whenever you can. Get completely involved in the book.
  • Question
    Where we should stop to take a breath while reading?
    Community Answer
    You should pause at punctuation; periods, question marks and exclamation points all denote the end of a sentence, and therefore, a pause. Commas indicate the need for a brief pause.
  • Question
    How can I understand big long chapter books?
    Community Answer
    Take notes. When you take notes, your thoughts will be better organized.
  • Question
    How can I paraphrase and summarize what I read?
    Community Answer
    There are multiple things you can do such as; writing a mini summary after each paragraph or page, make a plot diagram, take notes, make connections, and much more.
  • Question
    How can I speak in public without being nervous?
    Community Answer
    This is very common; most people face this until they grow comfortable reading and speaking in front of crowds. There are some great tips in wikiHow articles Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Speak Confidently in Public .
  • Question
    How do I know when the book is my level?
    Community Answer
    If you like the look of it it's probably good for you.
  • Question
    Does reading make one a better writer?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Reading the work of other writers will give you inspiration and ideas for your own writing, you will gain a better understanding of what works well and what doesn't when it comes to plot, and your vocabulary will improve as you encounter more and different types of words.
  • Question
    Which is the best to read, a soft copy or hard copy?
    Community Answer
    The soft copy is usually cheaper, but other than that there is really no difference. It's up to you!
  • Question
    How do I enjoy books I'm reading?
    Community Answer
    Select books in a genre or subject matter that appeals to you, those by an author whose works you enjoy, or personal recommendations from people whose tastes you trust. If you're reading for enjoyment and don't like the book you're reading, try something different.
  • Question
    Who can I ask for book recommendations?
    Community Answer
    You can look at online book reviews, Goodreads is a good website for book reviews. You can also ask relatives or friends who enjoy reading. Or maybe one of your teachers, especially your English teacher.
  • Question
    How do I read without being nervous or scared?
    Community Answer
    Find a quiet place. Figure out why you are nervous or scared. Don't try to be perfect.
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